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Sunday, March 26, 2017

13 Staggering Photos Of An Abandoned Mental Hospital Hiding In Maryland

There’s no shortage of abandoned places in Maryland and today we’re featuring one that’s among the most disturbing. This facility dates all the way back to 1911, when it opened as the Hospital for the Negro Insane of Maryland. At that time, the facility seemed promising, vowing to care for and treat African American patients who otherwise were jailed for showing psychotic tendencies. But like most asylums from yesteryear, living conditions soon deteriorated and troubling stories of abuse and neglect began to unfold.

Shuttered in 2004, this massive facility rests in Crownsville. What remains is an eerie reminder of the past. 

From the outside, this massive campus is seemingly normal. But looks can be deceiving, as some truly disturbing things happened within these walls.  



  1. I grew up near Crownsville and me and my friends would do dares - walk up to the fence and talk to/ tease patients, go there at night, etc.
    Pretty scary place. Still gives my nightmares. It just looked haunted.

    1. Taunt mental patients. Weren't you the boy scout.

    2. no a snowflake.

    3. How did you do that? The patients were in a small court yard one hour a day and the hour would change and it was never 5 days a week. The patients were never alone without security staff and the perimeter fence was Stragically place with miles of woods behind it. You must have had a inside staff member? But how did they hear you taught them because the court yard was easy 3 football fields away from the outside perimeter fence? Loud speaker? I'm just wondering how you did it. Thanks.

  2. Now the people that would have been locked up there just walk among us and commit horrible acts.

    1. Yes but everyone who was there is not killing or hurting anyone. I was a patient and am a college grad and work. But not because of them myself

  3. you will fit right in.

  4. If this country was humane we would be using these types of places for the mentally ill and those suffering drug abuse. But this country is letting people die (and yes commit crimes) due to the almighty dollar. I had a loved one nearly killed in the Veterans hospital in Maryland by a mentally ill patient. We are no longer a proud nation nor should we be.

  5. 7:00...and it is a well known fact that is how Jeffery Dalmer started out. Ended up killing and eating people.

  6. It needs to be reopened. We have plenty of worthy candidates!

    One doctor will be plenty, though! Obama being treated by Obamacare; SWEET!

  7. Zorro.....5:52 must have been referring to your comment.Lol

  8. Anonymous said...
    Taunt mental patients. Weren't you the boy scout.

    March 20, 2017 at 7:00 PM

    They were girls you big Dummy!

  9. Anonymous said...
    If this country was humane we would be using these types of places for the mentally ill and those suffering drug abuse. But this country is letting people die (and yes commit crimes) due to the almighty dollar. I had a loved one nearly killed in the Veterans hospital in Maryland by a mentally ill patient. We are no longer a proud nation nor should we be.

    March 20, 2017 at 6:37 PM

    Ask Joe about the mental Thug who attacked a teenager at PRMC and nearly killed him. Joe did a story on it.

  10. Anonymous said...
    It needs to be reopened. We have plenty of worthy candidates!

    One doctor will be plenty, though! Obama being treated by Obamacare; SWEET!

    March 20, 2017 at 7:53 PM

    That's correct. They all need to be opened up and put the candidates in their for life. There is no cure for mental illnesses.

  11. They still use some of the buildings from this facility on the property. They recently opened another Gaudenzia treatment center here the end of summer 2016... a friend of mine was there & said it was super creepy and haunted. At least they're using it for something good, though.

  12. I snuck into the this building about 15 years ago to take photographs. Didn't break in, caused no damage, just found an opening big enough to squeeze through. Only in there for about a half hour before an elderly security guard showed up to escort me off the property but got some amazing..and some disturbing shots. While the security guard would have been well within his rights to call the police as I was trespassing, he ended up looking at the pictures I had taken and gave me an in depth history of the place as he'd work there in his younger year, as had his father.

  13. I had to survey that place not to long ago, maybe about a year ago... The history there is crazy... If I stand corrected, they renovated some of the buildings and put medical offices there...

  14. They also had a youth facility on the grounds in 07 through 011 I "believe" It used to be called Potomac ridge. Sat in the very back on a big hill right next to the fenced in gated facility which was to the right of it. I was there in 08 through 09. Wasn't. Why long after they shit it down.

  15. They really need to reopen places like this. I see plenty of people every day that needs these services.


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