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Sunday, March 26, 2017

They Moved To D.C., Not Maryland


  1. a hijab made with our flag? how low will they go to destroy america?

    1. The SAME goes for teeshirts shorts scarfs socks they are AGAINST THE FLAG CODE.

  2. After 8 years of constant viewing/pub you'd think she'd get her teeth fixed. YUCK!!

    1. The woman has never bitten all the way through a piece of pizza.

  3. 7:22 whats the difference between a hijab made from the flag and some idiot wearing the flag as a cape or a body suit?

  4. I'm not sure if many of your readers are aware it is possible to be both Muslim and American..

  5. 840, you shouldn't be surprised when most of these clowns actually believe MO is holding up a gang sign.

  6. They should be the first to be deported. His illegal term as POTUS, by his own words, proves he is an "enemy of the State". Some of these people leaving comments need to know more about "gangs" and their sign language. Yes she is using "gang language"

  7. 8:40 - People like you are probably Liberals who don't understand the importance of the flag to this country. When people use it in ways that is not permitted, that is by definition Anti-American! So if You are wearing a US Flag Hijib or supporting those who do, you are Violating the Law against How to Display the Flag and You are part of of the problem! If you hate Our Country so much that you cannot even support Our Flag, why do you stay here? I'm sure there are plenty of Countries that would welcome you and the socialism that you love so much!

    Joe - this is not aimed at You. This is a hilarious picture of Obummer and Michael! We need to keep reminding people like 8:40 of the actions these Traitors did in the White House and now in Obummer's shadow government. Keep up the Good Work!

  8. Screw Muslims- and horse they rode in on. Keep thinking it is a great thing, yeah - keep watching.

  9. She's sporting that underbite due to a lifetime of being miserable and frowning. She as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. Thank God these low life lying ghetto scum are gone. I hope Trump fumigated the White House before moving in because the air would have been so fouled by the rank putridness of this ghetto garbage and not fit to breath by the good and the righteous.

  10. she can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence

  11. How about this loser and his boyfriend do what all other EX-presidents have done?
    Keep your mouth shut and don't denigrate the current one. You don't make foreign policy anymore and your input on domestic issues is also unneeded, unwanted, and unnecessary.
    In fact, you left the country in economic shambles and without a sense of direction. You SHOULD shut up instead of constantly reminding the citizenry of how stupid and incompetent you really are....your boyfriend is butt ugly, too.

  12. Obama wont snuggle up with momma til she puts that rag over her face, matter of fact, she's a 2 ragger

  13. 12:30 - Not only should he keep his mouth shut and let President Trump do the Job we Elected him to do, Obummer and Michael should Leave Washington At Once like all other EX-presidents have done. There is No Need for him to continue to live in Washington other than to try to Bring President Trump down. His so-called daughter can finish school back in Chicago. It is not President Trump's responsibility to let her be educated in Washington!

  14. The nerve of some of you to comment on her teeth. The worst teeth I have ever seen are on people from Wicomico County. People with no front teeth shouldn't throw stones.

  15. Hijabs are oppressive to women. Muslim women should refuse to wear them. Unfortunately there will be a price to pay in doing so.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:22 whats the difference between a hijab made from the flag and some idiot wearing the flag as a cape or a body suit?

    March 22, 2017 at 8:39 AM

    One is on the head, the other is on the body.


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