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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hogan’s deep popularity in Md. weakens when voters consider 2018, Post poll finds

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s stratospheric approval rating has slipped for the first time since the Republican took office, a new Washington Post-University of Maryland poll finds, while voter skepticism of President Trump and his party threatens to complicate the governor’s bid for reelection next year.

Hogan holds a 65 percent job approval rating, down from a high of 71 percent last September, but still above the highest mark in Post polls for each of the state’s three previous governors.

Yet Hogan’s support for reelection lags far behind his approval rating, with 41 percent of registered voters saying they would support him for a second term and 37 percent preferring a Democrat.

The margin has narrowed since September, when Hogan held a 46 to 30 percent edge over a generic Democrat. No Democratic candidate has entered the 2018 race so far, though several have said they are considering it.



  1. he's a RINO and will not get my vote this time!

  2. You where warned Hogan....give us open legal carry.

  3. You see, he has a conundrum. If he governs as a Republican (the ones that put him on the ticket) he gets nothing done. If he consorts with the Democrats in order to accomplish anything as Governor, then he loses support of the people that he needs to get put on the ticket a second time. If he wants a second term, and continues to consort with the Democrats, then his best bet would be to change parties. Then he wouldn't have to worry about appeasing any Republican base, and he would be a shoo-in against any Democrat challenger.

  4. That is how the system works 10:28, and that is why people say it is rigged in a sense... Because it is... they give you lip service, and you all fall for it every time... All becasue what? they whisper sweet nothings in your ear at the time of voting? I mean when are you people going to actually use your own brain and think for once? There are no honest people in politics and never will be again... And for you people to ignore history, which proves where we will be going in the future, because history ALWAYS repeats itself.... That is why it is called a circle!!!! What does a circle do? come back on itself...

  5. But you rather have a tax and spend liberal.... Hogan got my vote

    1. No but he needs to give us the people our gun rights, at times hogan with his INACTIONS looks like a dem ? Remeber he didnt back Trump?.

  6. He has got to go!! He's a pure RINO!!

  7. Certainly are enough RINO s around here already
    Agree with above. There are no honest politicians.

  8. To ALL of the people ragging on Hogan about right to carry, keep your shirts on.

    As I had stated in the past, he will NOT present any such thing in his first term. HOWEVER, I have it on good authority that this is a no brainer once Hogan makes it into his second and final term.

    So STOP putting that comment up in every single Hogan post/article. He's not a stupid man.

    1. so true Joe.....he is surrounded by commie legislators that are just looking to get voted back in....He needs to drain this States Swamp too..

  9. Nothing will be done for MD citizens right to carry until you get rid of the Baltimore / DC corridor control of MD Politics. I am 100% 2nd amendment and against MD's strict regulations. If you want change quit voting Democrats in. MD is little California so use your brain and be a leader instead of a passive / complaining follower and educate yourself with facts.

    1. Let them stay gun free and let only the thugs carry ?

  10. At this point anything Hogan tried to enact would be shut down by the communist controlling our state. I think the only thing that would convince me he was true to his word is if he pushed really hard to speed up the prosecution of those responsible for the gerrymandering and voter fraud that created this majority of law breakers/makers....and I dont mean just more headlines and lip service, lets get these crooks prosecuted.

  11. Only positive action on his part will gain back my vote, promises wont cut it this time.

  12. I wasnt happy that Governor Hogan went out of his way to distance himself from President Trump and continue to hold that against him but we have no other choice or we will end up with another Omalley.It seems like the dims are still in charge.

  13. Keep your negative comments up and we WILL have another Democrat in the governors spot


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