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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Salisbury Maryland Anti Trump Rally's Leader In Her Own Words


  1. God bless her. She probably owns a cat or has had a bat poop on her. She's prescription pill crazy.

  2. Dem Ho's need to fix dem Groucho Marks eyebrows!!!!!!! Damn, are supply two grocery bags to cover their heads.....LOL

  3. Just another mixed up snowflake looking for attention

  4. ??? These people are just plain nuts!

  5. Her parents must be so disappointed.

  6. Oh please Joe..like looking at Alfalfa in a wig..just scary!

  7. WOW! If she was so happy with her life style then why all the tears? Her family and best friends know, so again if she is so happy and proud of the life style that she has chosen, then why all the boo, hoo hoo hoo ing? Magical Molly has some serious issues and needs to seek some professional help! Things do not appear to be "Normal" with her.

  8. Why am I reminded of Michelle Obama?

  9. Songs from the Big ChairFebruary 12, 2017 at 4:49 PM

    This poor little snowflake doesn’t know what the hell she’s after because she doesn’t even know who the hell she is. She’s a poster child of everything that’s wrong with the University system. She graduated from SU a year or so ago and doesn’t even know who or what she is?

    If anything this bodes badly for SU and their ability to help young adults find their path in life. It's a sad state that this child has no clue and just a rebel without a clue or a cause. She's spinning in a sea of retardation while she tries to irk out her life's path through some sort of trial and error phase that should've ended when she put on her cap and gown to receive her bachelors.

  10. she is about 25 years to late if she thought anyone cares she is bisexual...

  11. I just cannot believe I just wasted 15 minutes watching this!

  12. 4:42
    I was wondering the same thing. Why all the fake tears?

  13. She mentioned great parents, so in respect for them I am reluctant to comment. OMG...WTH!!

  14. I am straight waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  15. Who is that Lizard next to her(Him)... whatever .....it!

  16. she needs to watch FOX and go to church!

    1. Get back to work. Better not let the County boss see you on her. e

  17. Just like a snowflake she cant make up her mind .

  18. OMG these females are sad! I don't know why but for curiosity sake I watched all 3 videos and the whole time I'm thinking WTF. She makes Jim Ignatowski from Taxi look like Einstein. Whoever actually listens to this chick and follows her is a special kind of stupid.

    1. Other idiot clueless college snowflakes.

  19. MOLLY if your not a walking sex toy why do yo still like MEN lol more like "girly" Men 50% of the time you like Women ??

  20. My Ex-wife was deemed crazy by her 2 doctors, the arresting officers, and the Judge that gave me the divorce, house, and kids, but this chick has won the WHACK-JOB OLYMPICS! That 3rd video is the winning proof she's NOT :bi:, but a schizoid man-hater!

  21. Couldn't get pass 20 seconds of it
    All I can say is please just move to California and stay forever
    That's where she belongs

  22. In the bottom video @ 1:22 having a "Dick" doesn't make you special??

    Does that lesbian have issues with men?

  23. i doubt she has a job, but just in case someone ought to find out if she does and where so we can raise hell with her employer and have her fired. And if not how does she live? if she's receiving government assistance then it should be stopped. Make her life hell just like she is trying to do to all the hard working conservatives out there!

  24. Total whack job, she needs some serious long, long term therapy.

  25. Magical Molly needs serious psychiatric assistance.
    I hope her parents are watching.
    This girl (and I could care less about her sexual preferences) will be dead by her own hand in years, or live a lifetime of pain unless she gets help.
    I pray she gets it .

    1. Coming from someone who actually studies psychology. You're comment has absolutely no scientific backing. You're just an idiot.

  26. She graduated from SU last year? Oh my, don't believe that prob little know fact would be good pub for the school.

    THEN AGAIN....pass the CoCo Puffs for engagement purposes!

  27. 651 she supposedly works at SU and they're very supportive of her protest! why does this surprise me not?

  28. thing is, i could care less who someone sleeps with because it's their business but do they have to walk around wearing their sexuality on their sleeves. 'hi, i'm gay.' do we walk around going 'hi i'm straight?' nope. so why do they have to make it the sum total of their whole existence? cool gay people rock but others have a severe chip on their shoulder and look for trouble.

  29. She seems to lack an identity.

  30. All of the posts above are great!

  31. If You looked like her you have to get ATTENTION from somewhere.

  32. Sign it up for the military

  33. 7:02. Spot on. She's 3 fries short of a happy meal. Obviously in need of attention, and in need of psychiatric help. Her next calls for help will be attempting suicide a few times before she succeeds. I'd be surprised if she, makes it past 30.
    I hope her parents don't give up on her. Get help now!

  34. She is kinda hot for a crazy chick.. just saying..

  35. how many showed up for this protest?

  36. Why was she on this blog?

  37. If she took a shower, brushed her teeth(the few left), and used mouth wash I might...

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Magical Molly needs serious psychiatric assistance.
    I hope her parents are watching.
    This girl (and I could care less about her sexual preferences) will be dead by her own hand in years, or live a lifetime of pain unless she gets help.
    I pray she gets it .

    February 12, 2017 at 7:02 PM

    If you could care less then you are a part of the problem!!

    Homosexual is a real mental illness and that is why she acts like this. DUH!! The only reason it is no longer in the DSM is because Homosexuals were on the Board and wrote the changes to benefit them. DUH!!

  39. Anonymous said...
    how many showed up for this protest?

    February 12, 2017 at 11:01 PM

    Pay Attention!!

  40. I went to middle school with her at Saint Francis de Sales Catholic school. Her mother was also a teacher at the school. They were both ran out after a year of drama and non stop issues. Her mother went on to become an Administrator at bennett high school.

    1. lol
      This town will never learn keep hiring rejects.

  41. She is irrational. It makes no sense to protest the ban. It is a temporary measure. Intelligent rational people realize things change and all policy has to be updated and improved upon at some point in time and now is that time. The many terrorist attacks occurring in the US and EU prove it's time to make some changes.
    Just for the record polls are showing that over 50% of people approve of the 'ban' EO with around only 38% disapproving. They are in the minority.

    1. I didnt believe in abortion but Molly ?

  42. Oh wow 10:49 I feel for you. The women in you circles must really be fugly if you think she's hot. Dude you need to get out more.

  43. She's is dishonest and an out and out liar. If she were honest she would call the ban what it is and that is a TEMPORARY ban. That James Yaki..... is another one. Never met a left wing lie he isn't willing to spread. Says much about the content of their character and it isn't pretty. I would really like to know more about their familiar backgrounds. Obviously severe and major dysfunction. The worst is they don't have a hold over their dysfunction and are poisoning their own children.

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. She doesn't deserve any attention.

  46. Sad to think that these young people will be running the world when all of us older normal people die off.

  47. ROFLMAO!!! I heard 1 of them reeks so badly of feminine odor that behind her back they call her Summers Eve. I wonder if it's this one.

  48. Reminds me of a book title that needs to be done fast on these idiots.
    The book "A Time to Kill".
    Snowflake idiots need to go!

  49. Seems odd people are associated her as bi with being crazy.

    Homophobia is a real illness my friends.

  50. She should be crying the sinning sexual pervert. Sexual deviants like her need to cry. They are sinners who unless they change their sinning sexually perverted dirty ways are going to hell I would be crying to if I was such a nasty dirty sinner like this filthy dirty pervert girl is. Shame on her-bisexual. Dirty filthy nasty sinning pervert girl, Cry you need to cry you pervert.

  51. Ever notice that crazy people are always the last ones to admit their crazy?

  52. "Anonymous said...

    Coming from someone who actually studies psychology. You're comment has absolutely no scientific backing. You're just an idiot.

    February 14, 2017 at 1:00 AM"

    You do know psychology is one of the 10 ten useless degrees don't you? It's going to do you about as much good in life as a class on gender studies, art history, sports and entertainment management etc. That' the problem with you people and why you never amount to much. Too much wasting of time.

  53. Get a LIFE ....you Not changing Anything ....Trump WON !!!


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