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Sunday, February 19, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Hispanics Refuse To Show Up For Work Today On The Eastern Shore

Thousands of Hispanic workers didn't show up for work this morning here on the Shore and companies are truly feeling their loss. Multiple chicken processing plants are allegedly at a stand still today as Hispanics want to make a statement against President Trump about deportation and their fear of staying in America.

One has to wonder, will they have jobs tomorrow, or will they be in welfare lines and applying for food stamps should they lose their jobs.


  1. Knowing most true hispanics they aren't jepordizing work for some BS protest, only the Americanized lazy fare Hispanics are home...no loss.

  2. Mountaire is hiring.Just go sign up today at 13n at the old hearing aid place kitty corner from Ponzetti's. You'll probably have a job by morning!

  3. 1000's of job openings!

  4. Farm all and hire hard working Americans,LOL.

  5. If they cut welfare, food-stamps, housing subsidies, and Oweblama-phones, they'll be plenty of folks that will be available for work...or starvation! Considering the people I'm referring to, either one would be OK!

  6. If they need to be deported, then lets get it done.


  8. Fire all of them and if they don't have green cards or born here send them packing no welfare or food stamps

    1. Goes to ahow how ignorant you are undocumented people can not recieve welfare or food stamps.and when they work the govt. Keeps the tax revenue because they can't claim it. So crying about shir you know nothing about.

  9. Call Unemployment office and work release prisons. Let them know how many opening's you currently have.

  10. 8:48 AM WOW nice way to slam your country.

  11. Problem is....they have let the liberal left "con" them into thinking their in jeopardy of being deported. NOT TRUE! If they are legally here they will stay here. They were conned into walking off the job that they very well might lose in the morning. Hope Trump gets this welfare thing in order as well. Bring down the welfare benefits to a minimum to where folks can get food until they get a job and you will see lots of these job openings get filled quickly. People will not get off the couch watching TV or playing games if the Govt keeps providing a better lifestyle NOT working than earning a decent living. I say back to Govt cheese and rice if on welfare and you'll see the unemployment rate hit an all time low! Raising MIN Wage is NOT the answer. Lowering welfare benefits is. Hispanics have been duped by the "Left". Im certain some of them will lose jobs......

  12. Hasn't effected my job or inconvenienced anyone here at work.
    Strike all they want. Go back to where they came from if they hate it so much and take their problems from that third world hell hole they came from with them!

  13. Replace them there are good workers out there
    Call ICE to come to the rally.
    Lock them all up.

    1. So are you going to get down on your knees and do the hard work that Latinos do in this country. Or are you one of the ones that is afraid of braking a nail and hard work under the blazing sun. Because that is what Latinos do day in and day out. We do the work that you guys are afraid of

    2. Exactly!!! 💯💯💯

    3. No, you do anything because you're illegaly here and want to stay that way. Deport every illegal here and watch the unemployment rate drop drastically. So maybe try working on becoming legal as hard as you do to stay illegal and there won't be a problem. Puto.

  14. Fire them all. Force the welfare bums to do the job or lose all benefits. Problem solved. Next!!

  15. Not sure what they are protesting, The only thing that's been addressed is illegal immigration and Muslims from at risk countries being vetted. And that's why Trump won...People want to feel safe.

  16. Fire them all! They almost get what they deserve! Don't hire them and hopefully they will LEAVE!

  17. It's takes a special kind of iILLEGAL to skip a AMERICAN JOB and protest the possibility of being DEPORTED when you were to lazy to go through the processes. 75 percent are illegals working their.

  18. Forget firing them. If they are illegal, they should, quite simply, be deported. If they are legal, the poultry plants need to re-consider their policy of hiring so many Hispanics that they can shut down their plant with a work stoppage.

  19. Instead of protecting illegals that work for them, the poultry palnts now need to report the illegals that are working for them. If they do, the ones that are left will never walk off teh job again. I bet they would only have to get rid of a few before they get the message.

  20. I guess you won't be able to eat at Texas Roadhouse tonight since the whole kitchen staff is latinos.

  21. If we cut off ALL the flow from the government teat, no one would have a reason to come here and so called americans would have to go to work in order to survive.

  22. I know that many Hispanics are working in our area. Most are undocumented. Nearly all of the ones, of which I have first hand knowledge, have been here many years. Most for more than ten years and some for more than twenty. They pay all federal and state income taxes and social security taxes. Their employer pays all the appropriate matching taxes plus workmens compensation. None of these folks receive any form of handout from the government. I agree that they should become "legal" and wish there was a path for them to gain their citizenship, with proper and thorough vetting of course. They want to pledge allegiance to America and live without fear. Furthermore, I agree we should restrict new immigrants from entering the country through a more stringent vetting process. One in which we feel confident about the information we are given. By the way, I am the employer of these hard working people.

    1. And how do they pay taxes with no social security number? Steal someones? You should be arrested and charged with every crime they can charge you with. Shame on you for employing them. Hope you never get outed, your business would go under quick. And rightfully so.

    2. You need to your head out of your ass and grow up .ide like to see you work a hard day in your life . and who cares about immigrant people iam sure your folks were not natives and came from elsewhere.

  23. 10:07 stop with the bleeding heart crap. you want to come to this country, come here legally. no one is stopping them they are just lazy

    1. 10:21 stop with your stupidity. Thay had a free pass for the past 20 years and every one knows thats the truth.

    2. 10:21 stop with your stupidity. Thay had a free pass for the past 20 years and every one knows thats the truth.

  24. "..None of these folks receive any form of handout from the government.."

    Maybe none of YOUR employees, but that statement cannot be true overall.

    And the effects of their illegal presence go well beyond the workplace.

  25. Are they here legally or not?
    If they are illegal, the chicken companies should be fined for hiring them.
    It also shows, that the company(ies) weren't too smart in just relying on them to work. Everyone always talks about diversification, guess they didn't get the memo!

  26. As our great President would say, "You're Fired"!

  27. You can bet they are getting MORE MONEY for protesting than they would have earned today by working..

  28. this is really bad, it's like when the Verizon workers went on strike last year and the company had to shut down. oh wait, that's right Verizon is still in business, sorry

  29. I must support only true American businesses because I have eaten breakfast and lunch and shopped today without a problem. Only thing noticed was Indian river schools less populated today, guess that clears up for me why they are asking for more money and why I will vote no for the school tsk referendum in March

  30. Who cares about the chicken companies. They are behind the liberal immigration polices so they can have a steady stream of workers ready willing and able to work for low wages.

  31. The demonstration is designed to show people how dependent the area has become on the presence of the immigrants. Maryland being a 'welcoming' state, many of them are illegal.

    So, take note of the places that are badly disrupted by the demonstration, and let the owners know what you think of them using so much "cheap labor" at YOUR expense.

    YES-- it is costing you PLENTY! Just the schools alone is mega-bucks.

  32. 10:07 like they are ever going to tell you what they do and don't do. If 'undocumented' how are they paying income taxes? Employers or at least the up and up ones require them to show work visa or a green card.
    Most receive hand outs if not from the government because anchor babies are eligible for welfare benefits but in the form of handouts from local food pantries etc. I know someone who lives directly across the street from a church in DE. She said it's 100% hispanics and latinos at the monthly food pantry. They also use services that are dependent on government grants like the many health clinics private and public such as state health dept facilities. This is a form of welfare.

  33. Don't be fooled 10:07. There is a "path to citizenship" for those holding Green cards and meet other very simple requirements. 100's of 1000's of people are naturalized a year. The problem is most here have no intention of becoming citizens. That's why they hoard money and send it back home. Of very large percentage of legal immigrants here from Mexico and Latin American very few become citizens. The percentage of those from majority Muslim countries is less. This because they don't want to and have no intention of becoming citizens. They want to go home and are only here to make money, milk the system, send money home and eventually move back there.

  34. They can take their Mexican flag while they enjoy living here and shove it up their ying yang!

  35. Delmar Pizza is not opening today due to this

  36. Didn't show up for work? They're probably down at the welfare/unemployment agency filling out paperwork like their wives and girlfriends filled out years ago to get welfare. Go to any post office around noon in a town with an immigrant work force. They'll be lined up buying money orders to send American $$$'s back home.

  37. Hey 10:07, they did not come here legally. If you are like you say, employing these hard working illegals, you should be jailed as well. All you are doing is lining your pockets as well as Mexico's and Guatemala's economy. Stand outside of a Western Union on a Friday afternoon. What do you think the hundred or so Latinos are doing there? Oh that's right sending all that money home. Get real! If you didn't need them your opinion would be different.

  38. 12:52, Awesome, I hope they lose quite a bit of money! Maybe they need to reevaluate their hiring practices!

  39. The point that seems to be missing is the word "Illegal" immigrant. If all the "immigrants" are legal then what's their problem?

  40. Stupid on the part of those who didn't come to work. The chicken companies and other employers could care less about 1 day. They aren't going to lose much because it will end up being less they have to pay out for wages. They know everyone will come back to work tomorrow. This proves nothing other then the immigrants need the jobs otherwise they would have staged a longer walkout. One day walkout is meaningless. The immigrants are at the complete mercy of the employers and the employers know it.

  41. I think ICE should show up att eh workplaces tomorrow and take the names of those who did not show up then check their immigration status. Come Monday morning go grab the illegals and deport them. Might even think about giving a warning or a fine to the company for hiring them in the first place.

  42. Delmar pizza closed .hmmmmm

  43. I heard from a mexican fellow that the blacks who work at the chicken plants are very angry at the people who didn't show up because it only made their jobs more difficult. This isn't going to turn out well for the ones who didn't show up and those who thought this walk out was a clever idea. A lot of blacks are already angry because they realize they would get paid more if not for the immigrants.

  44. Fire the SOB's then send them back !!!

  45. College students are lining up at the chicken farms to make the big bucks. Lol

  46. Joe, how about a list of businesses that participated in this nonsense so I won't go there anymore?

  47. Blogger Jr Ayala said...
    So are you going to get down on your knees and do the hard work that Latinos do in this country. Or are you one of the ones that is afraid of braking a nail and hard work under the blazing sun. Because that is what Latinos do day in and day out. We do the work that you guys are afraid of

    February 16, 2017 at 8:32 PM

    Not only are you full of it, being what you say is not true that makes you a liar.

  48. And yet, America is still running and so is the Eastern Shore! All they did was lose a day of pay and cause problems for businesses who lost patronage!

  49. I love Latinos. I grew up in southern California and they add a lot to our culture. But the illegals should be deported asap.

  50. Really, never missed them?

  51. I am Hispanic and offended at some of the above remarks. This is and shouldn't be of a racial issue, because if it is, most hispanics are here because they want to take care of their families, or because they want out out of their country's unlawfulness. Most hispanics work their butts off, doing jobs most white Americans think is beneath them. The companies that hire them, do so to gain a profit, because most hispanics will work for pennies. I know, because my father worked for a company that paid him nearly nothing compared to his counterpart white American. So....... before you speak put yourself in the shoes of a hard working, selfless individual who may not speak your language but is here to take care of their own while being taken advantage of.

  52. They NOT America .....just GO BACK were ya'll came from
    and the Real Americans can get Back the jobs you Stole !!!!


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