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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Molly Gets Salisbury Police To Shut Down Roads In Downtown Salisbury Saturday & More


  1. Spd liberal chief gets a call from a clueless mayor who gets a wink from the king cupcake Jim liarton.

  2. Taj backed out LOL i wonder when the last time the taj had a food inspection ?

  3. Taj Mahal backs out for personal reasons?
    More likely that: a) they saw the writing on the wall that this could negatively affect business and, b) there was not enough time to comply with Health Department regulations to be able to obtain a permit for mobile food service.

    1. Exactly thats what we stopped she didnt want to obey by laws and get peemits through mayors office or health dept so yea taj mahal pretty much got message but shutting down the roads thats not good they have the sidewalk and there stage why block roads


  4. Wonder if Mollie has a program for time and name of each speaker and performer that she can post on her site or email to SBYNews? Also wondering if I should wear a pussy hat.

    Are you sure I'll be protect by police? Can't imagine that the magical child who forgot who her employer was, could remember a conversation about police protection or food service.

  5. I cant wait until tommorrow

  6. If I need to get down that street during an emergency and I'm blocked in anyway I will sue the city of Salisbury.

    1. Of course you would, you're probably one of those sue happy people that file frivolous lawsuits.

  7. I promise you Duncan will be clueless as usual and will not be prepared if things get out of control. Great selection there Mayor in keeping her on board. Not as you promised as we slowly self destruct internally. Thanks...

  8. 7:47 was it really them? Cops have a duty to protect the citizens. If you want, you can do the same thing with a Trump rally.

  9. 7:55 That's too deep for Molly and Co. Taj Mahal told them personal reasons knowing the real reasons would completely stump them. They can't grasp the concept of regulations and such. This is why they are spreading lies about the ban and the President's proposed immigration policy. Their IQ's are somewhere down in the imbecile/idiot/moron range.

  10. Thats because this is a sewer roots movement. Orchestrated by the lowest of low with nothing to lose. Those at the top {day, irton,chief, ect} are delighted with this because it brings more of the low life that voted them into office. It further promotes turning downtown and eventually all of Salisbury, into slums until its riddled with crime, drugs and blight. This achieves even more handouts, more helplessness and more free stuff = more democrat votes = more democrat control over the slaves. This all falls into the scheme, just like the selling of the parking lots for pennies and building sec8 housing right in your faces. Businesses will flee, theres already a steady flow of homeless and helpless individuals walking main street day and night. This is exactly how they destroyed Bmore and Chicago...if you build it they will come. Its a politicians job security.

  11. She has checked with the City of Salisbury about all of this. Isn't that County property? I mean it is the Wicomico County Courthouse. I don't think Salisbury really has a say on what goes on there. I also hope she realizes if things are destroyed her name is on this event and the county could and SHOULD go after her for damages.

    1. Thats what ive been saying any riots or destruction of property assaults etc are on her and hopefully they dont leave all there trash and bs sighns on the ground like womans march in dc but like i said anything happens its on her for starting and should be jailed when it does

    2. THEY the Anti cop anti american pro refugee pro open boarders pro soros are the VIOLENT GROUP not Conservitives BUT we WILL protect OURSELVES F A C T.

  12. Maybe she can get Delmar pizza to cater being their business is gone.

  13. Delmar pizza will probably bring free food to all illegals then yell at the police for being their.

  14. It's a wise move on the part of Taj Mahal owners to not get involved with this, whatever the reason given.

  15. 8:21
    They don't have enough sense to stay out of the street. Their IQ doesn't even register on the scale. Idiots one and all?

  16. Watch the news folks for the faces you recognize at this "event." Then you will know which ones of your neighbors and acquaintances are part of the radical leftist movement that wants to overthrow the duly elected government. Then you can treat them appropriately. This is small town politics, not the big city. Showing your face at one of these events over here can be detrimental to your standing in your neighborhood, unless you reside is a government funded complex.

    1. Susan Olsen and Jackie Finch of the Pals organization and John Wrights hang out on Old Ocean City Road....that Unitarian nut place

  17. They are nothing but a bunch of Feminists lesbian radical left wing poets...LOL In other words they contribute nothing to society but chaos.

  18. I am so glad the PD is keeping them penned in and closing streets. The streets have to be closed to protect the motorists who very well could be targeted by these lunatics. We see time and time again what happens at their "peaceful" rallies and protests. They try to disrupt traffic, get to busing things up including setting vehicles on fire and they turn violent towards others too.

    1. Bad thing is insurance companies wont take a claim if your vehicle is destroyed or anything if it were by rioters

  19. Who is paying for the extra police and ambulance service (not to mention the clean up)? Is it part of the permit fee or a public (taxpayer) fund?

  20. "I also hope she realizes if things are destroyed her name is on this event and the county could and SHOULD go after her for damages.

    February 17, 2017 at 8:21 AM"

    Good luck with that. You do know we are dealing with a bunch of peons here. Those degrees in gender studies et al will barely get you a meal off the dollar menu. There is a post on here showing how many of them have made careers of trying to stay one step ahead of the bill collectors.

  21. Shame on the city of Salisbury shutting down city streets that we, taxpayers, may need, This is just a disgrace. We, the working people, pay these taxes and the city of Salisbury is just wrong. Seems as though we are turning in to Little Baltimore. I am ashamed of this

  22. City better get the trash brigade ready because seeing how these nasty people are it's going to be a big mess.

  23. I hope the thieves of our town have a heyday while the cops are tied up with this baloney.

  24. I hope the radical leftists start the biggest riot you have ever seen in your life and that stupid cup cake that organized this crap winds up in jail.

  25. Everyone go to Rothschild Broadcasting website and call or email them. Tell them you heard the freelancer Mollie Lies A Lot, oops I mean Molly Likovich, works for them as a writer. Tell them you are very interested in her writings so could they kindly post them on their FB or website.

  26. I'm just wondering if they are going to wear their vagina hats on their heads. So goofy.

  27. My question is who is being billed for the extra Police and Ambulance service? This should not be at the expense of the Tax Payer. I know that SPD, WCSO, SFD, State Police and othe tax payer services are not volunteering their time.

  28. The public pays for it, except for the ambulance part. Those needing an ambulance will be billed for the service. Collecting is another story.

  29. Of course they are going to wear their vagina hats. Go to their FB pages. They can't form a complete sentence with including vulgarities. The lower class feels their vulgarity empowers them somehow. It's all they have since their arguments always without fail fall flat.

  30. I looked at those who are say they are attending the No Ban No Wall rally. Molly Lies A Lot will have much to be proud of if they all show. She will have gotten more fat women out and active in one day then Michelle Obama did in 8 years.

  31. LOL of course the PD is going to block the streets. She's twisted it to be she's something special. What's being done is they are being herded and then corralled into an area where they can be kept under control better, filmed whatever. The PD know they are predisposed to destruction and violence. They do watch TV and read the news after all.

  32. Molly is a drug that makes people crazy. Or a crazy person who needs drugs.

  33. The girl has LIED directly to everyone about her employment and affiliations among other things. How can she face these people publicly? She is clearly is a psychotic moron. Why is anyone going to attend this? Is she going to slice her wrists on stage or something? Announce that liberals lead in STI's? This Is the pathetic shat show that the left has become! Imagine Paul Martin speaking tomorrow! Haha

  34. Streets have to be closed to protect innocent people from them. They haven't evolved into civilized human beings. They are primal. Walking around with vaginas on their heads, busting stuff up and breaking windows and setting fires and stuff. Precautions have to be taken because when you get their type in groups they have no impulse control. Proof is in all their other "peaceful" rallies.

  35. Food truck has back out-translation- illegal alien driving truck or failed health inspection.

  36. Molly, I am sure there will be plenty of red hot GOP elephant dung for you and all your bisexual friends to feast on.


  37. Bike racks are sure to be jammed as entire families hop on their family bike and head to the core of the 'bury for this really awesome group hug. Hope there are no scuffles for desirable bike rack slots.

    Think mare's Section 8 housing plan should include a multi-story bike parking garage to handle the onslaught.


  38. I can GUARANTEE that there will not be an ambulance on site. She is lying, yet again! They may have told her there will be an ambulance on stand by... but it will not be on site... It will be at the fire house... Which is where it always is... Always on stand by... She's trying to drum up excess drama, nothing more

  39. This is a public place on county property. Who ever gets to those steps first gets to use them as their stage. If I was with the Pro Trump rally I would be sleeping on those steps tonight!

  40. Another one is that one called James Y-something. Someone told me he is a useless sponge who found some homely looking woman who no man's ever looked at before in her life to marry and support him while he sits around on his butt. He claims he takes care of home and kids but I saw pictures and the house is a disorganized mess. Parents say the kids are rag bags who need some help with personal hygiene like daily bathing.
    It's sad.

  41. I have a feeling that not only are the No Ban people going to be dwarfed by the Pro President people but most immigrants are going to be on the Pro President side. This may be why the restaurant bailed out citing personal reasons. Like most Cubans support the President so do many of the Turks and Pakistanis in this country esp those locally. Peer pressure maybe?
    Same with Latinos. Many are Pro President. Mexicans and Latinos have a long history of dislike of one another. There are about 6 mil illegal Mexicans in the US and 1 million Latinos. The Latinos that are here legally who in them it is ingrained to look down upon the Mexicans and vice versa would love to see the 6 million deported so support the illegal deportation effort.

  42. Well, the wheels seem to be falling off the bus, as there will be no blocked off streets tomorrow. No WBOC coverage. Probably because there will only be about 5 people there, lol! This train wreck is so far the best one of 2017! Maybe Molly will at least win that prize!

  43. The Republican club is busing in people from all over the state.

  44. As per mollys FB the roads are no longer being blocked...seems everyone is pulling out of this mess.....

  45. I hope molly stops and gets those eyebrows fixed before the "rally"....

  46. Would illegal aliens be stupid enough to announce to ICE where they will be? Should be interesting.

  47. Considering the Salisbury government owes the county a lot of money, was this a wise move? And are they on city property if the city doesn't have any right through a deed to allow anything on said property? Think about it.

  48. DId Molly get a Wicomico county permit for this? If not, is it legal? The county court is not jurisdiction of city and right now the city doesn't have any claim on its own offices because they're in default for non-payment. Is Culver shutting this circus down?

  49. County Health Department was called about food service. Taj doesn't have off premises food license. OOOPPPSSSSS.


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