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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Protesters block DeVos from entering DC school

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was greeted with protesters when she tried to enter a Washington middle school on Friday morning.

A video from the scene shows DeVos walking away from one entrance of Jefferson Middle School after being physically blocked from the entrance. One protester stood in front of the stairway entrance in the school, and DeVos walked back to her vehicle.

“Keep giving money to senators and buying your way to the position,” one man holding a Black Lives Matter sign says to her, according to a video from ABC reporter Sam Sweeney. “I hope you’re proud of yourself."

“Go back,” the protestor yells and she enters the car. “Shame! Shame! Shame!”



  1. Need to have citizens to buck those pieces of feces and beat the living dog s-it out of each punk on the site.

  2. When in the hell will these people get over the election. For the past eight years the Obama Administration has made this country more divided than ever before. Those liberals in the House and Senate are setting a piss poor example that causes farther dissent.

  3. Blocking the public way. Where were the police?

  4. "“This is a sad day for children,” the American Federation of Teachers president said in a statement following DeVos’s confirmation."

    The unions don't want to lose control, not that they've succeeded in advancing our children's educations to compete with other developed countries. It's all about power, not what's good for us.

  5. DeVos and the Trump team are awesome!

  6. Where were her rights?
    Police should be smitten.
    I hope Trump sends her back with troops for support

  7. Protesting before someone has even done anything to protest is called 'whining'.....it will not be effective nor will it have a positive influence on the people they are trying to influence. It is yet again another example of people who seemingly have nothing better to do than complain.....they will really have something to whine about in 2018 and 2020 when they lose yet again....

  8. I agree because that school will not be getting a raise

  9. Send in the troops!!!

  10. These are not legitimate protesters they are union thugs trying to protect their turf at the expense of black low income children. Public schools have completely failed poor black and Hispanic children to the significant detriment of the children's future.
    Devos is at last bringing a glimmer of hope for these children's future.

  11. Preposterous. Next thing you know we will hear that all of the teachers had to run and hide in a safe space at the school because it was too horrifying to meet with the new Secretary. The democrats are unhinged.

  12. It's funny seeing the dumbed down unaware victims of the US public schools system fighting to maintain a system that did such a poor job for them.

  13. In the 50's and 60's the democrats did the same thing. Blocking schoolhouse doors to keep black students out. This time to the 1 person who has the experience and the drive to do something and change the substandard education most black students get in this country.
    Democrats once again keeping blacks in chains is what it's all about.

  14. Democrats love to attack a woman.


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