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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Obstructocrats Side With Protesters Who Physically Blocked DeVo

A Democratic National Committee official expressed his support Friday for the protesters who physically blocked Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from entering a Washington D.C. school.

The protesters stood in front of DeVos’ path blocked her from entering Jefferson Middle School Academy, and she was forced to turn around and go through a different entrance. The protest was reportedly organized by the Washington D.C. Teacher’s Union.



  1. Keep posting this type of thing Joe. More and more folks seem to be waking up to the fact that these so called Liberal Democrats are the ones who are creating the chaos and trying to bring about the destruction of our nation. I prayed for our country and I hope President Trump prevails.

  2. Trump has his hands full---God
    Bless Him.!

  3. Just think like they do. Levy a "Union Tax" that members who join a union must pay in order to finance the costs of law enforcement when the unions cause civil disobedience and property damage.

  4. where's the next riot

  5. The word Protest his painted on with a broad brush these days.

  6. I haven't seen Democrats block a person from entering a school since they tried to stop integration.

  7. "Forced to turn around". Excuse Meee. Call the cops. They are interfering with the performance of your duties. Arrest them.


  8. Observation: The security provided to her is inadequate. Should be beefed up. Also, it's a certainty that DC schools have a security contingent. They should be pro-active on such events.

    Their right to protest ends where they obstruct others, Joe Public or Cabinet Secretary alike.

    It's evident the Soros crew used her calendar or the info provided to the school to roll out their thugs.

    Stay the course, Mrs. DeVos.

  9. Do these "protesters" have kids at this school, or even at any public school? My gut says no.

  10. She just went into a different door.

    However the FBI can charge these people with Rioting. I would not be surprised if they face a 10 year jail term. 230 were charged with this over the DC rioting. By the FBI not the worthless DC Cops that turned a blind eye to it.

  11. If there ever was a time to pray for our country this is it.


  12. It is worth noting that there is a new sheriff in the Attorney General's chair. Resources previously destined for PC projects can now be focused on actual law breakers and rioters. Newly appointed US Attorneys will also be eager to hit the ground running.

    Cuff them and stuff them, while respecting protest that doesn't step on others toes.

  13. Police were there but to lazy or stupid to use Mace or tasers? Fire them, cops need to be brutal with this trash!


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