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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bill Kristol Says ‘Lazy’ White Working Class Should Be Replaced By ‘New Americans’

Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become “decadent, lazy” and “spoiled.”

“Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in?” Kristol told author Charles Murray during an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute titled “It Came Apart: What’s Next for a Fractured Culture.” Murray recently wrote a book, entitled “Coming Apart,” which focuses on the cultural separation between the wealthiest and most educated white Americans and the poorest and least educated white Americans.

Before delving into his theory about replacing the white working class, Kristol said that he hopes “this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse.”



  1. I wish he'd walk a day in my shoes. Unbelievable!

  2. Geez, that means all of us here on the Eastern Shore have to go away.

  3. Rabid anti-Trumper Bill Kristol thoroughly humiliated himself during the campaign, and has clearly demonstrated his irrelevance.

    What he has to say is of no consequence.

  4. Like Glenn Beck, this guy is off the deep end. Gone, gone, gone...

  5. So much for free speech and having an opinion.

    Relevant or not, every time this covert recording is done, lives are trashed for having an opinion, it is just feeding into the liberals agenda of shutting down free speech.

    How does it feel, not to be able to have an opinion among friends, because someone may put it on youtube and trash your life?

    Hope you are enjoying what you are creating.
    I think it is sad and pathetic.

    If you don't like what he has to say don't listen.

  6. This election brought out the true colors in people.

  7. Everyone can have a platform, just keep that in mind.

    Burn baby Burn - Disco Inferno!!!

  8. When was the last time you seen a white person cutting grass for a landscaping company that was not the owner or a white person tending/picking crops in a field that was not the owner? Ocean City businesses need to hire foreign summer help because the privileged white teenagers won't and don't work summer jobs anymore. He might be right.

  9. Bill Kristol Says ‘Lazy’ White Working Class Should Be Replaced By ‘New Americans’

    Let me get this straight. He is saying 'Lazy" white working class?? Isn't that an oxymoron?

    The actual lazy one are the black non working class if anyone should be replaced. I say load them all up and ship them to Africa. If a black and their family has been on welfare for more than 3 years cut them off and ship them to their 'Motherland.'

  10. I have 5 fat knuckles for his flabby jaw!

  11. Ok more than half of illegals and immigrants here illegal getting assistance already said they have no intention on working dumbasses

  12. Without the 'white americans' there wouldn't be any money for the 'entitled' masses!

  13. It's true a lot of labor intensive jobs are being done by illegal or legal immigrants. But I suggest that those that are on welfare and physically able should do these jobs in order to get my tax dollars. Hey, my first job was dishwashing at local restaurants for two years and other labor intensive jobs. I never asked for a handout ! I did not come from a wealthy family.

  14. What confuses me is that so many "white working class" people claim that there aren't any good paying jobs and that they work to survive - living paycheck to paycheck. If this is true, then you are not making enough money to be paying huge amounts of federal tax. In fact, after the regular deduction rather than itemizing and child tax credits, you hardly pay any tax compared to those making $100 $150K per year. Don't forget the born heres that work under the table or sell fish/crabs/oysters without paying taxes. Nonetheless, everyone screams that their tax dollars are going to people that don't work. Is there fraud and abuse, yes and it needs to be dealt with but I find it ignorant of people to say that every person the receives some for of assistance is a worthless illegal or black person that doesn't work.

    1. Not everyone but the majority. I can tell you this..it's not white people I see walking around town on a normal work day 😒

  15. Kristol is still sore over Trump's win. He was agitating for a third party candidate.


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