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Sunday, February 12, 2017

List Of Groups Allegedly Interested In The Peaceful Feb. 18th March In Salisbury

Here is the tentative list of groups and organizations who have expressed to me that they will be in attendance on the 18th, if you know of any I don't list, please comment down below so I can add them to my records.
Beth Israel Congregation
Saint Francis de Sales Parish
Unitarian Fellowship
Peace Alliance of the Lower Shore
Delmarva Muslim Community/Local Mosque
Environmental Field of the Eastern Shore
SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice)

Lots more has been posted since yesterday..........EVEN WBOC did an interview......wonder how they found out about it........

Publishers Notes: How do YOU think WBOC found out about it?


  1. Can anyone or you tell me what they are demonstrating for , why and for what reason ?

  2. Can the local registered sex offenders come too?

  3. If my church was on the list I would be finding a new church.

    1. 91st Francis WAS my church but not if they are going along with this bs!

  4. So the Jews and Catholics are cool with wearing pussies on their heads? And marching against America wow.

  5. Yeah, it's a collective of left-wingnuts who fear being put back to work and losing government benefits, and a few anti-conservative groups who might lose their taxpayer-funding, a terrorist group or two, and a handful of pacifists who think if they support the terrorists now then they won't be beheaded or crucified when mohammed takes over. That's the who. Why? Because conservatives are taking over instead. For what reason? Because they don't work or contribute to society in any positive fashion, so they might as well try to tear it down.

  6. Very ignorant!

    Does anyone know where I can get a Thank You President Trump Bumper Sticker?

  7. 3:45 like most protesters they dont have a clue. Now if you watch cnn fake news tonight they will tell you what bothers the snowflakes this week.

  8. The lost and progressive ilk, prefer a Church that everybody is okay and accepted. No need for all that 'Christ died on the cross and took your place in hell ---so you could believe in Him, and have your sins forgiven. Why then don't we just start serving beer and offer up hookers between services, and while we're at it throw in some ash trays too? I know, you think what I'm saying is fantasy, and who could blame you? But here's the kicker ----you WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for knowing the truth, and what you did with it. So again, please laugh it up, but don't laugh too hard ---salvation is a limited time offer and the clock is running. We as a nation are running out of time. Most religions now are going along with the "NEW AGE" and It is all part of the HIDDEN dangers of the rainbow and its agenda to destroy us all

  9. As a lifelong member of Saint Francis, I'm appalled. They've lost me and my family.

    1. I second that. How out of touch they are to condone participation in such an event.

  10. Very disappointed in the first two. The rest are just losers - no loss there.

  11. Time for St Francis to come forward and express their intents for attendance. You're either in or out. You can't get half wet jumping in the pool full of water.

  12. 4:02 Taste the rainbow

    1. Open your eyes read up on the "hidden dangers of the rainbow" then you wont be so critical. All these libtarded groups have an agenda that are working in concert with each other. Its run globaly and very deep in our political system, the UN, secret clubs, some churches, and allot of left wing groups.

  13. Where is this going to start and end that day? I don't want to get
    caught up in this crowd of confused people. I have out of town guests coming to visit and don't want to deal with this crap.

  14. Hold on folks. Calm down. Just because the snowflake listed two of the local prominent churches, certainly doesn't mean these churches are endorsing her event. (In fact, I'm pretty certain they are not).

    It's Facebook. Nobody is proof reading the snowflake's posts for accuracy.

    In all likelihood, the snowflake knows the attention she is getting from this website, so she's just ramping up her craziness and dreams, starving for attention in her life.

    It's okay to go to synagogue or church this weekend.

  15. Churches should NOT be demonstrating for political purposes. If people from the church want to go, that is one thing but they are to remain politically neutral. People in that church should stand up and go to the leaders in the church and demand that they stop this political siding. Especially with dangerous elements.

  16. Wboc found out about it just like they find out about all of their local news. They get it here.

  17. 4:02 Isn't that a Baptist church behind closed doors?

  18. St. Francis is in financial trouble as well... We have a very liberal pastor who if he was smart would stay out of this--There are a lot of parishioners that would be very upset and could lead to not supporting the church financially... Us Catholics don't tithe so you can go to Church and not pay anything---which is what most people do anyways--only a small percentage support the Church

  19. The Catholic Church based on it's conduct in it's past, think crusades, has a bunch of secrets and based on it's murders in the name of god should be on the terror watch list!

  20. There is a huge difference between supporting my Parish St. Francis religiously and not supporting it financially. Easy to do and for me and my family the right thing to do.

    1. So is she Lying in saying there being supported by the church and if so who is doing it ? bc I want to KNOW who from a church is supporting muslim refugees doea the church realise that muslim countrys cut the heads of CHRISTIANS ???????????

  21. I am really disappointed to see this.  There are 5 Non Negotiables that Catholics cannot vote in favor of.  I realize there are Catholics in our church that have their own view and probably voted a different way.   But, our church should not participate in march against the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the encyclicals of the pope and Office of the Doctrine of Faith. On election day there was no other way to vote.

  22. Unfortunately one believer's "political" is another's "gospel". If loving your neighbor is perceived as political, then so be it. Better to do the right thing then lose our souls.

  23. James Gayl Yamakawa How many of these un vetted Muslims can we drop off to your house ?

  24. Sorry I say it is demonic. It is a freak show. Sorry I can keep my faith and still not support these people James Yamakowa. I can still love my neighbor and not agree with perversion. God will judge all. We have free will for a reason. It is not up to you and I to forgive. It is an abomination of Christ to have same sex. John Hopkins stated it was a choice. These confused freaks need some Jesus in their lives.

  25. Im afraid to ask DAN for his weather forecast for next Sat (Feb 18th).

    (snicker snicker)

  26. St. Francis Catholic Church please let the public know if you support this march. What is the march for? Does the church realize St. Francis is listed as a supporter of the march?

  27. WTF? Salisbury has become California.

  28. My mother would turn over in her grave if she knew St. Francis is supporting this. I see this is not the church I grew up in. Will not be attending anymore service's there.

  29. Hey 3:52 how is this marching against America? It is MARCHING FOR AMERICA!!

  30. They claim they don't need a permit?

  31. I bet Jim Ireton, Julie Glanz, Sarah Meyers, Sarah Lake, Jake Day, Sarah Hargreaves Parker, Ron Pagano, Chris Demone, Chuck Cook, Carl Anderton, Jr., Jackie Welfonder and Josh Hastings will be there.

  32. ***Peace Alliance of the Lower Shore*** is going to be there?? I told you that Josh Hastings will be there. He is a leading member of PALS.

  33. Gary said...
    Can the local registered sex offenders come too?

    February 8, 2017 at 3:42 PM

    Can they? That is them already!

  34. I'm pretty confident that Saint Francis de Sales Parish is not going to be attending that "March."

    I can assure you where this came from. Liberal Froot Loop Susan Hargreaves Parker is on the "Parish Council" and I am confident she took it upon herself to claim the St. Francis de Sales Catholic Parishioners will be there. I go to Mass every Sunday and Nothing was ever said about this at the Mass I attended. I have had several run in's with her because she thinks she runs that Parish and she has absolutely NO authority in that church or to speak on our behalves!!

  35. " James Gayl Yamakawa said...

    Unfortunately one believer's "political" is another's "gospel". If loving your neighbor is perceived as political, then so be it. Better to do the right thing then lose our souls.

    February 8, 2017 at 5:49 PM"

    Sorry James but there is no gray area. It is either political or it is gospel. Loving your neighbor means tolerance to those who twist the gospel into an agenda for political reasons. You have perverted the word to suit you. Your neighbor does not mean groups of unidentified people. When you truly love you encourage and counsel people to change their sinful ways like homosexuals The Bible clearly says homosexuality is a sin does it not? The bible clearly says to encourage (and in cases chastise) those who have gone astray and are sinning does it not? The answer to both of these questions is yes.

  36. Still don't understand how Trump whipped the ace of the liberal whiners so badly?
    That picture tells a whole lot about why it happened.
    Look at the chick behind them, pointing at them and laughing. Even people involved with them think they are whack.
    You wanna be "you"??
    Go ahead.
    Just don't think that anyone else has to accept it, agree with it, promote it, or like it.
    Strange and deviant has ALWAYS been strange and deviant. And if you don't think those two fairies are strange, better check yourself.

  37. I highly doubt that Jake Day nor Carl Anderton will be there. Jackie Wellfonder, she she already commented on the in its page that she will be there!

  38. The creepy woman holding the rapist sign... is she protesting Bill Clinton... she is a little late. Have these people been brainwashed?

  39. I swear that one on the left looks like Ireton!!!

  40. there will be a Resist the resistance rally...the same day as this nut wing rally....look for it on fb if you are interested in attending....and spread the word....again this is a peaceful rally....show up and bring whom ever supports our President.

  41. This will be a non-event. I have some really unimportant things to do instead of wasting my time protesting the protesters.!


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