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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Resist the Resistance Salisbury

If you support President Trump and his efforts to Make America Safe Again, we need your participation. The anti-Trump movement intends to rear its ugly head in the heart of our conservative community. An anti-Trump rally is scheduled and we intend to meet it head on. They claim it to be a peaceful rally intending to protest the travel ban and President Trump's plan to build a wall to secure our nation. If you SUPPORT the travel ban and the WALL please consider joining our PEACEFUL response to their rally.

Conservatives need to stand up for their beliefs. Don’t be complacent and simply expect these dissenters to simply go away. They need to see our presence and hear our voice. We won on November 8th and apparently we must continue the battle. Let's show our unwavering support for President Trump and our commitment to Making America Great Again!

Saturday, February 18 at 1 PM - 4 PM
Next Week · 36–52° Partly Cloudy

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Wicomico County Circuit Court
101 N Division St, Salisbury, Maryland 21801

Editors Notes: I am all about supporting a Pro Trump Rally, this is NOT the time or place to show our support. Come on people, you know damn well this will not turn out good. These left wing nut jobs will verbally run off with the mouth until someone won't take it any more and these snowflakes will act like they did nothing wrong.

I have had another very large group come to me and ask if we would promote a similar event on the same date and location and I discouraged them from doing so, they agreed. 

Do we as conservatives want to be labeled as VIOLENT? Just let these people blow off steam and hold your own event some other time. STOP falling for their bait, Idiots. This is exactly what they want. Unfortunately too many of you will be stupid enough to join this group and do something stupid. Thanks for screwing the REPUBLICAN PARTY. 


  1. I have much better things to do than stand in the cold, wave a sign and look like an idiot while the people across the street do the same thing. My protest came in the form of a vote in November, just as it did four and eight years ago.

  2. Thats it...be complacent, put your blinders on like "the republican party" has done the past 8 YEARS. Let these liars spread their poison.

  3. The sign you see says it. It's a booby trap. Don't be a boob.

  4. My mamma always said "ignore it and it will go away". I loved that lady.
    just a note , these people don't have a mamma apparently .

  5. Some of us have to work for a living while these clowns play protest.

  6. If you don't support this then why promote it?

  7. the 9th Circuit court illegally halted the temporary ban so why ae they even marching ? It took the wind out of their sails.

    1. It's not a ban and the restrictions are in effect until the Supreme Court rules under national security.

  8. The police inspite of reports are not providing security being the number are so low.

  9. I agree this isn't the time. We do not need to be fouling our air with their putridness. These are horrid people. Nasty filthy crude vulgar and gross. They are not worthy of us and we should not grace them with our presence. They are beneath us. Of the lowest of the low class. They are also very violent, aggressive, brutal even homicidal people who always without fail provoke. Please reconsider and cancel. Again these losers are not worthy of us.

  10. The circus is back in town , sorry I can't go , I gotta work too.

  11. Actually, there is a nation wide Pro Trump rally coming up around the 27th? I think? It's a Tea Party thing and also celebrates the birth of the Tea Party movement. This will be where I will stand proudly with my Trump sign,

    Let the pussy-hats have their little cryfest with no one to hear it, and we can out do them nationwide on another day.

    Brietbart has the story.

  12. I think a female holding up a sign about her uterus is the best birth control solution yet.

  13. All of you that do attend - stay at the ready to capture and publish the liberal moments of incivility. The public needs to see that protesters are being imported to spout liberal hate, violence, and disregard for our peaceful processes!

  14. dear 7:30
    a good comment

  15. Yes, Cancel this immediately whoever is organizing.
    Let our motto be-While they constantly wallow in the cesspool we will always remain high.
    We are too good for them. They do not deserve for us to show up in their midst.

    1. Right! "They go low, We go high"

  16. Well I agree with 7:53 someone should infiltrate and get on the record when they turn violent and destructive. Also their crudeness, vulgarness and lies should be documented because the MSM will cover for them.

  17. Big indoor flea market at the Civic center that day.

  18. 7:30 AM
    Couldn't agree more...she wants birth control for free...keep holding that sign! c

  19. Let them stand and wave and pout and yell. There is no threat to women, only the ones they the radicals themselves manufacture for publicity.

  20. 5:58 AM - The poison will be spread wider if there are those who attend with the aim to counter-protest, giving rise to greater news coverage and more fake news creation. It's what they hope to have happen.

    Let them do their thing and then go home to fill their Facebook pages with "Look at MEEEE" comments and photos. The rest of us can stay home and roll our eyes and wonder at their foolishness.

  21. Check out the people interested in this the liberal nut jobs have a few plants signed up and you know they are there to stir sh** up

  22. They are calling us out so they can have tangible people to holler, scream, taunt, and punch at. The worst that can happen to them is for us not to give them that and make them shout at the brick walls all day and go home unheard.

    When your children throw tantrums, you ignore them so they will quit. Don't pander to these immature brats!

    Why do you think they went public with this a week and a half before the event? To call us out! Just say no!

  23. The Republicans won the election, fair and square. The Democrats don't need a reminder, so there's no point in going out there to further torture or incite them --- they do a good enough job themselves.

  24. Conservatives have a right to peaceably protest also, but just do it elsewhere.

  25. we're gonna build a dog park and the cat's are goona pay for it.

  26. 6:15 AM, my momma always said, "fools names and fools faces always appear in public places". How very true her words were.

  27. The left has nothing left. They lie, cheat and still can't win. I now believe that their "end justifies the means" is a plan to destroy the country by dividing us. Let's be smart about it. Boycott everything you don't like. Don't go out in the streets and fight. Hit them where it hurts!

  28. the only part of the executive order that was struck down was the part that applies to holders of green cards and visas. Those are only 1% of the people affected. The other 99%, who are simply foreigners from the 7 hotbeds of Muslim terror -- are still validly excluded. The EO will be tweaked and those foreigners will be kept out, I predict. Trump will prevail.

    1. So why are the media heads swelling like its a victory ? why .

  29. 8:28 well I disagree with you.
    We don't "go" high.
    We are ALWAYS High! And we will remain that way! Never ever in their wildest dreams will they reach our levels! They ar angry that they can not be us.
    This is why they are so intent on trying to provoke us down to their putrid rank levels. Don't wallow with the filth. They are not worthy of our presence.

  30. I agree. NO to any counter protesting. They aren't worthy of one. If one were on fire I wouldn't waste a drop of spittal to try and extinguish.

  31. Actually i don't see a need for either side to protests. Trump is going to implode himself without any help from anybody. It's getting to the point his own party can't support him without holding their noses
    You're right
    It's too cold out there
    And I'm not saying I hate Kelly Ann but if she caught fire I'd roast marshmallows

  32. Joe how can u put these scumbag anti trump posts up blast them then say dont have a counter rally this is the problem with americans we say one thing and do Another i call it bs.

  33. My family and I are tired of the media and these outcasts portraying the narrative that this country doesn't support Trump and his policies. WE DO! Especially on the Eastern Shore. These misfits have no business protesting here without a positive confrontation of support. We WILL be there to support our president. Republicans won, so get a backbone and keep up the fight, that didn't end in the voting booth.

  34. ignorance breeds ignorance...crazies, snowflakes, indoctrinated, no common sense, nothing to do, never really constructive.

  35. Ever wonder about being on the other side?

    Many times here on SBYNEWS we opine about allowing others (like in Baltimore or different countries) to hurt or eliminate themselves..

    Maybe with all this Pro/Anti President/party stuff is that the shoe is now on the other foot and those "others" are...well... us....and everyone else in the Heinz 51 bottle are watching us implode.

    Is the juice REALLY worth the squeeze (i.e., protesting tantrums)?
    My answer is no and we ALL need to do better for the sake of ALL of us!!

    Happy TGIF!

  36. 90% of the above comments blasted the snowflake molly but wont show up for a pro trump rally ? Hypocrite much.

  37. "Anonymous said...

    Right! "They go low, We go high"

    February 10, 2017 at 8:28 AM"

    This was classic when MO said this. She was subconsciously admitting that THEY usually are wallowing in the cess pool of depravity. What she said was that THEY are almost always low by saying WHEN they go low meaning when WE go low. The thing is we hardly ever go low. That is a fact though I will be first to admit once in awhile one of us will break rank and go low but 99.9 percent of the time we are high.

    Freudian slip on her part. If she believed they were people who were high she would have said when they go low we will REMAIN high. But she didn't so was admitting they are crude and vulgar perverted losers who I agree wholeheartedly do don't deserve to be graced with our high presence. When they and if they ever achiever our levels then we ***might***** consider if they are worthy to be among us.

  38. NOW JIM Ireton is speaking what say you joe ?????????

  39. Wish in one hand and take a big stinking crap in the other and see which one gets filled quicker. Trump is not going to implode himself. Wait until the new supreme court nominee is confirmed.
    That's going to really frost your arses 9:51.

  40. I attended the Berlin Trump rally 11:28 but I won't attend a rally that was just thrown together to basically protest anti Americans anti Christians. As said above I too will never knowingly walk into and surround myself by the lower class, the dregs of society. Growing up mother called them from the other side of the track and forbid association. Why would I as an adult lower myself now? I don't associate with those type of crude and vulgar morally corrupted nothings who are only looking to show off. Never did and I won't start now.

    1. Thats ALL the more reason to GO.

  41. 11:48, What kind of nut case are you, seriously. Why would I give a crap what and where Jim Ireton speaks. I'm glad your nipples are all hard over Jimmy's speech. I'm sure he'll enjoy your company.

  42. Here's my 2 cents. Instead of this resisting the resistance how about we show them once again that we will always be high and do something for the community like a neighborhood cleanup? Or something for the kids in a low income area? Something worthwhile while they are standing around with vulgar lying signs and listening to other perverts lie-speak. We would be making the real true difference.
    While they continue to remain low and wallow in the cesspool we will prove to them once again how much higher then them we are.

  43. I hope that there are many bikers there to show their presence and keep the protesters in their place.

  44. I WON"T be there. When the Bikers show up I want to be far-far away..

  45. This proud President Trump supporter can't be there. I do things with my time that actually benefits immigrants unlike the anti President Trump people. I tutor an El Salvadorian lady with her English on Saturdays. We missed so many Saturdays with the holidays and other commitments I had, that I promised her we would go all of February.

  46. NOT going i personally want to lump a couple of them up!

  47. Watch mayor Day will proclaim it 3rd weekend. Never had this many people downtown on back to back days in years.

  48. I would like to go with a sign that states lower taco prices!! I mean their out there protesting about nothing so why can't I so of you see the conservative with a sign addressing the real world issue of taco pricing stand with the cause because protesting about nothing is the thing to do these days

  49. really curious if Jim ireton will be there drunk as usual?

  50. "Do we as conservatives want to be labeled as VIOLENT?"

    For now.
    But the time is coming quickly that I really don't give a damn.

  51. All you anti trump and for abortion people you need to leave. We should put all these idiotic pethetic waste of time people on a bus along with the illegals and send them on a barge to float on the atlantic.

  52. It's time to get out and fight back. That's why Trump has no cabinet yet. And left wing judges trashed his E.O. on Banning immigrants. WAKE UP> GET OUT AND RAISE HELL!

  53. I get not supporting it.. that is fine.. But to have these left wing clowns come out here and ignore them.. nah.. they are getting a taste of their own medicine on the 18th..


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