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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Announces 500 New Apartments Downtown

Oh, but there's so much more for citizens/taxpayers to know. Let's start with the truth, AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Isn't that just great, more waterfront housing for the poor directly on the water at taxpayer expense.

Mayor Jake Day recently announced that the City has been approved for ONE HALF a parking space per residence Downtown. ONE HALF! He explained how they expect most people to ride their bikes to work and use public transportation instead. Now if it were ME and I wanted to get away with parking for my apartments, do you believe I'd get away with 1/2 a parking spot per unit? Now add FIVE HUNDRED more units!

Take away ALL of the major parking lots downtown, (which the Mayor sold) where is everyone going to park anyway? Especially when you develop and design the downtown area with 1/2 a parking space per whatever. 

Know this Folks. Jake Day will come back and say it will not be affordable housing. I've experienced this many times in the past, just like Rivers Edge. They said it was for Artists and when I challenged them, (I called it Section 8 back then) they said I was wrong. I was wrong, because the new snowflake term had become "Affordable Housing", not section 8. SAME DAMN THING. Anyhow, Rivers Edge is loaded with POOR PEOPLE, (90%) who get a handout from us taxpayers and live ON THE WATER for about $300.00 a month for a 2 bedroom condo. 

The City isn't paying their bills to the County for the GOB. They are purposely trying to get evicted so they can come back to the taxpayers and say they need to relocate to either their own facility or as I have stated in the past, they're going to buddy up with one of these parking lot projects and lease the first floor for their GOB space. You're being played Folks!

Remember Folks, they called me a LIAR when they were planning Rivers Edge, THEY LIED. Liberals are nothing but professional liars. They will defend their lies to their grave while certain press cover whatever these liars feed them. 

Just remember one thing. You are being scammed and let me explain to you how they are doing it. 

Remember the North Prong and how the City did everything in their powers to get businesses kicked out of there? Did you ever wonder WHY the new Station 16 was built on the other side of the draw bridge? Did you happen to notice the Police Department is on the West side as well? Oh, let's not forget the illegal pipe-stem annexation for water and sewer that now runs all the way up business Rt. 50 all the way to the Bypass? What's the CHEAPEST land in all of Salisbury? That's right, the West Side.

The next major project you will see is the City building their very own GOB on the River on the North Prong at the very end of the Wicomico River. They'll temporarily lease space in one of the recently sold parking lot projects while they build their new facility on the West Side. The current Downtown will become the next Detroit of the Eastern Shore, you mark my words. 

"It was your election to lose".


  1. They are raping tax payer and catering to welfare abusers...It's time to pack up and move.

  2. Boy oh boy I would be pissed if I purchased one of those high end condos next door to this lot!!!!!!! I see a lot of "for sale" signs in that building soon!

  3. I am on welfare and i cant wait to get one for myself and 4 kids keep working and pay my way and others.

    1. Wow. Your mentality is rather disgusting but I guess welfare bought that too!! I guess that is the norm mentality for welfare receipants.. Only in Salisbury do you feel proud and brag about being on welfare!!

  4. The $40,000 boat is a teaser.

  5. What are you taxpayers going to do ? nothing lol.

    1. That is exactly right 6:22 they aren't going to do a damned thing as they always have done. Absolutely nothing except bitch at the keyboard. That is why Democrats keep getting elected. That is why we ended up with Obama. That is why we ended up with Jim Ireton and now FAKE DAY!! You people keep bitching on the internet and let the country slip away.

  6. 6:22 vote out Day or move to another state eventually you will have to get a job when they run out of other peoples money.

  7. This town that the inexperienced folks are ruining reminds me of the title of a song years ago. "In The Ghetto"

  8. Instant ghetto!!!!!!

  9. A few more years and Maryland, Wicomico county and Salisbury will have fleeced me out of all they are going to get...Red state bound.

  10. As a welfare recipient we thank you for working 40 hrs week keep up the good "work".lol.

    1. Be careful you reep what you sew

  11. 6:22 - Well for starters I never vote for a democrat. Hopefully, this last federal election shows some are getting it finally. I believe the tide is turning and after 8 years of Trump we will have a significant different view of things. You welfare sucking scum bags should be worried. It will take a while to reverse the poison school system, but CHARTER schools is a start. And in the end I say things will be good and people will be earning their own keep!!!

  12. Can he be impeached and the contract canceled?

  13. We moved from Salisbury to a southern state several years ago and there is nothing about Salisbury that makes me want to return! If they put low income housing downtown on the river as shown, more taxpayers will leave Salisbury. What are they thinking?

    1. 7:56. You were right to move. I'm right behind you this summer.

  14. Joe, can you advise how mathias voted this week in Annapolis ?

  15. U welfare losers think u have it so good...Ur world is nothing but abject poverty... Nothing to be proud of... Totally losers...As I drive my Mercedes I think of u...Eating tuna helper

  16. I don't live in Salisbury so really can't say too much. But, you who do, missed your opportunity when you failed to vote Albero in as mayor. Look across America...at the Democratic controlled cities/states. Honestly, what do you see? Corruption, crime, welfare, dilapidation, no business, and yes section 8 because the "slums" are eye sores. Sound familiar Salisbury?

  17. It will be interesting to see how this all works out Jakie!

  18. Okay, just suppose these residents do ride bikes or buses to work. But what about when they need to go grocery shopping or buy new clothes or maybe a lamp or stuff like that. Do they carry it on their bicycle or on their lap while riding the bus? What a bunch of bull hockey.

  19. That drawing looks nice. It's a shame the reality won't look as nice.

  20. What a joke more lowlife living

  21. And just where are there 250 low wage jobs for affordable housing workers to walk or bike to? The Perdue processing plant perhaps? That plant has got to be near the end of it's life without doing a complete rebuild to modernize it. Maybe sales clerks from all the thriving retail shops on the Plaza? I was born and raised in Salisbury and moved out of town about 25 yrs ago, still local, and I may go into Salisbury once every 2 yrs. it is a shame what once use to be a nice town has turned into, just like the article says it reminds me of a ghetto and I do all I can to avoid going there! It reminds me of a Ghetto now, there is no longer one neighbor hoood you could consider nice and safe crime is out of control in all of them from Riverside drive to Prince Street even the North and South Park Drives.

  22. Let me guess who is building it.

    This happens because Gilkerson has a buddy that writes HUD grants. He applies for the grant and Gilly gets the work. That is why you have so much Section 8 in this town.

    Because Gilkerson doesn't care about this area, the only thing he cares about is lining his pockets.

  23. 9:02 AM I can only partly answer this.

    I lived in another town up east and when I was younger and healthy I would ride my bike, not because of poverty. when I bought groceries I only bought what I needed and what would fit in my back pack.

    But section 8 gang bangers dont ride bikes

  24. This is fascinating since we just had Booth Street rebuilt for the ghetto dwellers.

    And who was the General Contractor/Builder on that one?

  25. Where urban renewal has worked, low income folks left, not been brought in.

  26. So what happened to Historic Downtown Salisbury!! Those buildings don't look historic? How can Jake Day break the laws like that? Laws are in place to protect historic places and history.

  27. He never thinks things through first do away with parking a then builds high rise apartments duh! Their are already apartments never completed still standing just another eye sore, Our nasty river is not the Inner Harbor does he have a clue? All the tenants will look at is nasty water, debris floating everywhere, not to mention dead birds and rats floating by, yes I know what I am talking about have ridden in a boat on that river many a time.

    1. Do you really expect any more from someone who has never built anything with his own money!?

  28. Its really a shame how everyone is thinking. I am a single mother working over 40hrs a week with a good job but on the lower end of the pay scale. I have received welfare in the past. I have built my credit to over 700 and make to much to receive assistance for food but don't make enough to move out of the hood. Although I am hard working and rely only on what I make. I still cannot afford better housing. Of you cannot afford 1000-1200 in rent you are confined to a bad neighborhood and more than likely a bad school district. Keep in mind some ppl who are bad mouthing lower income ppl pay less for their mortgage, property tax, home insurance than ppl who live in these section 8 housing. I plan on purchasing in the next 2 years as I am promised to be paid over double what I make in 3 years. Its a shame everyone on here is judging ppl by the size of their pockets and not the person they are. I work and pay my 650 a month rent because that's all I can afford while raising two young men to be better and do better than me. For God sake Jesus was born in a sable. Who are you to judge the character of ppl from the location they live. We are not all lazy criminals in these ghetto's. I am a woman of God a single mother with a drive to succeed and prosper. I recently received my real estate license and would love to flip houses one day. I'm also an artist who once owned my own business and has worked in corrections as well. Do not judge a book by its cover!

    1. Please show where bringing in Section 8 housing has lowered crime!

  29. 10:26 AM I applaud you, but sadly you are the minority of welfare recipients who strive to do better.

    I know MANY who play, fraud and have made a career of living off the system. They get housing better than I can afford for free and trash it. They trade food stamps for cash.

    Ya'll on welfare should appreciate what you were given and take care of it instead of turning it into a ghetto

    I understand your economic struggles. But I am a white middle aged woman that struggles to make a decent wage, can not afford ridiculous rents, so I also live on the edge of the ghetto drug and gang infested sewer.

    The difference is I do not qualify for any programs, so I do not get rent help, food stamps, and I do not have health insurance, which I am sure you do.

    So as I applaud your strength, I am also sick and tired of hearing ya'll cry about how hard it is, because it is hard for all of us.

    The difference is, I do not trash my home or my neighborhood. I do not deal drugs and commit crimes.

    How did it all work out with the booth st projects? If ya'll took care of what you were given, I guess we would not have had to spend millions rebuilding it. Why do I say that? Well my house is 80+ yrs old and it is still standing and in good condition. How old were those projects and they already needed replaced.

    We are not judging all books by their covers, we are judging what historically and factually is reality with that class of people. We are well aware that, that class of people bring nothing to the table to improve their environment. All they do is whine and cry at what they are not given. They are nothing more than a liability and a tax burden to the community.

    Educate yourself on history.

    And quit whining..

  30. 10:26 AM " I recently received my real estate license and would love to flip houses one day. I'm also an artist who once owned my own business and has worked in corrections as well."

    And yet here you are, on welfare.

    Just a big ball of bad decisions? LOL flip houses. Hate to tell you but the Real Estate market here is in the tank. 15% of them on the market are foreclosures. Most agents are starving.

    "Keep in mind some ppl who are bad mouthing lower income ppl pay less for their mortgage, property tax, home insurance than ppl who live in these section 8 housing."

    HUH? You pay nothing to live in section 8. We pay your bill.

    You lost all credibility with that ridiculous statement.

  31. 8:37 Are you really that dumb. There are more mercedes in the ghetto than in middle class neighborhoods and thanks to EBT, they are eating better than you too.

  32. In Fort Lauderdale, they are building similar apartment buildings on the water. These units have parking garages on the bottom floors and boat slips. Units start at $2800/mo. for a 1/1. 4 blocks away they are building a Whole Foods with similar parking underneath and apartment units on the upper floors. So glad we left Salisbury.


  33. I really want to see Jake out and about with his wife and two kids on a bicycle. Gonna look like the Far East with mopeds and all the family lashed onboard...soon.

    Of course the thugs love stealing bikes, too.

    1/2 parking space per unit wouldn't work...anywhere. It's building a tenement from scratch since transportation locally is nil, and there are not/will not be funds to provide it.

    My son rented hi-rise condo apartment in Beltsville few years back. One marked space per unit and only a handful for visitors. His roommates mom owned the unit so her son got the parking space. Tow operators patrolled the lot about 24/7; was warned ahead of time about parking in any marked space. That is part of the future of this kind of fiasco.

    Salisbury's waterfront, if cleaned up, should be a draw, as it is most everywhere else. People of substance would naturally be drawn to a good area. Instead the 'resource' is being given over to cronies and filled with those unable to pay market rates. And the boy mare wants to condemn them to pedestrian or cycle status. Will be hunting over corn for the thugs while the cops watch the cameras back at the station.

  34. Who rides busses and bicycles?? The people I see using welfare credit cards usually are driving the most expensive SUV'S.

  35. There will be multiple drivers/families living there...3 spaces per wouldnt even be enough in reality. How can they get away with building this in a historic area with so many laws about it?

    Where the heck is all of down town and the court folks going to park?!?! WTH?!?!

  36. Was driving home from work on Thursday afternoon and took Fitzwater St. In broad daylight, on the sidewalk in front of Brew River entrance, drug dealer with a backpack sold a package to a Perdue employee with a white bonnet on. What a fab neighborhood!

  37. 339pm - BOOM SHAKALAKA!!!!

  38. Today I drove through Salisbury on Rt 13, one end to the other. All I could think was if I lived in this town, it is NOT a place I would be proud to say was my home. I saw a beautiful college, dumpy stores and poor people walking the sidewalks. There is an impressive hospital and ghetto housing all around. Nothing about Salisbury is good other than it's where people HAVE to go to work, to school or to have medical care. Very sad.

  39. You are absolutely correct, Joe. Rivers Edge IS "Section 8", or whatever the current PC term is today. Although the view in that area isn't great, and the neighborhood on the opposite side of the road is worse, it is still outrageous that what water view is there will now be completely blocked by crap apartments. This is what causes the ruin of many a beautiful beach town or other areas on the water. It's sad, it's stupid, and it's going to ruin Salisbury even more. We should be using water views/"on the water" for beautiful homes or commercial businesses that everyone can enjoy (i.e., restaurants, coffee houses, whatever). I am so disgusted with stupid moves in Salisbury!


  40. "Salisbury's waterfront, if cleaned up, should be a draw, as it is most everywhere else."

    I thought the last kid that tried running the town cleaned up all flowing turd's in the River of Wicomico?

    "(i.e., restaurants, coffee houses, whatever). I am so disgusted with stupid moves in Salisbury!"

    But the new sheriff in town has beer joints in every other space.

    When I look around during my drive-thru, it reminds me of the cities across the bridge when I wore a younger man's clothes. Posters, beer signs, lottery signs, specials, etc. Convenient stores look like the remains of a storm passed through with all the ads covering the buildings.

  41. I get it now why the fire boat was purchased! Captain Jake needed a floater with a long hose to put out the crack house and meth lab fires in these new EBT/SNAP Condos.

  42. What is the provision, if any, to recall the mare?

  43. I want my new condo to back up to the chicken processing plant and face the river so I have a view of the carp and sewage floating by

  44. It's time to shut the stall down when the horse in long gone and not going to return. Don't throw any more taxpayer money into that rathole.

    As Day speaks, offices are leaving downtown -- Davis, Bowen & Friedel being the latest (?) -- so there is much less need for those lots. The downtown post office is now just part time and will probably be closing soon.

    That 20 year plan won't come to pass, so there will not be any parking problem in the future.

  45. Jake Day won't talk about a serious issue in Salisbury but he will sit down with my blue eyed blond hair 20 year old twice!

  46. Jake Day is a typical tax and spend Liberal Douche Bag. His downtown improvement plans are going to put the nail in the coffin for downtown.

    He is an uneducated dumbass!

  47. Does anyone know the last time that $1 Million Dollar Fire Boat had a real fire call?

    Oh that's right, it hasn't! What a waste just like these Section 8 apartments.


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