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Sunday, February 12, 2017

JUST IN: Vice President Mike Pence cast a historic tie-breaking vote confirming Betsy DeVos as education secretary


  1. Oh yeah, there's a new sheriff in town. The people are totally in shock to now have a president that actually works and is a patriot!

  2. I'm all for Trump..but this was a horrible decision. Will only make my kids lives harder. Why not put someone in who has been to public school?

  3. Just demonstrates that millions of dollars in campaign contributions to the right people will buy a Cabinet position despite having no qualifications. Still waiting for the swamp to drain.

    1. Despite no qualifications? Incorrect look at her history with charter schools its outstanding. Public schools are failure

    2. 306 if he wasn't draining the swamp then why so many hearings to block appointments? What about the two AGs? Liberals are the new bigots and fascist. It's like watch a moving with a surprise twist!!

  4. 3:06 AMEN. Perfect example of his hypocrisy.

  5. 2:42 I agree. I'm a huge President Trump supporter but not a fan of this choice.

    1. You didn't vote Trump because you started off saying you did. Not necessary if you were telling the truth. You would say " I'm not a fan " then probably give factual reasons why based on her performance in the educational field and her values as a American and Christian. Btw public schools SUCK.

  6. 4:03 this appointment does not deal with charter schools, it deals with public schools. Something she has absolutely no idea about. Did you watch any of her Senate interviews? They were disastrous. Half the time she had no idea what they were asking her all she could do was smile.

    1. I did watch and the questions were fake based a lot on fake news. She likes the voucher program another excellent idea that has worked fantastic.. YOU can't comment on charter schools, voucher program, home school or even the questions being asked at the hearings because you have never been to them. I think she did excellent job answering questions, most were based on hypotheticals, what ifs and basic political theater. I personally have been to all the schools (saying the pledge is good, under god is good) and several hearings so I can talk about it and I no what works. Not you however! Correct? I think your a liberal teacher worried about losing funding in your FAILED public school system. Let me guess, you want another raise?

    2. 430 deals with funding to Educational Institutions. So yes my fellow blogger Charter Schools. The magic word for you liberals is FUNDING and your afraid you might not get the multi billions for your failure system. The same system that failed me. So I can talk about it.

  7. All who disagree with the choice - have you seen our public school system? It can't get worse. Since the inception of the Dept. of Ed., with all of its experienced leadership, America has fallen further and further behind. Again, it can't get worse, and maybe an outsider's point of view could help.

  8. This is hilarious! People so up in arms about this want to make future generations stupid and ignorant so they'll continue to have a voting base for Democrats. Absolutely insane. The Public Education system is so bad, kids today don't even know where Iceland is much less Iran. Educators who want to continue Common Core like it because it's dummy-teaching. They just have to teach to pass a test so the kid gets the royal shaft. Teachers' unions afraid more kids will opt for private school education which does not teach common core methods. When I asked a local private if they teach CC, the scoffed and said, "Not on your life." That right there told me everything I ever needed to know about the whole liberal run sham.

  9. Those who know public education have been in charge. How do you think they are doing? Maybe we need a change. Maybe we need to go with charter schools across the board.

  10. Great Job ... It's HUGE !!! Make America Great Again

    and we Don't even need the Demon-crat's 2 cents worth
    to get things done....We CAN do it Without them .....
    It is called >>> Going NUCLEAR !!! Great idea !!!

    They can just stay home until we vote them OUT of office !!!

    1. Democrats lost almost 1200 seats in a few years, remarkable failures. Now they are the party of violence. Glad we got a good man in...


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