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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Maxine Waters Eventually We Have To Impeach President Trump


  1. Just another minority from a stupid filthy culture that just proves that ognorance id bliss! This woman is a cancer and needs to be eradicated!

  2. She cannot even spell impeach.

  3. abuse of power again!

  4. I like how they blame trump in just the couple short weeks in office.how about these butt hurt liberals protesting the past 8 years that Obama created and trump is trying to clean it up.drain the swamp.


  5. OMG! They want to know what to do....start with resigning their post. Police and others require a physiological test before hiring, why not these nut jobs.

    1. I hope you meant 'psychological' test....

  6. Just think of meeting new world leaders and having to take waters and Pelosi with you. How utterly embarrassing would that be.

  7. I don't know who she thinks "we" are. She can't be loony enough to think Republicans are going to impeach their President, and the Democrats don't even have enough votes to block a SCOTUS nominee. They have become powerless in the last eight years, thanks to Obama's divisive policies and his Muslim sympathizer EO's. And she talks about impeachment? How useless and naive. She needs to go back to the West Coast and succeed.

  8. Impeach her for that Bad Weave.

  9. The prophecy of George Washington is starting to happen. A country torn apart due to ideology and race. Washington Burns and the country is torn apart and breaks up into regions. A house divided cannot stand. We are a deeply divided nation.

  10. Term limits needed, because her stupid constituents keeping voting her in.

    1. Dumb Republicans are the only ones crying "we need term limits, whah, whah. Term limits for those bad Democrats. Whah." Republicans are to stupid to keep seats long enough to make a difference so you are to stupid to make a difference. As a good Republican I am sick and tires of hearing about your cry baby term limits. Do a. Eatter job at educating people and put good candidates in place and you would t need term limits. The Democrats put no one up against Obama in 2012 and they won. The Republicans allowed 17 people to run for President and proved the Party has no control or no standards. It's time to dismantle the Republican Party and start all over again.

  11. California knows how to pick them!
    The Granola state: Fruits, Nuts and Flakes (snowflakes)
    Been using the saying a lot lately: It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

  12. 4:24
    Lol...yes I did, peeves me that this device changes things without my permission. I will try to keep a eye on it. Thanks

    Although some could use a psychological too. Maybe stay away while on the job.

  13. No we need to IMPEACH the Demon-crats !!! All of them !!

  14. 2 Term Limits ARE coming....to take care of that !!!!

    Deadbeats will be REMOVED .........


  15. Maxine is a graphic example of the dangers of stuffing your cranium with manure!

  16. She does not have the intelligence level to do her job. Must be related to the other one that said Guam would turn over if the people all go to one side of the island. Typical ignorance.


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