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Friday, February 24, 2017

A Viewer Writes...

Just heard there was a big fight at Pocomoke high school today. Someone had to go to hospital. The School wants the news not to know this. Also, a girl tried to hang herself at Vo Tech today. Schools are really changing!


  1. Vo-Tech has been gone for along time! Are you speaking about Parkside which houses the Career/Tech Education dept?

  2. Parents need more options the public school system had zero discipline and children are at risk.

    1. Thats bc.obama didnt wamt the thug kids diciplined that will chanhe umder Trump.

    2. That's why we homeschool!

  3. Maybe WorCo 10:21 which has a separate Vo Tech building at the Board of Ed complex on Rt113 is what they mean.

  4. I do think every scuffle should be public, like a police blotter, but school related. They would not have to name names, but age, school and offense would be eye opening alone.
    As far as the student who tried to hang herself..that is sad and should remain private.

  5. To hear it from mayor Day and yet another fraud pastor bill cropper the local youth are thriving and doing great. When are they going to come out from their little protected circle and truly help the whole community

  6. If you are a parent they want you to be responsible for the actions of your child...but....they don't want you to know what is going on?

  7. From what I have seen of parents from all over this country, I think it has to do with the level of parenting, and lack thereof, more than any school.

    1. I agree & lack of God led families. Without God, why have morals and values?!


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