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Friday, February 24, 2017

Obama Lawyers Unite to Launch Legal Attacks Against Trump Administration

Lawyers who worked with former President Barack Obama have formed a nonprofit called United to Protect Democracy, which aims at filing lawsuits against President Donald Trump's administration.

The group plans to investigate Trump, give information to the press to build the pressure for Congressional investigations, and eventually file lawsuits, Politico reported on Thursday.

The leader of the group and former associate White House counsel Ian Bassin warned that democracies don't end quickly. He said they often "decline over a period of years that happen through a series of much smaller steps," in an apparent suggestion that the Trump administration would contribute to that decline.



  1. BRING IT ON !!! We Ain't Scared !!!!

  2. Trump has MORE Lawyers !!!

  3. Purposely destabilizing the government. Not okay Obama!

  4. One Good thing is > Obama and Hillary Never Elected Again !

  5. Obama is scared all his secrets are going to come out and show how he attempted to destroy the US. Also his secret deals that have yet to rear its head and prove Obama / Muslim / ISIS connection.

  6. Obama needs to go away and never come back.

  7. France wants him as their next leader but they say he can't because you have to be French. He is not a US citizen by his own words / writings so what is the difference. Ship him and family to France and take away all his retirement and benefits including his Families to.


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