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Friday, February 24, 2017

A banned chemical weapon, VX nerve agent, was used to kill the half-brother of North Korea’s dictator, the Malaysian police said

The poison used to kill Kim-Jong-nam, the brother of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was VX nerve agent, a substance listed as a chemical weapon, the Malaysian police announced on Friday.
In a brief statement, Khalid Abu Bakar, the national police chief, said the substance was listed as a chemical weapon under Chemical Weapons Conventions of 1997 and 2005.

Samples were taken from Mr. Kim’s skin and eye. The poison was identified in preliminary analysis by the Centre for Chemical Weapons Analysis of the Chemistry Department of Malaysia, Mr. Khalid said.


  1. That VX nerve agent is some nasty stuff. Death without immediate treatment including Atropine and 2 Pam chloride is assured.

  2. banned, but not forgotten. guns are banned but are still used to kill people. vx gas isn't even that hard to make.

  3. And she didn't even need a carry permit.


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