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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Your Thoughts?

Wake up and grab some P🐱SSY! Its Trump Day in America!


  1. That isn't necessary! And, it ain't funny.

  2. Was this authorized by the Rinniers? If it was, I'm shocked.

  3. Rude, crude and uncalled for.

  4. Everybody needs to chill a little...'It's the way it is'...Bruce Hornsby

  5. I think it's very funny !
    Dear 7:52 , 8:06 and 8:02 , look up it up , pussy = a cat or member of the feline family or liberal butt head.

  6. Extremely unprofessional! He will be grabbing some job applications

  7. My thoughts are, don't stoop to their level and post this crap. As a woman I'm sad to see this on your site. :-(

  8. Who is this guy? Never heard of him.

  9. @8:17, shut up. I'm guessing you are not a woman.

  10. The ad is whatever...poor taste...but whatever. Not surprising though with Brandon Ziska in the picture. Several confrontations at local watering holes. Man has a long history of alcohol and drug abuse. Restraining order against him. Long enough list on Maryland Judiciary Case search...real class act. Not someone I would really trust with my real estate transactions, that much I know.

  11. Typical of the crap found on this blog. Whine about nothing being sold, rude and crude when there is a sale. Just another trashing by the SBYNews wussies against local realtors

  12. Typical LIBERALS trying to turn this around to be my fault. This is a post on THEIR Facebook page. They made it public.

  13. Sounds like Rinnier might be doing some Trading of their own.

  14. In poor taste by the person who created and first posted this. The Rinniers are better than this.

    1. Are they? Lol. You must not know them too well.

    2. Are they? Lol. You must not know them too well.

  15. holy cow, i do think it's funny but i'm not sure if it's appropriate for a business page. I still can't believe anyone actually thinks President Trump meant that comment in any seriousness or that he has ever actually physically grabbed anyone by the **ssy. It was an offhand remark, and as a woman myself , I've heard and laughed at much more "offensive" remarks than that one.

  16. Totally wrong in so many ways. Ty for alerting everyone SBY News.

  17. Nasty. Isn't necessary. No excuse. NOT funny. period

  18. Would you trust these guys with your home? Pretty low rent there Rinnier.

  19. I put this up earlier, not Brandon. He had nothing to do with this. This was a photo we created nearly 2 years ago. I recycled the photo today as an election day joke. I had no intentions of offending anyone and I apologize to all of those who were. It was meant as an innocent adult joke for the friends on my page and nobody else had anything to do w it but me and me alone. It was meant in fun, but in the end it proved to be a poor attempt at humor and for that I am sorry. I hope you all find it in your heart to forgive me and remember this the next time you tell a mature joke yourself. Have a wonderful night and I wish all nothing but the best! God Bless

    -Matt Trader AKA Not Anonymous

    1. I love it keep it up and SCREW THESE LIBS there time is DONE.

  20. I put this up earlier, not Brandon. He had nothing to do with this. This was a photo we created nearly 2 years ago. I recycled the photo today as an election day joke. I had no intentions of offending anyone and I apologize to all of those who were. It was meant as an innocent adult joke for the friends on my page and nobody else had anything to do w it but me and me alone. It was meant in fun, but in the end it proved to be a poor attempt at humor and for that I am sorry. I hope you all find it in your heart to forgive me and remember this the next time you tell a mature joke yourself. Have a wonderful night and I wish all nothing but the best! God Bless

    -Matt Trader AKA Not Anonymous

    1. It's in poor taste when Rinnier had a handicap girl raped at their Oak Hill apartments not that long ago.

  21. 12:07, how in heck can any landlord have any control over something like that? That being said, your comment is nothing but an idiotic stone throw. Keep it to yourself.

  22. They look like shysters.

  23. Very creative...and hilarious. So, let me get this straight. It's okay for women to use the symbolism of an off color word for their genitalia, and for their guest to shout derogatorias from the Lincoln memorial, and carry signs with c!#t on them in front of children....but when 2 young local men make a joke, its deplorable.
    So, this was the 2017 PMS March, huh? If you want to express your freedom of speec, we can express ours.

  24. If they are single, I hope they don't expect to attract any attractive, intelligent single women to spend time with. This isn't the way to do that.

  25. These clowns should be fired!!

    I will never do business with them again.

    Also one should be reminded that John and Gail Barkovich have a grandchild with the Rinnier family.

  26. Really !!
    Total lack of Class for sure!

  27. Keith Ellison for DNC chairman!

  28. That's your "upper-crust" locals.The only difference between them and common white trash is money.

  29. I refuse to do anymore business with them will you ?

  30. 10:39 wah wah wah wah. I'm sure your business with them was significant.


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