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Sunday, January 22, 2017

An Excellent Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-19-17

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain why Wicomico County School students were forced to watch Obama inauguration. But the County will not be allowing students to watch the Trump inauguration. I was told as a parent if I wanted my student(Bennett HS) to watch the inauguration I should keep them home. The decision was made at a district level.


  1. Race. No other reason. Not right

  2. Have a chat with your County Council members, not all of whom are Democrats, and Board of Education members. Have another (same) chat with your County Executive, who is not a Democrat. Lastly, how about your Republican governor?

  3. Every parent who has a kid in school should absolutely keep their kids home and let them watch a real inauguration, the way it should be, not being sworn in on a Quran!

  4. But the superintendent at that time was from ....Minnesota. And he is a declared liberal.

  5. Teachers were told if they choose to show the Inauguration as part of instruction to keep discussion "apolitical". However there was no choice whether or not to show the previous Inauguration, in fact it was required and many schools in this county had teachers submit lesson plans.

  6. Get over it cupcake.

  7. We have a new superintendent

  8. Riddle md this: The teachers union gave contributions to which candidate? There's your answer. Not all teachers are liberal, but those at the top are.

  9. All parents should keep their kids home and watch the inauguration! Screw the WBOE. They don't own your kids! This is a historic moment. The first non-politician president since the Framers of the US. Keep them home. They'll learn more. No common core about it!

  10. NO EXCUSE for this...period

  11. Just remember the elected school board is coming. The public will get their chance to change this bull.

  12. Agree. Keep your kids home for the day and for the event. Regardless of who the president is, it's something that every kid should witness for posterity and a view of their ensuing lives.

  13. Because the school doesn't promote RACISM

  14. For me, watching watergate hearings with my dad was my first, unfortunate, view of politics.
    My sons will be home watching. This election is the first Presidential campaign and voting they were actively aware of, so this is something they should witness.

  15. This is simply not true, our school is allowed and resources were shared to do so if the teacher wishes to show it.

  16. This is just another example of what happens as a result of 95% of educators being liberals! Kids are being mind washed and dumbed down on a daily basis right here in Wicomico county and COMMON CORE is the method.

  17. Delmar has their midterm exams during their half days of school all week including tomorrow so they won't be watching it.

  18. Schools are run by racist blacks and white guilt morons.

  19. The Obama Inauguration was historic. The Trump Inauguration is just another old white dude

  20. Same in Worcester County from what my children tell me.

  21. How is Obama's historic? Just BC he is African American?

  22. Then, by all means, KEEP YOUR KIDS HOME!

  23. 10:16 -
    "Just remember the elected school board is coming. The public will get their chance to change this bull."

    Not gonna happen! Any local school board, elected or not, will be told by any Maryland Superintendent, "You set POLICY, not run the day-to-day operation of the school system." And, unfortunately, state law is on the superintendent's side.

  24. This should be a day off for everyone

  25. Because for the most part those at 'the district level' are extremely common low class filth They think they are something special but nothing could be further from the truth. They like others to think they are 'leaders' but they are nothing but slaves pushing a democrat agenda for their masters who like the braindead slaves they are do as they are told without question. They get the positions because they ram their heads up the butts of whoever it takes to get the position all the while saying yes yes yes. Don't let them fool you. They are the worst of the worst. They are in for a big surprise with Betsy Devos coming in as the Sec of Ed. She will drain the outhouse they wallow in out.

  26. Does anyone know if they watched the Bush inauguration?

  27. I guess living history isn't important. Maybe students should learn more Civics - novel concept. How can kids succeed when the leaders make such poor decisions?

  28. 11:06
    You may be on to something!

    The loser tried his best to change everything about history, but you don't and can't change history or I would have my wife and have gotten a better education, better career, etc.

    The old dude will correct what the failure changed and screwed up. Congratulations 11:06, this may be a new and better beginning for you. Take it and run.

    God Bless Trump/Pence
    God Bless The USA

  29. Hahahaha. This is wrong. Maybe a teacher with an axe to grind, but we were NEVER told we couldn't show it by WCBOE. So I don't know who said that, but it is definitely NOT true.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Have a chat with your County Council members, not all of whom are Democrats, and Board of Education members. Have another (same) chat with your County Executive, who is not a Democrat. Lastly, how about your Republican governor?
    January 19, 2017 at 9:08 PM

    I agree. You should also attend both meetings and ask why and demand answers. All of you should!

  31. I was a teacher and I was TOLD to VOTE straight democrat year after year.

  32. They kept an Obama campaign poster in West Salisbury Elementary posted on the wall outside the office for years after the election. Not the presidential portrait - which should have been there - but instead the "Yes We Can" poster!!!

  33. Can you tell me why all children are forced to only learn white history? They watched it because it was historic dumbasses. Every single president has always been a white guy, so the black guy winning was a pretty big deal. For the love of God people. Don't be ridiculous. Not one person has every told you how to vote 7:26, just stop. Bless all of your hearts. Bless them seriously.

  34. Joe here a some of the many Wicomico County Board of Education teachers who refused to let their students watch the Trump Inauguration at Bennett Middle School. Ironically they went to DC to protest the "Pussy Power" March against President Trump. I am an employee and I know for a fact that they did these things.

    They are:

    Karin Miller
    Lorraine Pica
    Joanne Hun
    Rachael Thompson
    and many others. I encourage other people to update the names so that decent parents can know what trash is teaching their children.

    These Haters should be fired. As a tax payer I am offended and Ticked Off and they should be reminded that my taxes go to paying their salaries.

  35. Omg a friend just showed me this and this is crap. I am a parent of a child that goes there and teachers are far from crap. The ones mentioned specifically I can attest to are among the best teachers there. Obviously the person that wrote that did not have enough time balls to put their name. I work there also and I showed the inauguration because it is a process all kids should see. I'm offended that these tearchers were singled out because, maybe your kid told you a lie about them. This is wrong and offensive to a great school and staff. I'm proud to say my kids go there


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