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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Another Cover Up At ECI

Salisbury News has learned an inmate was stabbed multiple times at ECI last Wednesday, yet there's been no press release. At this point, (especially since there was no press release) was this another stabbing employees knew about in advance?


  1. ARE they working with SPD crime stats ?

  2. Just curious. Is there really a need to be a press release about someone being stabbed in prison?

  3. 9:08, After the massive BUST at ECI recently, absolutely.

  4. Corrections is 100% political. They cover-up / not report crimes just like SU and other colleges. Joe if you knew 1/32 of what goes on inside you would not be able to publicize it because you would consume 100 megabytes and the public would not believe the facts.

  5. There are terrible crimes being committed behind bars to "good guy" prisoners by the "bad guy" prisoners. If a complaint is made, it should be throughly investigated and the good guys separated from the bad guys. But many guards simply turn the other way because they are just as bad as some of the bad guys. Nothing is usually done.

  6. This is definitely news because Correction Officers are unarmed and at-risk.

  7. Umm, it's prison. You expect to lock up horrible poeople and think they are not going to attack each other!? Wow. And how do you know which ones are "good inmate" and which ones are "bad inmates" !? This article is a joke right!?

  8. I can tell alot is at eci eci annex and MCI there is alot that goes on that no one knows about tumbles you are in there or been there, I've seen dead people I've seen people stabbed up just to get into Ganges, innocent people get chopped up, drugs, phones, tobacco, between the guards and the canteen workers and delivery guys that bring supplies even there is more shit in person than there is out here on the street it's a big business guards make alot of money at it more than there pay checks yea I have seen alot shit I just can't get out of my head.

  9. If they did press releases about a stabbing, you would get tired of ECI press releases after awhile. Not that they happen all the time, but it is a prison.

  10. Meghan, (10:41) Do you really believe everyone locked up is a "horrible" person? If you do, you're one of those very closed minded people out there.

    I'm sure you know someone who unfortunately became addicted to heroin and did some sort of crime to get their fix.

    There are millions of people serving time for minor stuff. These are the very people who never understood what it means to be in a gang in prison. They become targets.

    Don't you dare ever think law enforcement, guards, wardens etc. don't know the difference between violent offenders and white collar criminals.

    You should truly take the time to find out just what it's like to come out of a prison sentence, have to take and pay for a weekly piss test, show up a few times a week at your probation officer and then, get this, actually hold a job with a boss willing to let you off during the day to get to these meetings. Then you have to find a place to live, transportation, insurance. No prisoner thinks of these things going into their criminal activities.

    The system is set up to FAIL, each and every time. Yes, there are some that truly belong behind bars. However, there are a million times more people who are locked up because they had a bag of pot on them a couple times.

    There has to be a better way. If you think for a second inmates who are released don't become SLAVES to society, you'd be sdadly mistaken. They carry a ball and chain around for the rest of their lives.

    If you know me, I'm no Liberal, not at all. However, when I see a broken system, any human being with a heart would come to realize the system is severely broken.

    So yes, there's a major difference between a "good inmate" and a "bad inmate" and the people working there know the difference.

    Finally, if you've never experienced a family member incarcerated you have no room to speak.

  11. Joe have you ever worked in a prison? Have you ever walked through those gates and not know if your shift will go by with out something bad happening? It's a prison, filled with law breakers. That is why they are there. If they were innocent they would not be locked up. Please het the whole story before you start to stir things up

    1. Josh don't let ignorance get to you. People that run their mouths the loudest are the ones that don't know what it is like to work in the walls of indeed you do. I for one do and have so for almost 2 decades Yeah there are some dirty COs and they are being taken care of and are being made into inmates by the legal system and I'm glad of it. I work there because it's what I have to do to pay bills because of a huge void of good paying jobs in the area. But I won't be talked down to or won't be stereotyped for a second. It is a prison full of criminals that will hurt you if given a chance. Most stabbings are done because of gang activity and or debts to gangs in some sort of way. I'm sure there are some bleeding hearted liberals out there that think otherwise.

  12. Josh, I have never worked in a prison. If YOU are in fact an employee of the system, YOU GET PAID to do that job and you KNOW the circumstances. You are then professionally trained to handle that situation/environment. I do not, nor will I ever feel bad for you if in fact that is the job you chose to take on. Mind you, I'm not insensitive towards anyone who gets hurt on the job BUT plllleeeeeease, don't ask me to feel bad for your mental frame of mind with the NEVER KNOW what might happen crap. Train harder, work out more, do whatever it takes to be on top of your game every day/night. This is what makes a professional at ANYTHING.

    Yeah, sure, you're going to be pissed at me because I didn't fall for your sob story.

    You also suggest YOU might know the whole story here. Why don't ANY of you say that I'm wrong? Because I'm not wrong, that's why. Do I have every detail, no. Did it happen, yes. Deal with it snowflakes.

    1. You make a great point here...work harder to be better. So those in the system from drug addiction & "small" crimes should have just tried harder to be better instead of breaking laws. Putting themselves in situations to get stabbed up.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Joe same with cops, they get trained and paid to deal with these risk, but it seems like no pay will every be high enough to compensate them for the job they do, but FOP and I think I remember you being supportive of better pay for WCSO. Correctional officers are paid far less and you don't see anyone supporting better wages for them, just comments like the previous one you just made. My point is we accept our calling in life based on what each of us want, but wages always seem to become a motivator of doing a better job, making it compensation for our risk and what will make us happier. The bottom line is we choose our careers and should be happy we have a job.

  15. Everybody locked up is horrible.. They shouldn't have did the crime .. if you only knew how many stabbing and assaults that happen on a daily basis.. Maybe you should look up how many officers that get assaulted by inmates.. article is a joke

  16. Lol. A stabbing at a prison. Shocking. If there was a press release for every stabbing at ECI, there'd be no time for any other news. You get stabbed at ECI for using the shower without paying the gang that controls it.

    1. It would be better then seeing the weather 4 times on a 30 min news show

  17. Hell if I had a nickel for every time an inmate threatened me or my family I'd be in good shape. I been spit on, had piss thrown at me, the whole nine. Pardon me if I don't feel bad because one of those guys stabs someone for using the microwave out of turn. Most times it's something that minor that provokes it.

  18. On the plus side no officers were hurt, democrap vs democrap..... >meh< Yes, gangs DO exist in prison.

  19. People have no clue what officers go through on a daily basis.. yes there has been some low life's hired there and been dirty and it sucks bc people thinks that everyone that works there is dirty.. But there is alot of good people there also that puts thereally life in the line every day we go through the gate..

  20. 2:00, In this post I never said anything about PAY.

  21. Joe people need to hear more of your comments like the ones at 12:15. So much money is made off of petty offenders not to mention the lives ruined due to the criminal history. Tell me why DC legalizes but the rest of the country for the most part still marches people to jail for a plant. Drug use is a psychological / medical issue not a criminal one. Our country has it ass backwards.

  22. Thank you Joe for pointing out that sometimes good people do bad things and they pay for it by serving time.In some areas I will not name,if you are a cops kid or a judges kid you could probably rape old ladies and get probation.If you are poor or "unconnected" you are screwed.Your whole life is ruined and you are judged.

  23. Oh that's right here we go with this poor and unconnected stuff .. jus pretty much unprivliged "black kids" is what your saying

    1. Ummmm no pretty sure thats not what they were saying. It had/has nothing to do with color. I swear it's like that's the reason/excuse for everything now. It's gotten pretty annoying...its like geez here we go again!!!

  24. First of all you don't go to prison because you had been caught with a bag of pot a couple of times. That's what county jail is for. And second ECI, one of the largest medium security prisons in the US houses mainly murderers, rapist, pedifiles, burglars, drug traffickers, armed robbers. So yes who cares if a predator stabs another predator. And third every incarcerated citizen in a state prison has committed multiple crimes. You don't end up in a state prison because your an addict, you end up in a state prison because you committed real crimes. Thanks Joe we here on the shore appreciate your support of the 1000 men and women that put our lives on the line every day. And I'd like to find another career/job that has less than 2% of there work force dirty or criminal minded. You people have no clue what it takes to to maintain and control 3200 predators that hate and would do you harm if they had a chance. Good job Joe

  25. This happens quite a bit at ECI...and just about every other prison in the country. The DPSCS does not put out press releases for stabbings, they will for murders. Joe you do realize that ECI is a medium security prison that holds inmates from all crime spectrums. They have drug offenders, murderers, rapists child molesters and at one point a cannibal. For some reason people think that every inmate is behind bars because they were caught with a joint in their pocket.

  26. I heard there were 4 or so people involved in this, and they also tried to attack CO's when they intervened. Victim was taken to hospital. Doesn't matter who they are, or what they did to end up in prison. This is someone's son, someone's father. Some people are saying it's okay for this type of thing to happen, let one inmate stab another, no big deal. Something is wrong with you people.

  27. Nice work Joe, you should look into why we haven't heard about this yet. Someone who counsels inmates at ECI was busted bringing drugs into the meetings. Not sure why this hasn't been on the news since there was the big bust at ECI a few months ago.

  28. Joe do you have any news on what happened at Crisfield High School today? Someone was assaulted and sustained bad head injuries.

  29. Hey 9:29 if it isn't true then why hasn't the MSP Trooper who wrecked his truck drunk as a skunk last New Yrs Eve been to court for his Charges? Or a local judges daughter who can't stay off drugs and never serves any time? Hmmmm.....crickets.

  30. Oh 9:29 by the way,I never said anything about race.Poor whites are just as likely to have the same issues-no rich daddy or political connections.You added in "Black"


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