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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

#WheresEric? Clinton Foundation CEO Declared "Missing" by the Internet After Going Public with "Follow the Money"

Editor’s Note: Current theories are that he sought asylum in Russia or Akrancide… where do you think Braverman went?

Twitter users have started the hashtag #WheresEric in reference to Eric Braverman, the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, because some think he has been a possible missing person since before the November 2016 U.S. election. Braverman’s last public activity, accessible via the internet, was an October 12 retweet.

A common understanding of the events surrounding Braverman’s possible disappearance centers around his abrupt resignation from the Clinton Foundation in January 2015, which many thought was caused by his discovery of internal corruption at the non-profit organization. Braverman named was CEO in July 2013 during the immediate aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State which ended February 2013.



  1. They just transferred 2 Billion to an overseas bank - check that account...if it's empty, we'll never see him again - until they find his body...suicide - two to the back of the head!

  2. Has any one checked the morgue?

  3. In a shallow grave near the Mena airport.

  4. Check the freshly poured concrete in the area.

  5. Chalk up another one for the Hildabeast.. IF his body is ever found, he will have committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head--twice.

  6. Another Clinton mishap. Sounds more like the old Mafia or Russian tactics.


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