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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Trump Spokesman: Forget Russia, Let’s Punish Hillary

Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer is trying to shift the current political narrative in the mainstream press of “Russia helped Donald Trump get elected by hacking and releasing emails damaging Hillary Clinton” to “Americans should punish Hillary Clinton for her dishonest actions during the election.”

On Sunday, speaking on ABC’s This Week, Spicer was asked if Trump was willing to agree with U.S. intelligence agencies which determined that Russian hackers attempted to undermine the U.S. presidential election.

Spicer changed the subject, pointing out correctly that Clinton acted unethically when a CNN employee gave her debate questions prior to a debate. He noted:

The fact of the matter is, we’re having part of a conversation. Why aren’t we talking about the other influences on the election? Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election, somebody giving her to the debate questions and the answers of an election. . . No one is asking those questions. And the fact is that everyone wants to make Donald Trump admit to certain things. When are we going to start talking about the other side of this, which is what did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election? Is she being punished in any way?

I can tell you this, if my boss at the time, Reince Priebus, had gotten the debate questions, and handed them off, he would have been driven out of this town on a stake, and Donald Trump would have been vilified. No one wants to ask those questions now.



  1. Yes what about Hillary ??
    Don't forget ALL she has done,and needs to be Prosecuted
    And Don't forget Bill too and their Clinton Foundation !!!

    Don't Sweep under the Rug !!!!!!

  2. Bringing up Russia , was Just their PIVOTING to another
    subject.....like Politicians do !!

    Trying to take the attention Off of the "Clintons"

  3. Of course, she will be PARDONED if necessary ...........

    Those Teflon Clintons > Can't touch them

  4. Guys do you not remember this is the Democratic America? We don't blame the individuals at fault, we blame the people who want to blame the individuals at fault! Come on I thought we were all on the same page here it is 2017 after all....

  5. NO Punishment for Hillary > she has the Artillary !!!

    All her fellow Demon-crats Bought & Paid For ......

    SHE is the most powerful one on EARTH ......Not Putin !!


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