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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Police arrest NAACP protesters at Sen. Jeff Sessions' Mobile office

Six people including NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks have been arrested during a sit-in staged at the Mobile office of Sen. Jeff Sessions.

While there were about 30 protesters at the sit-in when it began around midday on Tuesday, many of them left before the arrests were made by the Mobile Police Department just before 7:00 p.m.

The remaining members that were arrested were: Alabama State Conference President, Benard Simelton, Humanity in Action Fellow, Devon Crawford, the President of Mobile Chapter 5044, Lizzetta McConnell, National Director of the Youth and College Division of NAACP, Stephen Green and Joe Keffer.



  1. Good. I hope they keep on arresting them.

  2. The RACIST bunch should have been ARRESTED....
    What else did the Dummies expect would happen ??? Dugh !!!

  3. Take their food stamp cards and make them do something besides sit on their ass.

  4. Believe they all were paid WELL for getting themselves arrested.

  5. Maybe they should protest the black on black murders in Chicago.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 4, 2017 at 2:02 PM

    Another publicity stunt by NCAAP "leaders" for media attention. Like to know who financed this trip. Did they use their own money? Nah, probably on Taxpayers dime.

    1. Welfare...EBT cards and alike are a money scam....homeys sell them for more profit....


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