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Sunday, January 22, 2017

What's Your Thoughts?

Would You Like To See Bikers For Trump BOUNCE Violent Liberals At The Inauguration?


  1. The polite term is to show them the door...

  2. I will be there stomping if needed.

  3. Yes, but I hate to see bikers get bashed by ALL the media as Gangs and such! Hey- if the law cant get it done then so be it! That being said I dont think Niel Patrick Harris,,aka Doogy will have the balls ( Lil Ones they be ) to push the bikers around anyway. Although Caitlyn Jenner might give it a shot! lol

  4. I'm guessing all those old overweight bikers won't be much of a threat in regard to physically controlling anything.

    1. 2:57. A bunch of weekend warriors that are all TALK!!

  5. if needed, you bet. Teach those panty-wearing liberal pacifists a thing or 2.
    Just like all the republican protesters at the Obama inaugurations. Oh, wait a minute, that didn't happen, did it??!! Must have been a work day.

  6. Only in their own defense. But when it becomes necessary beat the living ???? out of them!!!

  7. Yes! Thank God for the bikers!

  8. NO violence is the worst thing that could happen, if that happens it is only feeding into the liberal media's claims that Trump supporters are racists and a bunch of red necks that are out to destroy this country when in fact the opposite is true. A peaceful transition is the best thing that could happen. Let the cops and security people handle the protesters while we stay out of it. If we truly believe that Trump can make America great again we have got to take the high road. That being said YES I would love to see a bunch of paid protesters get their asses kicked but not there.


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