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Sunday, January 22, 2017

The DNR Saga Continues And It's Shocking


  1. I'd like to see Hillary Clinton get her skull like this one.

  2. Pretty tacky for a police officer. Those guns in 5.56 & .223 are illegal for deer hunting in Maryland, as they generate ft. lbs. of energy near or below the required minimum. Unethical at best with the best bullets.

    1. really know your guns and ammo my point would be it wouldnt be legal if the mag was filled 8 rounds max to hunt deer

  3. Having been with the DNR , this is terrible. He won't last long and won't be in law enforcement in any form.

  4. It is the typical "we can do what we want" attitude but yet they demand respect from the everyday citizens. They are all a joke!

  5. whats the problem with the ar15?
    they are perfectly legal in md

  6. That should be BagDaddy's head !!! Good Shot !!

  7. That also should be Syria's Dictator's Head and
    North Korea's Dictator's Head (Nice Head shots)

    Someday it WILL be ........Mad Dog take care of that !!

  8. And yet the politicians are mum

  9. Looks like a good ole boys club.

  10. This what ISIS heads are going to start looking like after
    Jan 20 2017 !!!

    7.62 rounds !!!

  11. 9:26 md regulations state 1200ftlbs at the muzzle
    a 62gr projectile @ 3000fps is over 1200ftlbs, therefore legal

  12. Looking at the photograph with the ar-15s it is the second photo on the tree I find most distressing! I see in the comments They infer the using of the weapon on their own officers if running into them. Isn't their enough ammunition out there advocating the shooting of lawenforcement w/o fellow officers advocating it. And who puts a dead person's skull on their web page like a trophy! I am sure his agency approves of ona of their own officers in a uniform identifying the agency and a zombie mask! This man's a disgrace to the agency and the lawenforcement profession. Maybe that is why gofer of the command was brought into the internal affairs unit to frame innocent officers and coverup the crimes of others. "DISGUSTING" What our tax dollars brought! Maybe they will let him back to investigate Capt. John Massey' case of January 2nds article and get him off.

  13. The 223 is legal in Md. and is adequate in expert hands for head or spinal shots, but should not be used on large or trophy bucks for body shots.

  14. joe, welcome to the party. where you been all these years. DNR has always been like this. you just now realizing it?
    the rest of ya's just stfu and pay the fines we issue you!
    We're Gods and you are all just mere mortals!

  15. There is not a problem owning an ar-15 in maryland and it appears he purchased an additional one for his small child. Both appear to have 29-30 round mags in them. Don't misunderstand me I strongly support the rights of gun owners to have hunting and self defence weapons. Especially in this time of increased violent crime an reduced police coverage. What I can't condone are is his statements about violating the game laws and implying he would use the assault weapon on the officer to as he refers to for them not to both him. I can assure you a assault weapon would work on a police officer. And with the police under fire from radical killers every day, do you really believe they need any encoragement or ideas from an officer encouraging it or at least putting the idea out there! And the placement of a real skull with abullet hole placed in it being advertized like a trophy fits right in with the left wing radical to take our guns from us andperpetuates the myth that police officers are actively looking to gun down people all the time w/o cause. How would feel if that skull belonged to you or a family member? This untrue bragging is what threatens our future gun rights. And allows the ultra left the ammo they need to attack our right to bear arms. I still haven't figured if this behavior with the zombie mask is supposed to indicate a zombie in a police uniform or a cop with a, zombie attitude. I am sure that thr DNR are glad to see there agency identified as such on social media. I can also attest that this officer made racial post about a post by our former african american Lt. Gov. And a statement he was printed up in a newspaper. Everyone has the right to pubic opinion, but not lawenforcement officer where it can be conceived they are acting as a representative of the agency. This officer lives on the other side of bay and was brought into the INTERNAL AFFAIRS UNIT several years to be manipulated into going after honest officers that the command deemed too honest and to coverup for guilty officers they wanted protected. That is why the evidence of a officer shooting in bellvue years back was destroyed after collected as evidence and a chain of custody begun. So the previous post was correct about it being a good old boys club. The problem is the bad officers threaten civilians ino silence for fear of retaliation. The only way to fight the injustice is to turn the stone over from on top the snake thru forums such as this until the delagates have to act or the federal gouvernment begins to look.

    1. I don't know you nor the office mentioned here but if I were you I would sure want to post some evidence supporting your potentially slanderous claims of racial statements being made against the former Lt Governor. Without such proof your credibility is lost and you open yourself up to legal action. Does anyone really believe that if this occurred this officer would still be employed? Making a racial statement is the quickest way to end a career in public service. In my opinion this is nothing more than sensationalized media full of unsupported and misleading claims. Obviously if this officer spent any time in internal affairs and did his job properly he's created enemies. Who'd like to wager that is the motivating factor in this whole non-story?

  16. I can't believe you even did a story about this.

  17. So here we go again... More BS that has been manipulated in an attempt to make the DNR and this officer look bad.

    The skull that is pictured is on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC where it is viewed by thousands of people daily. It's in the section on body trauma. Furthermore if you call a woman in a bikini a "provocative sexual image" you may as well fire the whole lot of DNR officers who come in contact daily with these provocative sexual images while on summer boat patrol. Many have been photographed or even captured on film by the media while doing there job in uniform in close proximity to these sexually provocative images. I've read the comments associated with the AR-15 numerous times and nowhere can I find where this officer threatened its use against other law enforcement officers. The comment I suppose everyone has seemingly gotten spun up about was followed by a LOL - for those unaware of Internet slang that means Laughing Out Loud. Clearly that comment was made in jest and has absolutely nothing to do with harming another police officer. It's beyond quite a stretch to infer otherwise. About the purchase of the AR-15 - does anyone know when it was purchased? Prior to O'Malley's unnecessary gun laws you could buy as many of them as you wanted in any configuration you wanted as well as many other types of now prohibited weapons. I'd bet many people reading this thread own a now prohibited gun.

  18. Regarding the posts of January 20th 2017.
    Racial statements posted next to neswpaper from speech by Lt. Govenor Anthony Brown "Ed Johnson""SMH... And this from the man who wants to be the next governor. Usingthis philosophy, the white politions should start advocating for the white race. Imagine the shitstorm that would create. I thought politicians were to represent everyone. This is a glaring example of why this man should not be elected govenor."

    AR-15 statement of Oct 16th after being deer hunting by a former officer, "Ed. Johnson states ""I don't think the game warden can catch us...lol" the picture connected to this in the pic of the AR-15 propped to the tree. I fail to see the humor when hw is referring that he can't be caught due to the rifle with it's 30 rd. Clip.Lawenforcement has enough trouble w/o someone in lawenforcement planting that seed in a possible hostile or mmentally off subject.

    As to the skull which he had posted twice on his facebook page in August 12, 2015. You can see a subject state "now I have a real headache". Ed Johnson states yeah a 45 caliber one." subject states "looks like he tried to mug the wrong one...you! Response thats a big hole to which another states "oh my bet that was fun to xray".

    On neither of the two he had postedmm,mmnnmm,,,, does Johnson admit where this skull comes from. So who ever you are must be a close friens or him. Regardless it is extremely unprofessional and adds hate to an already negatively atmosphere. To say it's tasteless is to weak a response, it is inflammatory and shows complete disrespect to the agency.

    This writer cannot comment regarding the two upper commanders as i have not heard anything dispectfull regarding either and hope them the best with what they inherited.

  19. 7:09 pm - I have no dog in this fight but I do consider myself pretty observant. Of everything I've read related to this story nowhere except for your post has a former officer been identified or mentioned. How do you know this? Could it be that you're a disgruntled ex employee with an axe to grind. I do believe you've just unknowingly identified yourself. If this is the case, your motivation is clear....

  20. If you can't argue with the facts, attack the messenger! You lost!

  21. Nothing to see here....just like State Troopers,DNR officers can have DWI's buried forever and pretty much get away with anything they want to.

  22. I've been considering the statement of 1/20/17 making excuses for this subjects facebook posting and followup denials.
    First lets take theskulls of the dead person. Supposedly of the same victim. Why would they be posted first on 10/9/13 and then again on 1/1015. Along with theseare pictures of other trophies of fish and animals. OK I can see animals as being normal. But the shulls of people having no true explanation for 4 years until pressured to explain. I don't see this as being anything other someone that claims it was a mugger and then never denying the commentc indicating the person tried to mug the wrong person, him. Other terrorists that put heads of victims on social recreational media. The joking about it by an identified law enforcement officer is above comprehension.
    On 8/17/2013 this officer goes on a tirade against Lt.Governor Anthony Brown's newspaper article from Ocean City. In this statement he attacks the article and suggests that based on the philosophy published, Ofc.Johnson states that "maybe white politicians should only represent the White Race, and what a shitstorm that would create". Sounds a little racial to me coming from a police officer working under the official he's working for? When mentioning this statement along with the skulls, assault rifles and the so called joke reference about the use of said weapons to evade game wardens. Lets say he had mentioned the governor or president's name, how long do you think he might have gotten some from MSP Executive Protection or the Secret Service!
    Then on 10/16//2013 along with several AR-15 weapons of his and young son he jokes about the state game wardens not bothering him implying the possession of the weapons with 30 rd clips would prevent that. He later explains that the lol at the end makes it a big joke. Do you think the warden and his family would find that so hilarious? Or maybe the other Law Enforcement officers shot last year by deluded shooters who have the preconceived notion that across the USA are just trigger people out to gun down the civilian population w/o cause We don't need egocentric officers like this out there threatening the majority of Law Enforcement responsible that are out there helping people.
    We have alreadyseen into this officers' personality from his earlier gross racy photos from his widely circulated photos from his Las Vegas trip posted in January. The ones reportedly from a vacation. Although he jumps around why he is wearing a tie around them. A perspective on this is that Las Vegas is used extensively for training law enforcement. There is no doubt this officer has disgraced his agency and his reckless postings may have endangered fellow and future officers. There is still alot in the back history of this officer yet to be brought including abuse of position.

  23. Maybe this guy needs a pshycological and drug test. Seem like that is prevalent problem there.


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