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Sunday, January 22, 2017

MSP - Press Release - Road Rage Shooting - Wicomico County 1-18-17


  1. yea, crime is down, didn't you hear?

  2. WOW how come i didnt see this on da local spews?
    More cover ups in Dabury.

    1. This is the norm. Unless someone is killed, it won't make the news. Shots fired and woundings stay "bury"ed

  3. Written by a seasoned LE professional I'm sure.
    "(E)xchanged" connotes gunfire coming from both involved parties. So ... what did you do with the party you are not seeking? Charges?

  4. For once, a clear security camera photo. This shouldn't take long.
    Offer a $20.00 reward... They'll be lining up to snitch.

  5. Come on people... someone's gotta recognize these three POS.

    Wonder how proud their mama's and non-existent papa's are.

  6. I bet blondie is at Walgreens buying some brown it up hair color as we speak.

  7. Here's to hoping that the next person that they shoot out will shoot back, not missing any one of the three.
    One of their own will turn them in for some crack money.

  8. Can we please get a description of the wanted individuals so as to clear up any misconceptions about who we a searching for? Is it dark-haired man and two women, a brunette and a blonde/light-brown hair? Early twenties and wearing blue?

    IF NOT for the clear picture I wonder if a description would have been provided at all?

  9. Didnt mikey catch them with his moped.?

  10. There is much more to this Joe. What are they not telling the public?? Exchange of gun fire. Who is the other party involved. Did they have a right to carry. Something fishy here. Was the other party white?

    1. Shhhhhhhhosssssh
      sweeping under the rug is ongoing.

    2. Most of us have the right to carry. You can carry a rifle or shotgun anywhere. A black powder pistol is not a handgun, its a replica firearm. You can carry it loaded out in the open for protection without a permit. Know your rights!!

  11. Poorly written report! There was no "exchange" The victims were not armed.

  12. Looks like Hobbs to me. The male in the pic.

  13. hahaha one vehicle can't exchange gunfire. Occupants from two vehicles can exchange gunfire but a dark sedan cannot exchange gunfire. Poorly written and poorly reviewed.

  14. Looks like Obama's son to me.

  15. What store was this taken at? Dont think there is a store near where they said the shooting took place.

  16. Written poorly by the same that will perjure themselves to cover themselves while taking down anyone questioning them.
    The inmates are loose with gun and badge.
    Know your rights because law enforcement is after them. They've lost track of the bad guys.

  17. Can I get an "Amen"!?


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