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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Progressives Prepping for Anti-Trump Woman's March by Making 'Pussyhats'

Progressive knitters and crocheters around the world are busy making “Pussyhats” to be worn by participants in the media-hyped Woman’s March to take place in Washington, D.C. as part of the organized left’s response to Donald Trump’s election.

“Pussyhats” are pink, knitted, cat-ear headgear, and their manufacture and distribution are being undertaken by the Pussyhat Project, one of the “partners” listed on the website of the Woman’s March scheduled for January 21, 2017.

As the Pussyhat Project’s flier helpfully points out:

We love the clever wordplay of “pussyhat” and “pussycat,” but yes, “pussy” is also a derogatory term for female genitalia. We choose this loaded word for our project because we want to reclaim the term as a means of empowerment.

The group goes on to point out their view that identifying people with female genitalia as females is considered a form of oppression, saying that “in this day and age, if we have pussies we are assigned the gender of ‘woman.’ Women, whether transgender or cisgender, are mistreated in society.”



  1. We have become a land full of kooks.

  2. The height of hypocrisy. Progessives are very very very stupid

  3. So vulgar. Typical democrats. Trashy vulgar gross low class people democrats are ALL of them.

  4. more like A** hats

  5. I'm confused why you are angry people are making hats for women's rights. Can anyone explain?

  6. 1:44
    I can try but you won't get it. What will wearing a hat do for women's rights? Number one, what the heck rights are they asking or looking for. They have the same rights others have or are they special. Human's are getting dumber ever day, too much time on their hands. Get a job, be productive and you will be fine.

  7. What more rights do they need?

  8. How about calling them woosey hats.

  9. Democrats are really gross, vulgar and perverted people. I guess they think they are being cute by calling the hats an off color name for female genitalia. So low class democrats are. Besides the hats are ugly and look ridiculous. Democrats are so lacking in any sophistication and good taste.

    1. Relax Lady, it's just "Locker Room Talk" Geeeeeze!

  10. No one is angry Nathan. Just pointing out what vulgar garbage democrats are. Personally I am pleased of all the discord. Shows me who is beneath me and who is on my level. Someone opposes Trump and they are not worthy to breath the same air as me. They are beneath me.

  11. These hats just represent a childish effort to 'fight' against the imaginary evils that they think will come from the election of Donald Trump.

    This is mass hysteria.

    But at least they aren't ripping off their clothes and running around naked as progressives so often do when they feel they need to make some kind of statement.

  12. People are just getting sicker by the year..when are these wannabe hippies going to realize you look like aholes to 95% OF us.

  13. They are what they eat.

  14. As I opened the comment section of this I knew what I was going to read because this is the good ole boy red neck eastern shore where women are still considered property by most little boy men in the area. Joe shows respect for his wife....you guys should take a lesson.

  15. They more like SORE LOSER HATS !!!!

  16. They have probably slept around with every Tom ,Dick and
    Hairy and just want some attention........

    Their Hats don't look like anything but a Hat ....Dugh !!

  17. Women rights! unless your pro life. These people are vile evil demons masquerading as if they were rightous. Dead Babies on sticks is more in line with the idealogy they claim

  18. Plenty of women VOTED FOR TRUMP so who cares about these
    idiots ??? They have too much time on their hands, waisting their time ..........

  19. 6:06, it's "pampous".


    1. @9:53 PM, no- it's spelled "pompous" :-)


  20. I endorse this idea. Often it takes some chasing and conversation to find out the space between the ears of some women is utterly vacant. Some, not all.

    So 'marking their territory' in this manner is helpful!

  21. Anonymous 3:59pm My thoughts exactly!! They are the problem!!

  22. These are some of Bill Clinton's Interns !!

  23. Do They have Helen Degenerated Underwear ???

  24. What else would they wear if they want something that represents what a lot of men jokeing call them? Everyone should lighten up because apparently those women can take a joke and make it work for them.

  25. I asked 4 separate women who went to the march why they were marching. Each one gave a different reason but only one common theme: they were angry and don't like Trump. Millions of people were angry and didn't like Obama. What happened then? So, this is sexist. And this was a PMS March.
    What's wrong with making America great again? What has Mr. Trump said that is anti- woman, anti- LGBT, anti- Semitic, anti- Hispanic? Seriously...someone PLEASE give me one actual quote - not an opinion from the MSM- but evidence that could be used in court, that the new POTUS has said that was against any group. He's against criminals, Islamic terrorists, illegal immigrants and the MSM. That's what I heard him say. We should all want that! I heard that he wants to help minorities in a way that will help them instead of keeping them addicted to handouts. Much of his senior brass are women. Is that sexist?
    What the f#*!* is wrong with you people? You're just pissed that you didn't get your way. Take some Midol and Grow up!


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