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Sunday, January 22, 2017

What's Happening? 1-17-17

Let us know what is going on in the area! We want to hear the good the bad and the ugly!  


  1. Everyone I talk to is talking about the stupid protests that are about to happen in D.C. . We had a good laugh with Sharpton being the last of the dying breed of racist promoters.

  2. I'm just worried more than ever now , why won't they let it go. Mr. Trump won , they recounted , they have tried everything to prove him wrong.

  3. I am sick and tired of all these "free" blue newspapers littering up my driveway. They are a nuisance. Why is it okay to drive around and throw crap in people's yards? Also, it makes it easy for would be burglars to know who is away. Just look for the mounting pile of blue papers!

  4. Call it what you like, I'll use ugly. I get peeved by wasting my time glancing over comments where the good doctors of English are so much better than others by correcting mistakes. If you don't understand what a person writes, go the the next comment. This sure as heck isn't written by a English major, so if you don't understand it, move along. Next thing you know you'll throw race into the picture.

  5. 1:44
    Have no fear, you here The Trump Train coming, along side of it are Bikers for Trump. Four years from now, there will be nothing to protest in their small left wing minds.

  6. Feeling annoyed at the sign i saw posted at the route 50 subway...snap cards now accepted at subway. So...for seven dollars you can buy one meal or you could spend that same seven dollars and buy a pack of bologna and a loaf of bread and eat all week. Shaking my head at the absolute waste and stupidity! Sends a great message to kids... no need to work hard in school, just wait until you turn 18 and get your card. You can sit home, order your groceries online (via snaps new program with amazon grocery service), when you get tired of that, you can go order a bushel of crabs or some subs. No need to work. These are now rights afforded to all citizens.

  7. I Boscov'ed today.

  8. Just poking fun at the long haired guy works with me ?

  9. Still child support has no superintendant

  10. worrying about trump on inuguration day.

  11. obama lets the treasonous pos chealse manning off Unreal plus hundreds of thug prisoners.

  12. Brian Keane has a nice butt. Phatty one. Saw him around the bury.

  13. "..Brian Keane has a nice butt. Phatty one. Saw him around the bury.."

    Is that you, Jimbo?

  14. 4:45
    Nasty....you must be a real sicko

    1. I like big butts

    2. Sicko? The blog asked what's going on. All I said was the guy had a nice big butt. Insert Nose, tounge, and peach emojis. Aint my fault he got buns hun

  15. 2:30
    The reason they accumulate on my lawn and drive is I am disabled and have to wait until my children arrive and clean it up or the lawn guy. Been going on for years, very inconsiderate. Have called and it may stop until someone else has the route and it starts again. There should be some way to correct this annoying unwanted delivery. I'm not suggesting a law, I'm for small government. But the business should get a handle on this mess.

    1. Establish a "no circular" list, similar to the national no-call list that businesses need to adhere to. Subsequent circulars left at addresses on the list would result in fines for the business. You can bet they'd be more careful about where they toss their free papers.

  16. Some express concern for the inauguration being disrupted. Have no fear, when you hear that train a coming, the sound you actually hear is the Bikers For Trump riding shotgun and trailing the caboose.

    1. What about the trains ? thats where most people are coming in these thugs will probably. target whites.

  17. trying to figure out how much I can afford to send to the Clinton foundation and the elks bailout fund

  18. 4:45
    I don't know the dude you reference, but please keep that image to yourself.
    Can't believe it was posted on this neat blog.

    1. Did it ever occur to you that a woman posted that?

  19. I can't wait for inauguration day. Many wrongs need to be righted. That will start immediately. This is more exciting than either of the great Ronald Reagan's inaugurations.

  20. Trump will unleash hell on the rioters along with the bikers.

  21. If you want the blue covered papers to stop trashing up your yard...kick them in the street and then let the company know you plan to charge them with littering. Get your neighbors to do the same. Worked in our neighborhood.

  22. This site could be so helpful to so many people if jerks would stop posting stupid stuff. This is a great place to point out good/bad things in the community. Like.....I notice that there are so many businesses in Salisbury that are not in compliance with handicap laws. I was in BB&Beyond the other day and if someone yelled fire you would get trampled to death because of so much junk in the way. They are stacking product in front of the incoming door to prevent (probably shoplifting) but the fire department should do an inspection. Blocking any door could cause loss of life.

  23. PRMC is about to have a big round a layoffs.

  24. I think I will check out the laws for handicap access because I noticed this too. Should you send a letter to the manager or what legal agency should be made aware?

  25. What happened to the rest of the story about Candy Burns?

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am sick and tired of all these "free" blue newspapers littering up my driveway. They are a nuisance. Why is it okay to drive around and throw crap in people's yards? Also, it makes it easy for would be burglars to know who is away. Just look for the mounting pile of blue papers!

    January 17, 2017 at 2:30 PM

    I am too. I am also disabled like another poster commented. I used to bend over and pick this trash up and put it in my garbage can but that has become too painful for me to continue.

    I have kicked them into the street, hoping it would be noticed and the person tossing them out their car window would notice and stop tossing them, but it only just sits there. It gets run over by cars and just makes a bigger mess to clean up.

    I don't know their number to call and complain. I really don't want to bother leo with such a small thing. But it does get me spitting mad.

  27. January 17, 2017 at 2:37 PM

    Depending on the word(s) being misspelled, it should be brought to that persons attention so they can correct it. I often times use abbreviations when I am writing such as ur =your for example. They can easily be understood and it saves time and effort on my part.

    But other misspelled words can impact whatever message a commenter is trying to make. And couple that with punctuation errors or no punctuation at all and a message can become impossible to read much less understand.

    Also, I have noticed such spelling and grammar errors from our local news outlets. I absolutely hate that. They are supposed to be "professionals". There is no excuse for such an organization to not have online spelling error correction and grammar programs to assist them. I have them and I am not in that business but I do want what I type to be free of errors and understood by those that read it.

  28. i'm in the mood for a good riot, let me call a few democrats I know so they can point me in the right direction. after that I think I will go to target and hang out in the ladies room.

  29. The Hillary coin will be a wooden nickel.

  30. 6:13
    I am not criticizing your message, its good. Sometimes this is a difficult task to get rid of. I happen to be out front when a pickup littered my yard with the unwanted paper. The pickup had to come back to get off the street.I waved them down, finding the nicest elderly couple inside the vehicle. I thanked him for stopping and handed the paper back, asking to discontinue. The ole man driving had oxygen being administered in the nostrils, nothing to do with this I just knew I didn't want to get nasty or excite the couple. He asked what my address was and his wife (?) passenger wrote it down and placed it over the sun-visor. The next week I observed them slowly drive by and toss it out on my lawn. As peeved as I was, I could have walked out and jumped them, but with their age and health let it go. I figured these factors may have come into play and with that the fact they even had to take the job didn't make me feel good. So as Tony Soprano and fellas would say what-ah you going to do.


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