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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Martin O'Malley Compares Trump To Hitler, KKK

Former Gov. Martin O’Malley asserted President-elect Donald Trump is an evil man on par with the Nazis and the KKK on Twitter Saturday night, and said he would “fight.”

“Now is not the time for reconciliation,” the failed Democratic presidential candidate tweeted. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer didn’t reconcile with the Nazis. MLK didn’t reconcile with the KKK. Now we fight”

O’Malley’s tweet is part of what appears to be a Democrat campaign to delegitimize Trump’s win, undermine his presidency and encourage anyone who will listen not to accept the results of the election. Democrat Rep. John Lewis said he does not see Trump as a “legitimate” president Friday, because the Russians rigged the election and rendered the result unfair and undemocratic. Others tried to invalidate the electoral college vote on the grounds of Russian interference and alleged voter fraud.

The initial reaction to O’Malley’s tweet wasn’t exactly positive.



  1. Martin O is a has been.

  2. Isnt O'muckit supposed to be in prison? The article said he was doing 6mnths...

  3. Oh darn thought he was gone either way he is insignificant

  4. If there is a parallel to Hitler it is the man leaving office this week. The first thing Hitler did after being elected was to institute nationalized health care. Sound familiar?

  5. That's funny, because I compare owemalley to a bag of dog crap!

  6. omalley will say anything to try and make himself relevant even if he has to lie. He's another one who has never done one thing productive his entire miserable life. Sucked like the low class garbage he is off the tax payers teat. He and that weird looking skank he's married to hustled some stuff from the governor's house in an improper way. What garbage raises these people. Says a lot about them.

  7. MM should be strung up and whipped at the least. He is a typical democratic lowlife, a coward and pure trash. He was a terrible governor and a real shame for Maryland. He has no backbone and is not a leader. He is a disappointment to all.

  8. Bob Aswell....RealistJanuary 17, 2017 at 1:23 PM

    Just what in the worldly realm of reality would you compare Martin O'Malley to? Maybe the WORST Governor Maryland ever had? The biggest dolt that lives under petticoat rule? (His Judge wife) The LEAST ACKNOWLEDGED candidate for The DEM nomination? Wow, What a jerk!!!!!!!!!! Bob Aswell.....Realist

  9. Just a has been sucker to Debbie Washerface and the antics of the DNC who played him like an idiot.

  10. Why is Omalley's BS in ANY news???

  11. does anyone ever listen to omalley////////// IF they do,they are a fool the worst governor maryland has ever seen he is on par with spiro agnew

  12. MO'M is like a three year old trying to get some attention.

  13. Why are all these comments simply pun-based name calling, or actual calls for violence instead of evidence-based arguments for Trump's policies?

  14. And this is the same man that only 1% of his own party voted for him in the democrat primary for president? Apparently even his own don't listen to him.

  15. He is a complete horses ass who put the State of Maryland in a deep financial hole.

  16. O'Malley's legacy is still stifling Marylanders. Energy bills are on the rise because of his globalist green dream (nightmare). Renewables cost 3 times more than traditional electricity, so when the 20% is in place, we will be paying $320 for $200 worth of electricity!

  17. Because, 150pm, thats all O'muckit is entitled to. It's all he desired, and likely you dont want to debate policies either, we are already aware of them which is why Trump is now President....but go ahead someone will... if you really want debate.

  18. I just read this for the comments. Funny! Otherwise, O'Malley isn't worth my time.

  19. O'Malley and his policies and taxes gave Maryland a Republican governor. Even his hand picked successor couldn't win with his platform. Those doofus just don't get it. And the coastal progressives, well they don't get it either. Their policies are what are destroying their credibility and political clout. The party is in decline AND in denial as to the cause.

  20. 1:50 - the wall, deporting criminal illegals, dealing with crime in urban areas, protecting the rights of gun owners, supporting Israel, ending deal with Iran, new trade deals with Mexico and China, allowing businesses to bring money back to our country, putting Hillary in prison, creating jobs, finish the MSM, and Obamacare!! This is just for starters - which do you want to discuss? Oh, and Martin is an a$$!

  21. Martin i herd you are the grand wizard.

  22. When left-wing liberal elitists like O'Malley denounce trump, it reminds us that we voted for the right person.
    Think about it: if the MSM and left-wing-nuts are so against something, whatever they are against, must be right.

  23. It's Ok for other to say nasty things about Trump, but when he replies, he's instantly racist/bigoted/insensitive, etc.
    and, good point 3:41/// O'Malley gave us Hogan just like Obama gave us Trump. In a twisted way, we should thank them. At this rate, the democratic party will be down to less than a million in a few years. A bunch of them can't procreate, anyway.

  24. Omalley say it to our faces u pos.

  25. He was the worst governor we ever had. Delaware will be next to be crippled by a leftist governor. Delmarva needs to secede from these knuckleheads.

  26. Now there's somebody I really look up to - and care what he says! - NOT

  27. Say it to my face martin.

  28. The Nazi party were Socialist's with the same policy's as today's Democrats.

  29. Good thing for Omalley and the rest of the Demon-crats
    that he is Not like Hitler....for they would All be Dead !!

    Only in America can they get away with what they do ......

    1. Omalley would rather be speaking Nazi.

  30. The Only KKK today ...is the Black KKK

    The White One was done away with a Long time ago by the US
    Gov.........learn some History !!!


  31. OweMalley is a leading indicator of poor choices and bad plans. Whatever is coming out of his piehole, do the opposite to actually benefit people.

    I'm withholding the rest of my comments about him to stay in line with the blog guidelines.

    He's the bathtub ring in history's tub.

  32. Funny, a lifelong Communist politician calling a free market capitalist businessman a Hitleresque Fascist. 10:10, no he's the toilet bowl ring you just can't flush away... ( tax pun intended)

  33. O'Malley doesn't have a clue he never did even in his one term office he didn't represent Maryland well and did not hold up life without parole, or the death sentence, also that convicted child sex offenders can live closer to schools an churches now. Worst governor of this state ever, he just always buckled with what the criminals like, "NO BACKBONE O'MALLEY".

  34. I proudly admit I didn't waste time reading the post. I would think he should know his reputation and be embarrassed to show his bad self. I would have enough sense to run until out of sight, but you know being a liberal....not very swift.


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