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Sunday, January 22, 2017

THE NERVE! Michelle Obama Responds To John Lewis SKIPPING Out On Inauguration

For those who are not familiar with who John Lewis is, here is a quick update. JOhn Lewis is a Georgia politician with a rich history in the civil rights movement. He was the youngest of the “Big Six” leaders of the movement. He helped organize the march on Washington. Personally marched and worked next to Martin Luther King Jr. and advocated the non-violent effort to end segregation and racism.

Like many Democratic leaders he is not thrilled with the upcoming inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump. He has recently been quite vocal about his unease with the upcoming presidency.

According to ABC News:

After a Friday interview in which Lewis said Trump was not the “legitimate” president because of alleged Russian interference in the election, Trump responded on Twitter Saturday, writing that Lewis “should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk – no action or results. Sad!”

Trump’s accusation that Rep. John Lewis is “All talk… (and) no action…” struck a chord with many. For a survivor of multiple jailings and beatings as a result of his voice in fighting for civil rights it had to be a troubling accusation.

But Michelle Obama has taken to twitter herself today and stepped into the debate.



  1. We won. They lost. End of story.

  2. She needs to Shut her Mouth---
    but NO---Just wants to keep
    stirring the Pot!

  3. Bye Moooochelle, hope you took advantage of the last 8 years! You once again become irrelevant after noon Friday.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 18, 2017 at 5:16 PM

    Michelle, oops, aka Michael, is showing her/his true colors now. After 10+ years of Obama's being pretenders, we will soon find out the truth. Like great Joan Rivers said shortly before her "accidental" death few years ago: quote Michelle is a Tranny and we All know it". It's still on YouTube.

  5. She is the queen millinial.

  6. Trump, repaint de louse burn the sheets hire back the old chef who quit put churchill statue back tear out the bb court put in a pitch in putt party with the SS once a week and Enjoy x 8 yrs.

  7. Women like Michelle so we can expect to see and hear a lot from her getting primed up for a political run of soms sort, maybe even the White House. God forbid.

  8. This has been going on ever since there has been 2 parties. People got their noses out of joint and didn't go and there was NO media to blow it out of proportion. Stay home...who cares!!

  9. I'm positive she's going to run for POTUS in 4 years!

  10. She is extremely manly looking. The girls too are now showing signs. They walk and have mannerisms like a male would.

  11. The problem is our new POTUS keeps saying silly things.

    I look forward to Mr. Trump getting down to business and stopping with this ridiculous Twitter crap.
    Get to work Mr. Trump and stop engaging in distractive statements.

  12. Obama lovez a good manly woMAN.

  13. She needs to explain how Barrack is / was a legitimate POTUS. When did he become a US citizen since he gave up his US citizenship when he attended Indonesian schools? How did he get / receive foreign student aide / loans to attend college? Now tell me who is / was an illegitimate POTUS.

    1. All brushed under the cnn msnbc sharpton rug.

  14. who cares, will be nice not having to see this wildebeast on the news!

  15. Michael Robinson was a pretty good linebacker in college.
    Teammates claim he always said he felt like a woman trapped in a man's body.
    The children look exactly like their parents - who live in Chicago.

  16. Sounds like this woman and the old man they refer to as hero (?) are like minded. When I say old man, why has he be a politician for so long. With the benefit package of a government employee he would be long gone. But like the rest they stay until death for the perks of being feed, travel and all they can steal for a lifetime. That has to beat the pension. Oh, they still are retired or on vacation while on the clock. Again hero (?).


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