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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Md.'s Gov. Hogan must find footing with Trump

Gov. Larry Hogan appears to be struggling harder than most coastal elites to come to terms with Donald Trump's victory.

You cannot blame him, I suppose. He did what a Republican politician in a Democratic state had to do. He bobbed. He weaved. He ducked. He dodged. He cast a write-in vote for his dad. It was a performance worthy of a Daytime Emmy nomination, premised on the theory that Hillary Clinton would be elected the 45th president of the United States.

Then the improbable happened.

In the weeks since Mr. Trump's victory, Mr. Hogan has continued to bob, weave, duck and dodge. He called for unity. He encouraged everyone to take a deep breath. He avoided Mr. Trump at the Army-Navy game. He announced he will attend Mr. Trump's swearing in. He said he has not talked to Mr. Trump since the election. Then, despite evidence to the contrary, he settled on this gem: "Things are going to be great."



  1. Whatever, just do your job!!

  2. Bob Aswell....RealistJanuary 10, 2017 at 3:45 PM

    What a load of crap. If you CAN'T stand the heat stay out of the Kitchen. What kind of guy runs for the job and then joins forces with the enemy. He's just as big a liar as Jim Mathias and the two Mikes. He'll find out what I'm talking about when re-election time comes. He can kiss ALL the babies and asses he wants and say cancer survivor but this time the folks who support Trump won't buy it. Bob Aswell... Realist

    P.S. I'm sure some political 'EXPERT' will TRY to counter this post but they're the same folks who said Trump couldn't WIN!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Larry Hogan made it known where he stood regarding his non support of Donald Trump so no need to change anything now. He made his bed, now stay in it for the next four years. If you take a Democrat's position against your party, then your must be a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Larry would have to go to the end of the line if I were President.

  4. Hogan has the highest approval rating in the country, as far as Governors go. So, about that...

  5. What? No crab feast to go to? My advise would be to jump on board {with both feet and hit the ground runnin} with Mr Trumps new ccw Bill. Force the nazi's to uphold the Constitution in MD, youd be a hit with Trump and those that voted you in.... be first to get it steam rollin...but its gotta be real, no smoke n mirrors. Do the right thing Larry n give Marylanders the right to protect themselves in this increasingly hostile world the bureaucrats have created!.

  6. If Hogan is a good governor (as I believe he is), he will do what is best for his state just as Trump will do what is best for the country. Hopefully though, Hogan won't be able to save all those government jobs. Government unions should be illegal and government employees should be made accountable for their actions !!! They need to lose that entitlement mentality !!!

  7. 3:45. I voted for Trump and Hogan. I'm one of the few people I knew that was confident he would win. Was not confident about Hogan, because how liberal this state is.
    A politician's 2 primary goals are: 1)get elected 2)get elected again
    Once you understand that, you get why he had to waffle on Trump. If you look too much like the enemy, #2 will not happen. And, if he's not re-elected, how effective will he be. Would you rather have another O'Malley?? Thought so.
    So, riddle me this... what liberal initiatives has he enacted - compared to his more conservative (by Maryland standards) actions.
    He needs to be a moderate or he will not get re-elected. I'm not a RINO. I just understand how it works on that side of the ditch.
    Have patience, my friend. See you the inauguration.

  8. He's to damn worried about how he looks...he could use his authority like omally did, but opposite of course...deregulate, annihilate taxes, give citizens their rights back, uphold the Bill of Rights, give maryland families their money back, slash spending, uphold your promises Hogan!
    aw heck, he could'a done that stuff anytime if he really wanted to

  9. He's been too busy making his life a bed of roses. All that butt kissing got him no where, the md gang of thieves are about to steamroll him anyway. I thought maybe a second chance at life he wouldnt be scared about doing the right thing for the good people of this State. Your tam depends on ya Larry, youve got the ball now run forest run!

  10. Do the right thing....Trump will have your back.

  11. Him and Culver haven't done poop for small business.

  12. Anonymous Bob Aswell....Realist said...
    What a load of crap. If you CAN'T stand the heat stay out of the Kitchen. What kind of guy runs for the job and then joins forces with the enemy. He's just as big a liar as Jim Mathias and the two Mikes. He'll find out what I'm talking about when re-election time comes. He can kiss ALL the babies and asses he wants and say cancer survivor but this time the folks who support Trump won't buy it. Bob Aswell... Realist

    P.S. I'm sure some political 'EXPERT' will TRY to counter this post but they're the same folks who said Trump couldn't WIN!!!!!!!!!!

    January 10, 2017 at 3:45 PM

    I'm with you. The only way Larry Hogan, with his fat jawls, will get my vote is if he is the only Republican standing and running against the Democrat Nominee.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Larry Hogan made it known where he stood regarding his non support of Donald Trump so no need to change anything now. He made his bed, now stay in it for the next four years. If you take a Democrat's position against your party, then your must be a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. Larry would have to go to the end of the line if I were President.

    January 10, 2017 at 3:45 PM

    You must have lost track of time. He only has 2 years left.

    Pay attention or you lose credibility.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Hogan has the highest approval rating in the country, as far as Governors go. So, about that...

    January 10, 2017 at 3:53 PM

    And the same polls also said Hillary had a 99% chance of becoming President over Trump.

  15. Gov. Hogan has my support and is doing a great job but I must admit I have lost a little respect for him for not supporting Trump. To me with our Republican gov. not supporting a Republican presidential candidate who is business friendly he might as well have supported Hilary.

  16. Just do your damn job!

  17. I would rather be voted out standing on my morals then playing both sides.

  18. I hope trump doesn't overlook us orlook unkindly on maryland or the eastern shore cause Hogan s self absorbed tail did not play hs cards right. He s high society his wife wouldnt been deported.

  19. 4:28
    Sadly most people around here can't see beyond their noses and are unable to understand the process. They say vote him out because he has not relaxed the ccw permits. Guess what? He does that and gets voted out. His replacement will be a democrat that will roll back whatever changes he made. Also, real jobs are never coming back to Salisbury. Never going to happen, the glory days are long gone. Sorry.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Sadly most people around here can't see beyond their noses and are unable to understand the process. They say vote him out because he has not relaxed the ccw permits. Guess what? He does that and gets voted out. His replacement will be a democrat that will roll back whatever changes he made. Also, real jobs are never coming back to Salisbury. Never going to happen, the glory days are long gone. Sorry.

    January 11, 2017 at 1:20 AM

    Have you forgotten that it's what we what him to do for us. We are the ones he works for.

  21. op ed from liberal maryland democrat yup you better listen to him hogan. that's why you lost 6 republican voters in this household with your stand against trump! will be sitting out voting for you again! no difference between a rino and a democrat!
    time to say goodbye!

  22. squawking a bit like a chicken

  23. I would like to say thank you to state and county roads depts. for busting ass moving a lot of snow. Now if we could only get other county workers motivated, we'd be in much better shape. Maybe Hogan could help culver identify the depts. with poor "leadership" and the low morale of the workers that goes along with it. A change in some "leadership" in these areas would go a long way, workers who try to do a good job have about had enough.


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