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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ocean City May Drop Free Inlet Parking Time From 30 To 20 Minutes

OCEAN CITY — Resort transportation officials this week approved a number of recommendations to tweak the paid parking systems including an adjustment of the time frame at the Inlet lot.

Following up on an earlier discussion from December, the Transportation Committee on Tuesday resumed discussions on how best to adjust the paid parking systems at the Inlet lot, side streets and other municipal lots in Ocean City. The debate included discussions on how best to upgrade or replace existing payment methods at the Inlet and other locations throughout Ocean City.

Because of the timing, in most cases the current payment systems will remain in place for the 2017 season, but there will likely be some tweaks based on recommendations from the committee to the Mayor and Council. For example, currently the first 30 minutes for parking at the Inlet lot are free and a graduated payment schedule kicks in after.

However, after considerable debate on Tuesday, the committee recommended adjusting the time frame to make the first 20 minutes free and the payment schedule beginning in the 21st minute. The thinking is 20 minutes is sufficient for a driver to go into the lot for a brief visit and anything beyond that would initiate the paid parking.



  1. Greedy bunch in Ocean City aren't they? Just don't go there at all, maybe that will satisfy them.

  2. 10:37, yea they are. Pathetic to screw people out of 10 minutes.

  3. There is also a Bikini Tax coming for the boardwalk !!!

  4. I don't even go there anymore. Too expensive. I have a lifetime pass to Assateague. Better beach, more natural beauty, more civilized people.

  5. OC should start renting out squares of beach too!

  6. good gouge the heck out of all those low lifes from pa jersey ny and the western shore. Hopefully after being cleaned out they wont come back ever again!

    1. Funny thing is those folks you call low life's are the one who spend the money...not you born here's as most of you don't have it....and Jersey beachs are now far nicer.....you locals know nothing...explains a lot...

    2. But you break your high held neck to utilize our unworthy beach. If you are so wealthy, try using it to better your education and see if you can buy some good sense. A lil southern hospitality and respect would do you good also. Better yet get a rental spot in Jersey

    3. Southern hospitality??? You morons don't know what SOUTHERN is...hell the eastern shore isn't on any SOUTHERN state so scratch your ass....I live in the south...and folks down here know how to be decent to people...especially tourists....something you locals have never figured out....and looking at these posts never will....people on the shore are the most unfriendly I have ever met towards outsiders...and looking at the failing economy of the the shore it's not hard to see why...

  7. People should view this in a different perspective. Many people load a family into a Park and Ride bus for $3 a person. This is kind of silly if you have 30 minutes to drop the family off at the Inlet parking lot and purchase a bus ticket for only the driver. So, now you may only have 20 minutes. No big deal.

    The downside of how the Town runs transportation now is that it is by a Committee made up mainly of former real estate sales reps. A committee never gets it right.

  8. Sometimes, I just go down to get some delicious Thrashers. It might take more time than that. Now, I might skip the trip. OC, think about that before you worry about 10 minutes.

  9. Jerseyites and their exits. The people who live on the routes to Ocean City don't give a rat's ass about the town and do not benefit from one penny spent there. You are nothing more than a nuisance.

  10. too many darn cars from March till October.....not ever enough parking.....OC is over rated

  11. You stand in line longer than that to get thrashers fries. Now I know why I never go there and have not for 30 years. They are more greedy than the IRS and Liberal DemocRATS.

  12. They sure are GREEDY!!!!!

  13. No more Thrashers for me! I now have no more reasons to visit OC. The tourists can have it all. Why don't they just charge $10 an hour like downtown Honolulu? Then maybe there will be plenty of parking. Heck, you can't even find a parking space in 20 minutes on most days during the summer.

  14. I guess they won't miss me.

  15. 1243 jersey beaches are nasty and the air smells like petroleum and hotdog water..the sand is grainy and dark.just ugly. The houses a in cape May are nice but the beaches are no way better than OC.

    1. You know nothing about New Jersey moron...the sand is the same...there is no different smell either......wildwood crushes OC to be honest....

  16. Greedy bastards, I like fishing at the jetty, but don't go anymore because of parking fee's.

  17. Sounds like people that know how to manage money need to run for office in OC. Liberals just can't or won't balance a checkbook.

  18. One can also get thrashers at 2 other locations - 2nd and 8th streets.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Funny thing is those folks you call low life's are the one who spend the money...not you born here's as most of you don't have it....and Jersey beachs are now far nicer.....you locals know nothing...explains a lot...

    January 14, 2017 at 12:43 PM

    And YOU are one of the reasons people don't like your kind coming here. Rude, obnoxious, narcissistic, and other undesirable personality traits is one of the reasons you are not liked or appreciated. If NJ beaches are better than OC beaches, why do you not go to joisey? You would probably fit in better there and be more appreciated.

    Other than the added traffic, people falling off balconies, drunken rowdy behavior, fI wouldn't know if you went to OC or not. I rarely go there and when I do, it's usually to just ride through that den of iniquity.

    Having money to spend on earthly desires should not mean you throw all decent human behavior out the window before you arrive. The most OC has to offer people is the beach and lots and lots of bars. That is the main reason people go there. To get intoxicated, see who they can pick up and have sex with, and whatever other debauchery they can think of.

    If that's what you "adults' wish to do, fine. But most of the local adults would rather go to other places where we don't have to put our safety or morals at risk.

  20. No big deal because I stopped going there in the summer years ago. No longer a destination. If I want to enjoy a day at the beach, I go to Assateague park on a Sunday Afternoon. Better with less crowds.


  21. It's always Open Season on the golden goose in O.C.

  22. F*k Ocean City. Greed liberal Bastards. I don't know how many times I pulled into the parking lot to run up to the stores to purchase $20 or $30 worth of food or merchandise. Now I won't even go there anymore if they try to scam more money out of me. The businesses will suffer because there are a lot of people that do the same.

  23. 20 minutes? Anything that can be done in 20 minutes can be done in 19 minutes, so there's no sense in wasting an extra minute that could yield a profit. So, meet again and make it 19.

  24. Anonymous said...
    But you break your high held neck to utilize our unworthy beach. If you are so wealthy, try using it to better your education and see if you can buy some good sense. A lil southern hospitality and respect would do you good also. Better yet get a rental spot in Jersey

    January 15, 2017 at 8:17 AM

    You obviously don't know me. First I have a pool. Second I have a ORV Pass to assateague and if I don't go there, I prefer to go to Fenwick Island.

  25. I don't know what the big deal is 30min or 20min. 20min is enough time to drop someone off or pick them up at a pre-arranged time. If you are thinking about Thrashers Fries 30 min is not nearly enough time, so find a parking spot enjoy your fries and people watching and pay on your way out.

  26. Once again the OC government is not looking to make money. First they ban smoking everywhere, now they go after parking money. What's next, are they going to start charging people to use the beach, swim in the Atlantic or assess a carbon tax to tourists breathing? OC is going to lose their appeal, if they haven't already, and it's sad because it rapes the local economy. Government officials usually don't suffer under this mayhem, only the local business owners and people living in the town. Stop voting for BS.

    1. no, they will charge a toll fee for crossing the Draw Bridge on 50....holding miles and miles and miles of traffic up even more.....try getting to work on time here in OC


  27. Next up for OC: Plan to offset beach replenishment costs by charging those coming off the beach for each grain of sand they are taking away from beach on skin, flip flops, towels, etc.

    Don't laugh!

  28. Those A-holes who run the town Never satisfied !!!
    It's a Gistapo !!


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