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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jury sentences Dylann Roof to death

Jurors needed just three hours of deliberation on Tuesday to unanimously sentence convicted Charleston, S.C., church shooter Dylann Roof to death.

Roof, 22, represented himself in the sentencing phase of the federal trial, in which prosecutors were seeking capital punishment.

Read the full story here.


  1. okay then...why is he still alive? 1 bullet, 1 shot, 1 death. Come'on now, time is a wasting and we aint gittin any longer.

    Put him to death on live tv too! Need real deterrents for all the bad yoots of today.

  2. nice, although death is too good for this guy.

  3. If I were Prez I would pardon him and release him right in front of the church he attacked. I would pardon anyone who did anything to him after that.

    1. Thank God you are not the Prez...

  4. Forever fatally trapped in a block of carbonite would be better, put on display to the masses.

  5. 5:39 Not everyone is interested in being a murderer

    1. 5:39 here. You would only need one really.

  6. January 10, 2017 at 5:30 PM

    not getting any longer?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Forever fatally trapped in a block of carbonite would be better, put on display to the masses.

    January 10, 2017 at 6:13 PM

    forever fatally? is there a sometimes fatally?

    1. He probably means trapped forever. Dead but in a clear coffin.

  7. They should go vintage and give him the royal treatment, a public off w/ his head and add a new age touch to it. Charge to view it. All the money go to paying for the cost of the funerals hospital bills, church renovation abd paying for his cost of living till he dies

  8. Replies
    1. Probably suffers from affluenza.

  9. The question of motive has never been answered.
    What is it with this person?
    Was he an intelligence asset gone awry?

    Why would anyone do it? Think about it.
    It was a ridiculous thing to do.

    Yet, in the end, he was able to single-handedly end the legal public display of the Confederate Flag.
    Was that the objective?

    So many questions.

    1. He sounds like a low self esteemed bastard who didnt get the attention he wanted growing up who wanted to belong to a particular class of whites and is his sick mind found a way to try do so. Hope they still reject his scary a%@ He d had more of my respect if was a serial killer and he killed black child molestors and/or went to Chicago and took out a gang or two and im black. You get no credit going into a church of elderly an loving people who treated you w/ nothing but love. If he testified his hate, those people would have attempted to pray him differently and would still have showed him love. He didn't have to kill or harm those people. May his soul suffer in hell.

    2. He's a sociopath. No feelings for others. He deserves death. You are reaching with that conspiracy theory.
      Bad people exist in this world and he is one of them.

    3. I am conservative and despise the confederate flag. I love my Stars and Stripes and not the rebel flag. I can't stand seeing people waving that flag with pride. Be proud of the US flag instead.

    4. So the 150,000 AMERICAN soldiers that died for that flag mean nothing ?? Some american you are.

    5. Its not s conspiracy theory. Whats rhe conspiracy??? Duh. Thats a mental, social issue.And most educated couunelors, therapist and psychiatrist would agree maybe if you paid attention to the signs symptoms and behaviors you d see it. Look at most of your killers who have shot up schools and other places. Similar back grounds. I work w/ kids and w/ a portion ofthis generation you are likely to see this again. Entitled and self absorbed to say the least. Enough is never enough.

    6. There are even bad people who dont do this. He is indescribable

    7. @9:09
      Some American you are for supporting it. Why don't you just wave the Korean flag while you are st it! You are not a patriot! We have one flag not two. Get over yourself. I'd like to see the confederate flag banned, as a matter of fact.

  10. Can't DO him unless they DO all the others on Death Row

    Just because he is white and thus it is easy to do away with him......remember those others on the Row are just as Bad,
    incl the Black ones.........noone wants to Do them though...

    Death Penalty in this country will be thrown out......
    It is Rarely inforced....

  11. Easy to do a White boy
    If he were Black things would be much different....

    Only reason he allowed to rep himself in court
    To condem him without a lawyer ......

    If any on DeathRow are Done, it will be him....Obviously

  12. Can this happen tomorrow. please?

  13. what a Psycho. Don't waste anymore taxpayer's money on this one.

  14. Nobody gets DEATH anymore........dream on .........ain't
    gonna happen......

  15. He will (Really) have it made , on PC in Prison were
    nobody can get to him.....take it from a Prison Officer !!!

    Prison is just a Retirement Home in America , doing TIME !!

    It will cost millions to even try to Kill him ...and about
    10 years in court........FACT

    Hell, they can't even agree on what type of poison to use !!

  16. They will spend Millions on keeping him alive to study him !!
    He will be on PC , not in population , Safe and confortable

  17. He knew this all along, and was Not worried about Prison !!

    Not much at all for What he did ........


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