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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Encouraging Racism

By Thornton Crowe

What started out as a New Year's Eve sleepover turned into a rampage of torture when four black adults kidnapped a white specials needs victim. They beat, cut, berated and forced him to drink toilet water while chanting hate against white people and Donald Trump. They laughed as they made their victim say he loved black people at knife point, while live streaming on Facebook.

The reaction of Chicago law enforcement and mainstream media was almost as appalling as anchors and the police grappled with calling the crime for what it is: a Hate Crime. Some, like CNN's Don Lemon, had the audacity to claim this wasn't evil, while the police stated initially it was just teenagers making bad choices?

Bad choices are shoplifting a soda, driving drunk or getting busted for weed - not kidnapping and torturing physically or mentally disabled people for kicks. Those are the actions of sadistic sociopaths, filled with malice and premeditation.

While Black Lives Matters was dubbed as being responsible (#BLMKidnapping) on Twitter, the Chicago Police denied any connection, yet is this suppose to admonish DeRay and company from any responsibility? Liberals and the Media have no problem making gross generalizations about 'all' Trump supporters being deplorable, yet, BLM can claim independence from an act and it's perfectly acceptable and unrelated?

Young troublemakers see the group killing police officers, rioting and looting with little justice administered and take it as a carte blanche to do whatever they want to white people without fear of repercussions. To make matters worse, many white liberals dub them as perpetual victims with tough upbringings, lashing out against an oppressive society, which punishes them simply because they're black.

In this instance, the Illinois court is holding this gang accountable by charging them with kidnapping, assault and two counts of hate crime each. The laundry list of charges has the defendants looking at 20-45 years without parole. Furthermore, Associate Judge Maria Kuriakos Ciesil denied bond, after asking them, "Where was the sense of decency?"

Is White Academia further encouraging this hate?

Before Christmas, Drexel University professor, George Ciccariello, actually posted on his Twitter account that his Christmas 'wish list' included White genocide in a series of Tweets. After outrage resulted in several petitions calling for his dismissal, he claimed his quips were merely satirical. The university issued a statement that, while they didn't agree with his statements, they still supported his First Amendment right to make them and had no intention of reprimanding or terminating his employment.

White genocide is no joking matter, so should Ciccariello be teaching and influencing our future leaders? Apparently, at Drexel the answer is, yes.

Salisbury is hardly immune from this dangerous mentality as we witnessed back in April 2015 at Salisbury University when two (or more) black students drew a lynching picture on a whiteboard at the former Blackwell Library and then posted it on social media. President Dr. Janet Dudley Eshbach and her administration did absolutely nothing to the students involved nor relay to the community any information or resolution. Instead, race-baiters ready to incite violence on whites, walk amongst your sons and daughters, without being held accountable for their racism. Remember you're paying a hefty in-state tuition to put them in potential harm's way.

Doesn't all this promote more violence on our population when hushed by authorities and given a pass by Liberals under the guise of political correctness? Absolutely and the Chicago incident is proof and point this attitude towards black-on-white hate crime can escalate to physical violence quickly!

When will Liberals accept their own connivance in these hate crimes against whites by advocating such domestic terrorist groups as BLM? Racism is racism, regardless of a victim's race and all crimes should be adjudicated equally instead of cherry-picked justice based on the public sentiment du jour.

What say you? 


  1. It's always liberals and their media that keep racism alive it would never come to mind if I didn't turn the news on. The attitude of black on white violence gets a smirk from liberal talking heads which is basically a thumbs up. The overwhelming population of black people are not like this but the media filter makes you think everyone who is black is violent, It's the youth who are more affected by this without someone to counter act the media programming they are at risk for being manipulated into this dangerous mentality creating innocent victims and ruining their future at the same time.

  2. "What say you?"

    I say, one hell of an article.

    Let me assure ALL of you, you rarely ever get informed of the major majority of crime. We see it right here on the Eastern Shore in a BIG way.

    Just how many thefts, break ins, robberies are not exposed. Before Salisbury News, your local media NEVER reported crime. WE were the ones that made crime a "THING". WE were the ones that made "Crime Solvers" a "THING". WE were the ones that made "MOST WANTED".

    Even with all of our exposure and eventually the local media picking it up, we still come across press releases from the States Attorneys Office announcing sentences of people we never heard of when they were originally arrested.

    WE just happened to come across the social media post of the effigy in this article at SU. It took DAYS before the local media was even willing to finally expose it. WHY, because it went viral across America. If it hadn't, you may have never seen it on your local media outlets.

    So I ultimately wonder, just how many of these racial crimes are covered up. After all, we don't have an Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and Obama to garnish LIBERAL media attention.

    Finally, at least with Salisbury News, when something like this happens we WILL put it out there and NOT cover it up because of pressure from the Chamber of Commerce, (and others) wanting to keep Salisbury a beautiful place to work, live and go to school.

    And now you know why there are some people out there who totally hate me.

  3. SU didn't even release the names of the idiots that drew that picture and we all know if they're in college they're over 18. Why do they constantly protect the guilty? SU loves to protect students who incite racial tension because they think it'll cut into their bottom line. Probably true but they're being disingenuous to other students, parents, future students/parents and the community. They should be forced to identify these bad seeds so we know who to stay away from. Really a disservice to Salisbury.

  4. Waiting for the day when one of the SU professors is splashed across national news for white genocide remarks. Wouldn't surprise me if that happened sooner than later.

    1. It's sad to see what SU has become under Eshbach.

    2. $500.000 yr
      For squashing crime around dabury.

    3. And Eshbach has all the FREE FOOD TO EAT that she wants to eat.....mmmmmmmm, yummy food....

  5. What I say is this is a prime example of how Obama took race relation back decades. He had the perfect chance to fix it. So sad

  6. When is SU firing Eshbach? She should've been gone a long time ago when she posted her own racist slur against Hispanics on her own Facebook page. Why is she still there?

    1. Protected liberals will end on jan 21 17.

  7. Black LIVES do NOT matter and if they claim otherwise they are liars. 700+ murders in Chicago alone last year and not a peep out of those foul people. The only thing that matters to them are black LIES and it's a shame that most blacks have sunk to the lowest level ever of decent humanity. They are real good at running those lying mouths when they can attach a racial agenda to something and continue on even after it's proven otherwise. They have become a race so void of any and all morals that to be black in this day and age should embarrass every single one of them. They have nothing to be proud of.

    1. You nailed it. Black Lies Matter as long as it gets them more government handouts.

    2. Yup
      They are all upset bc trump will be turning OFF da Welfare cc.

    3. Including the whites and the amish who greatly benefit from it

  8. I say water board them.

  9. To imagine the amplified torture felt by this guy is unimaginable. How can be people be so cold and callous is unthinkable. Lemon really shot himself in the foot this time. CNN is such a bad news network they're blocked from my cable box. Horrible.

  10. We the people have spoken , the Trump election is the best example I can give. We the people will not tolerate this kind of behavior or anything close to it.
    It's over black racist people , we are not afraid of you nor will we give another inch.
    This is one of the best articles I've seen , thanks for the information and mostly thanks for the TRUTH. What say you , Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson , Ms obama.

  11. This just proves it is long beyond time to call things for what they are. This attack proves total disdain for human beings and the smirk on the perp on the far right punctuates that sentiment. I watched a clip this morning of the grandmother of the two sisters who argued she raised them right. Where are the girls parents? This is what is wrong in America today. We have allowed political correctness to overshadow facts as they are under the guise of racism and xenophobia. I also watched a clip of Al Sharpton declaring a season of civil unrest with Trump as President. Why is he not incarcerated for inciting and race baiting? What are we afraid of? He and Jesse are nothing more than poverty pimps who have become wealthy on the backs of the African American community. It starts at the top (including Malcolm X) and these people need to be stopped; this is not "free speech".

  12. I say that the State of MD, through its flagship City of Baltimore, is financing this type of behavior with our taxc dollars by employing its proponents "Civil rights activist and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay Mckesson will return to his old stamping grounds at city school headquarters to lead the district's office of human capital."

  13. Obama hasn't come forward to defend them and state he wishes he had children just like them like he did Travon Martin and the rest.

  14. They're out by the way.Why it's a big secret is anyone's guess,but they're out with their word they'll stay out of sight.Corrections staff have been sworn to secrecy.

  15. Common Law is property law. Any destruction of property (including body) is a violation of Common Law. Those who destroy property must be made to repair it. In this case, the 4 criminals destroyed this person's mind and body. They must pay (financially) for the repairs, which will be very costly. They must make him "whole again" which includes restitution in addition to his health needs.

    Under Common Law these criminals should be punished after being found guilty of assault by a jury of their peers.

    Hate is an emotion. God will deal with our hearts, not man. Forget about this "hate crime" nonsense. It is a ploy of the elite to attack us for all kinds of victimless crimes. In this case, there is plenty of recourse against these criminals under Common Law.

    Thank you

  16. Excellent article!

    These thugs should be turned in to fertilizer - they're not good enough to become Soylent Green!

  17. Crime against humanity. Not only are they racist they chose someone who is unable to mentally process WHY they are hating him. I don't think they will be punished with what they deserve but I hope someone will make an exception for this crime against all humanity!!!!!!!!

  18. Very well said, Mr. Crow. If we cower to every liberal who calls us racist and bigoted each time we speak the truth about social decay, we will succumb to Aalinsky and Soros doctrine. Keep beating the drum and keep your troops fired up. We now have momentum, and we can't rest on our laurels.
    The MSM cannot report truthfully on these type of stories, lest it go against thier liberal mantra of Trump supporters being deplorable. It is contradictory to the Koolaid their selling.

  19. The word by the hanging stick figure is exactly what these animals are!

  20. Joe, I don't agree with a lot of what you post. But the one thing I will say is if it wasn't for you the same good ole boy bs would still be going on as usual. Now they have to be a little smarter and more careful what they do! but they still pull the same ole crap!

  21. Hopeful a national conceal/carry is passed. Don't really see a problem with law enforcement officials harassing "good" citizens, but enforcing laws with others. WINK WINK!

  22. Here's something ALL of you need to think about. Where else, (especially locally) have you seen information like this Post? Who else has the stones to put the TRUTH out there for YOU to debate.

    Like what we say or not, agree or disagree, AT LEAST WE ALLOW YOU TO THINK! We don't brainwash you into OUR own thoughts and ideas. We do NOT mold the community and wait until YOU become puppets.

    Salisbury News is a massive success because of how we do things. Think hard people, WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times are all failing. You don't get hits in the tens of millions like we do because we're failing. Every day we grow. Every day we're recommended to other people.

    If we were constantly pissing people off, THEY WOULDN'T BE COMING BACK.

    We are the #1 News Source on the Shore. Funny how the Daily Times took SBYNEWS on Twitter and not the City of Salisbury is hash tagging #SBYNEWS. It's because THAT is what everyone is now searching for on Google. LMAO

  23. Most college students today seem to be very immature. Most have never had a job, even part time. They have no clue of how to manage time or money. I'll bet very few could balance a checkbook. Even today most people in retail can not figure your change from a purchase. They rely on the cash register to figure it out for them. It's down right scary.

  24. The times are changing, we no longer will be the victimized majority, The election of Trump, an outsider that both party establishments tried so hard to quash, is proof of the beginning. WE got close to the edge,, but now we are back and we are in charge!

  25. First, thanks Joe and sbynews. Second, the great struggle we face isn't white vs black. It's the people who created this mess (and their warped ideology) vs those of us who are sick of it. We can't win every battle, but we will win the war. Meanwhile, we also have the problem of islam. We're going to win that one, too.

  26. The media's main objective is to divide Americans any way possible through race religion or political affiliation diluting voting power and giving extremists with their own agenda power.

  27. What gets me is these white people are turning on their own race!! WTF!! Can you say stupid!

  28. I have heard why our prisons are so comfortable, and can not return to what most thought was a prison.
    Who would be working in those places?
    If these 4 thugs thought they would be going to a tent, like our military are housed, they would not be so smart.

  29. And me as a black woman has worked my ass off to make sure my Kids dont become the mess you classify all blacks as and i want the same respect your self asorbed tale wants. my parents and grandparents worked hard and took nothing from the govt. My grandfather had a business and was discriminated and robbed by white people for years. so that bs you are spewing is just that to me bs. I dnt count your resources nor do i gaf about yours. Honestly blacks only wanted equality and safety had your ancestors stayed on their side of town and stopped tearing up and killing in ours. Your generation wouldnt be crying and whining about being around us. Then we could did what u wanted us to do self destruct. But that wasnt the case. Many black communities were thriving and minding their business. And that was a threat to the whites, poor and rich. Do your history if you dare. Good Black people been feeling the same way u do for yearrrrrrrrs now.

  30. 637 while I understand your post, the problem is, before Obama, racial tensions in the US had calmed down considerably. Yeah, there's some bad white folks but there's also bad black folks, too. You should look at history, too. It wasn't white people burning down their homes and white neighborhoods when RFK was killed but when MLK was assassinated and Rodney King incident occurred, neighborhoods were ravaged in a huge tantrum. East LA still looks a war-torn third world country due to the rioting and looting back in the early 90s. White people don't go around now beating up black people. Where you're getting this from is a mystery. If anything, most whites just walk away when a black person is being confrontational. I've seen some black folks mouth off to people in the Walmart parking lot just because a handicapped person took too long to get out of a parking space. One woman got out of her car and cussed the man out in front of her grandchild. So, please, don't sit there and claim the victim, when much of the animosity now stems from your side of the argument.

    1. Simple and plain, those riot owned neighborhood were never black owned. And most home owned black neighborhoods are clean and crime free. I dont agree w/ burning and looting and it disgusts me to see blacks behave in the opposite of what our ancestors instilled, died and fought for just like im sure you are sickened by the trailor park and heroin epidemic ravaging yours. I believe the best revenge is to live well. Victim i am not im doing well. Im purely stating facts.And dont you sit and deny that your culture hasnt snatched land unjustly or killed unjustly. Sounds like you are the one w/ animosity and a strong stench of denial. You wasnt burning down yours because you was in our yards lightng crosses dragging people out there homes and burning everthing in sight. Andthe fact that you just sat and said white folks dont behave like that shows you are either deaf dumb or blind. Matter of fact thanks because it was at walmart that a white man attacked a elderly black lady in line and nothing was done. Guess that s history and should be forgotten. EVERY race has all u described above. The difference between me and you is im not in denial about the perils plaguing my community. However it seems like you are W/ your scared white victim statement. Ive yet to meet or encountered a scared white. They are just as strong, opinionated, and more ready to bear arms than any other race ive encountered and that isnt bad, thats privilege.

    2. If thats the case blacks dont go around beating whites. I think what happend is sickening.I saw a abundance of parent comments on here, but not one about the parents allowing that child who is schizophrenic go stay w/ that boy. Had they even took the time to meet the parents or look at the environment that poor child would not endured that

  31. 633 there's a lot of racism towards whites now. If you don't see it, you're mute because it's everywhere. People constantly telling white people they should be ashamed, they have white privilege and all the other nonsense. White people don't enjoy the perks like affirmative action to get jobs and free passes for government assistance like many black people do. Do your homework you'll find minorities are not minorities anymore. If white people are still in the majority it's only by a slim margin at best.

    1. Im white and Proud of it.

    2. You should be. Thats the skin God put you in. Im black and im proud.

    3. 7:52. Minority of what? Apparently you wish you you were a minority. Post a picture of your federal govt, senate congress all mayors governors etc. Your hospital boards, your important decision making commitees. If im mute you, you definitely snatched the blind title. Dont resemble a slim margin to me. Your black president is half white. You wont live to see a president w/ 2 black parents. You are right i dont know how we had all those white presidents w/ all those minorities campaigning during the presidential elections. And you are wrong, there has been racism towards whites. However let me educate you on where it comes from, most blacks dont teach their kids to dislike whites. I developed the same attitudes i see on here from watching my elders be unfairly treated and being profiled myself and reading how whites feel about all blacks on here. I would think if you saw that same behavior or heard your parents or grandparents describe fear of being killed or tortured or having their property forcefully taken you d feel the same way. Nigg&# isnt a nickname and the story behind it is traumatic. Maybe when im a senior citizen those wounds will be healed but they are scars none the less. I am 40 so all those born in the 20s and 30s and beyond still bear the fresh cuts and ptsd of those atrocities. It is what it is. Its no excuse for the behaviors being displayed and God knows i wish more Blacks would wake up and do what our ancestors struggled and died to live honestly and productively, but we are all not animals just like all white people arent.

    4. There are more whites on government assistance than any other group of people. Also, think of the reason that affirmative action was implemented for blacks to get jobs. I'm not prejudice by any means but I am realistic. Majority of the low class were denied jobs (including poor whites) because of the backgrounds. This is the land of opportunity but it's just more difficult for lower class and black and brown people to get ahead.

  32. ANYONE over 18 goes to the military for 2 yrs that includes snowflake Millinials.

    1. Israel does this i think its long overdue in america crime would go dowm 80%.
      Lets do it Mr Trump.

  33. Ton of crime will go down when Conceal & Carry are passed nationwide because criminals will never know who's packing and who's not. In some parts of the South even old ladies have their stylish hand cannons.

    1. You would think Maryland would allow the ability to carry w/ the attitudes around here. You have to be at deaths door to defend yourself and even then you may b charged

  34. White males are a minority look it up.

  35. 633 use caution around black people and be prepared to battle. Having white skin is a sin now. Blm are a terrorist group. Remember use caution and be ready. Be safe.

  36. 650,000 white men died in the war to free blacks 150 years ago. Even fought against the 3500 black men that owned 10,000 slaves. White men lost entire generations in the war to free the slaves. Sad.

  37. Your guaranteed a job just fill out the application and check the AA box. Hired. Not me because I'm white Fact is a fact.

  38. Blacks feel the same way about the Kkk. When BlM. Start ravaging white homes and putting burning Blm signs and hanging white dolls from nooses at jobs and sort i ll agree they are the animals u wont say the Kkk are

  39. Trust 650,000 died just as they have in any other american fought war for political gain and or a hdden agenda. Gtfoh. Shouldnt been a war anyway. Slavery should existed. Thats was their fault. & i never checked a a box. I got my job because i was qualified. I get superior rating every PeP review. So miss me w/ the bs. Next lol. That silly talk fazes me not. I am a asset to my company. No minority hire here. Lol

  40. Slavery should have NEVER existed before you play on that and i thank god for every white man/woman who fought for that. However those people where used as pawns in a North south power struggle. If the north could competed w/ the south slavery would still exist. The norh was losing their grip on the south. Thats why 600 000 plys died. Lets be real

  41. Having black skin has BEEN a crime. However, the true sin is how people feed into racism. While you and I are blogging about nonsense, all of our rights are being stripped away. People need to really wake up.

  42. Meant to say slavery should not existed. Those poor people was used as pawns

  43. There are more whites on government assistance than any other group of people. Also, think of the reason that affirmative action was implemented for blacks to get jobs. I'm not prejudice by any means but I am realistic. Majority of the low class were denied jobs (including poor whites) because of the backgrounds. This is the land of opportunity but it's just more difficult for lower class and black and brown people to get ahead.
    January 9, 2017 at 9:00 PM

    Couple problems with your post 900PM 1/9/2016:
    The fact is now more people are on government assistance because the economy prohibits job growth that affects everyone of all demographics. Quoting such a statistic is idiotic when the job market in Salisbury is minute unless you're in the Medical industry.

    Second, affirmative action has been the worst thing for blacks than any other legislature because the quota system does not work. It basically causes employers to scale back workforce. People should get jobs they are qualified to get regardless of their race. There's no excuse to put a person without the experience and educational background in a job they are ill prepared for. It's a horrible thing to do to employers and employees because all it does is end in termination for bad work performance. And before you start yammering on about this being racist, bear in mind that even black economists have stated affirmative action has hurt not helped blacks in the job market.

    Why the problem with people not getting jobs because of their backgrounds? Do you mean they have a criminal record? Maybe if people abide by the law they wouldn't have a criminal background issue. It's not that terribly difficult to abide by the law but many seem to have issues with living within the law. Why should an employer be bogged down with that added liability?

    People are under some misconception that business owners OWE them jobs. This is false. Business owners actually don't owe anything to anyone other than a bank where they may have a loan. If you want business to hire, it would be advantageous to provide a qualified worker pool for them to hire from instead of belly aching about nonsense like affirmative action. The problem with Liberalism is, they often obsess on Social Justice instead of realizing many SJ issues can be solved with a job that pays well and makes a person feel good about themselves because they're accomplishing something.

    The best welfare is a good job. Reagan said that in early 80s. It's just applicable now as it was then.

  44. That college professor looks white to me so if wants white genocide then maybe he should volunteer to be the first to die.

  45. These PUNKS ain't so tuff in Prison .......

    They would be the Prison Ho's in the cell block !!!

    The New Meat !!!

  46. That smart ass look on that face would be smacked off the first day in .........and that butt straightened out !!!

  47. They need a Taste of their own Medicine !!!

  48. These are the faces of monsters created in the Obama/Chicago atmosphere of division and hate.

  49. send the Punks to Riker's Island .....

  50. Lock in a Sock waits for them in prison , when they sleep
    or some Hot Oil from a stinger !!


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