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Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Local Business


I wanted to inform possible customers about what I classify as an unfair business practice. On Monday January 9th 2017, I visited MacMillan OPE located at 720 Snow Hill Rd., Salisbury, Md. When asked by the gentleman how he may help, I provided written information needed to obtain a part for a chain saw. This gentleman retrieved a small sealed plastic bag, mostly flat, about the size of a playing card. One side contained writing the other clear to see several small parts inside the sealed package. I paid cash for the item and received a written receipt. I did not read the receipt. Today, January 11th 2017 I chose to return the item for a full refund. The same gentleman informed me that he could not provide a refund for the item, it was store policy to provide the correct item or an item of equal value. I informed the gentleman that I did not want or need the item and preferred a cash refund. This gentleman informed me the store’s policy is clearly stated in writing on the receipt and posted on a board to which he pointed. Although I was extremely disgusted, since most stores I deal with simply provide cash refunds for returned items, I left before I said something to be regretted. After processing the situation, I believe the best course of action is to warn potential customers of this business’ practice. I for one will never patronize this establishment again.

Thank you,
A Very Disgruntled Customer


  1. yea, sadly it has gotten to the point, that before I hand over payment, my question is, what is your return policy.

    I recently had a dispute with the shoe store in fruitland. Got a credit but they never processed it to my credit card. The credit card company gave it to me without question.

    Today's world is just a daily practice on how not to get ripped off.

  2. That's why places like this will go out of business to the big box store and then cry that no one supported them.

    Why shop where it is a headache when you can shop without one.

  3. How about reading the receipt?

  4. I'm very disgruntled customer? More like a very illiterate customer. If it was displayed on the sign and on the receipt what makes you so special?

  5. Boo hoo. Someone else who wants it done THEIR way. Go start your own business.

  6. MacMillan's is expensive, across the street is Bent and Broken, much more reasonable. I have not heard about refund/exchange policy though

  7. There's two sides to every store. If it was the correct parts and he didn't read the receipt, the Business is within their rights. If that is their policy, then which was told up front, then there is no unfair business practice. Always let the buyer beware! Ask questions up front before buying.

  8. Amazon and get it in 2 days. Returns - no problem - print label and mail back.

  9. 10:59 AM, 11:02 AM

    Is that the best you got? You add nothing to the story nor, obviously to the community and I am embarrassed for you. But then it is Smallsbury.

    I always expect better and intelligence only to be met with ignorance, which explains this, ghetto

  10. funny you fault a business owner for how he runs his business. Signs clearly posted. Most mom and pop stores are long gone. Go to walmart they'll sell you a new chainsaw!

  11. I agree with 11:04. The repairman that USED to work at MacMillan's opened his own shop. Same service. Better prices.
    I will never go back to MacMillan's after they ripped me off 5 years ago.

  12. 11:17 "funny you fault a business owner for how he runs his business"

    Hmm yea. I do, and when he goes out of business, who else's fault would it be?

    Are you one of those Obama's where it is everyone else fault but yours?

  13. Never pay cash for anything that you might possibly want to return. Credit card company will always investigate a refusal to return and usually gets refund.

  14. 11:36 AM not true, in the form you fill out you have to state that you abided by the store return policy. Quit spreading lies.

  15. 11:07 AM - And if you want repeat business you give the guy his money back and move on. You are ridiculous, over analyze much?

  16. To the first 11:17 AM comment:

    You should be embarrassed by your stupid comment. The only thing you did is display your own total ignorance. It's apparent that you are embarrassed by your lack of intelligence and your feelings are easily hurt. People like you always place the blame for their own faults on someone else. Furthermore, there are two major highways that will help you to expediently exit from "this ghetto", so please do us all a favor and use one. There are plenty of other retirement communities better suited to whiners such as you.

  17. Anonymous said...
    10:59 AM, 11:02 AM

    Is that the best you got? You add nothing to the story nor, obviously to the community and I am embarrassed for you. But then it is Smallsbury.

    I always expect better and intelligence only to be met with ignorance, which explains this, ghetto

    January 12, 2017 at 11:17 AM

    Ignorance? How can you state ignorance when the person who is complaining is filled with ignorance. If the policy is openly stated, why is it the stores fault? You are the one who chose to patronize that specific establishment. This post and your comment make the complainer/the commenter sound entitled as if you were above the store policy that everyone else who shops there has to abide by. Sorry you did not get your way. But if you did your due diligence initially you wouldn't be in this predicament. I could understand if it were not posted or on the receipt. But to complain about a policy that is openly stated or posted is a bit ridiculous.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:17 "funny you fault a business owner for how he runs his business"

    Hmm yea. I do, and when he goes out of business, who else's fault would it be?

    Are you one of those Obama's where it is everyone else fault but yours?

    This makes no sense what so ever. The person is complaining about the return policy when it is posted/on the receipt. Would they not be asking for special privilege to have the item refunded when the policy is to not give refunds? Who is really at fault here is the person who bought the item without checking to see the return policy.

  19. Do people need to be hand fed now, grow up and become an adult. Do your homework. There are several stores that will give you a credit back and most are well posted.

  20. 10:59. Seriously? I don't read receipts and have NEVER seen anyone read a receipt when they are checking out of a store.

  21. 11:17 here, I ran my own successful business for many many years, I would do things differently. however that said. What are we talking about here maybe, I would guess $20 or $30 bucks? at most. Consider it an education which you obviously never received from our local public schools. So who's the obama whiner now?
    Not sure which you have more of ignorance or arrogance!
    My advice is to do what i do and patronize those business which agree with my ideologies! good luck with life, it's a cruel cruel world out there! SNOWFLAKE!

  22. 11:43 Look up the work pompous in your thesaurus.

  23. After I was in there one time and while I was waiting a man came in to pick up a riding mower tire he left to get plugged. A young woman brought the tire out and it was a front tire not new just repaired and when he asked how much she said $50.00. I almost fell over in surprise and immediately left and will never return.

    1. Delaware Tire does it for free most times.

  24. 10:59
    How is reading the receipt going to help you? Once you have a receipt to read you have already paid for the merchandise and you can't return it if you wanted to.

  25. @12:01, I would certainly read the receipt before attempting to return it.

  26. Note to readers Eastern Shore Deplorable's fix their own mowers thus avoiding these situations. If I can't fix it I have a dozen deplorable friends that can.

  27. I bought a pull cord assembly there about 2 months ago and it cost me upwards of $200 but I had to have it. I looked up on line what I could have bought the same parts for not knock offs was a little over $40. They are a rip off.

    1. Then you should have bought those and fixed your problem yourself.

  28. Personal responsibility. It is helpful. If you do not like the return policy of the store, move on to the next one.

  29. 11:40 What decade are you living in? I have never had to fill out a form? Call Amex platinum and it is taken care of. Many stores will resolve the problem without contacting cc company as each instance of a complaint counts against their rating with the cc company. Ask any retailer with cc servicing agreement.

  30. Look up Tommy Brown if he can not make it run no one can. Think he is in the Sharptown area. Great guy if he is still doing it. He will beat any shops price by a mile

  31. Here is the solution to living in Smallbury....Get the hell out. Now writer responded policy was clearly posted on wall, then he was also given a paper receipt. I don't agree with the policy, but, it is clearly posted and legal.

  32. There are reasons for refund policies. If you don't like them, go somewhere else! Stop whining to people that really don't care! LOL

  33. 11:46 AM - And if you want repeat business you give the guy his money back and move on.

    The ranter must be the business owner or related to the owner.

    Message - How is that BS I steal your money policy working out for you now?

  34. 11:43 AM, 11:44 AM, 11:46 AM, has something to do with the business.

    Because they are on a major rant trying to defend a policy where they keep your money, as if it is legitimate because they put it in a policy.

    Bad business practices is bad business practices, in writing or not.

    Can't fix stupid.

  35. 11:43 AM gosh you are pathetic.

  36. "A Very Disgruntled Customer" must be a Hillary voter. "It's everybody else's fault." The store owner is complying with BBB practices and consumer protection requirements by clearly posting the return policy at the point of sale and on the receipt. The store owner has clearly had it with people that don't know what they need to make repairs and buying the wrong parts, or they go online and find out they can order it for less. Personally, I have done business with MacMillan Bros many times over the years, without a single complaint. I know small engine parts can be bought for less elsewhere, but when I have an engine apart, I don't want to wait for an internet order to arrive in 2-3 days, just to save a couple of dollars. For the customer to fault the owner for his own ignorance and lack of attention to the return policy, and then try to "warn potential customers of this business’ practice." is just infantile and childish. Macmillan Bros will not miss you, or anyone who would take your complaint seriously.

  37. 12:42 PM Apparently I am more progressive than you, I answer questions online, I don't bother making phone calls

  38. Joe,
    Why do you let people post this nonsense with the express purpose of driving business away from local companies? This might be frustrating for the customer but this is the real world snowflakes. Of course you will get better return service from mega online companies but you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Shop locally and know what you need before going in. Was the return even necessary at all? Was the mistake yours or the MacMillians? I would guess it is your fault since you don't state why the return was necessary.

    Stop wasting peoples time. It cost money to pay people with experience to wait on you, get you what you need and keep it in stock.

    To all those that love to hate on Salisbury get out. We dont want you here. This is not little B-more. Its the shore and its rural. I suggest that the people that know what I mean make a concerted effort to keep your money local. Stop using Amazon. Most time you can find what you need from a local supplier even if that means paying a little extra or waiting a week. Stop being in such a rush an insisting that everything happen now at the cheapest price. NAFTA, CHINA AND MEXICO ring a bell? They are the outcomes of such short sited thinking. Suffer without for a little while and I assure you that your appreciation will go up.

  39. I bought a Homelite Super XL chainsaw from McMillian. Two years latter - I went there to upgrade to a Homelite 360. At that time they used to accept trade-ins and would allow you a trade-in allowance for your old chain saw. So I said to the owner - how much - and he said he would sell me the new Homelite 360 for $330 after taking in my Super XL as a trade-in.

    I said forget it - and proceeded to walk out - as I had already priced a new Homelite 360 at Southern States (straight out sale for $299)- and that is what I did. I kept my old Homelite Super XL chainsaw and bought the Homelite 360 from Southern States for $299.00 and still saved money. That is how much mark-up there was back then.

  40. Maryland law requires exchange or refund policies to be clearly posted to all customers. It's your responsibility to read the policy and conduct yourself as an adult.

  41. 12:42 PM Sorry you have to bother picking up the phone, I do a few clicks online and all done.

    What century you living in that you hang on hold?

  42. MacMillan Outdoor Power Equip has been ripping off customers since it opened . they are well known for over charging customers, charging for repairs that were never made,taking advantage of customers by replacing parts that were never bad.

  43. Anonymous said...
    11:43 AM, 11:44 AM, 11:46 AM, has something to do with the business.

    Because they are on a major rant trying to defend a policy where they keep your money, as if it is legitimate because they put it in a policy.

    Bad business practices is bad business practices, in writing or not.

    Can't fix stupid.

    January 12, 2017 at 12:59 PM

    I would say the rant belongs to the person complaining. Also, how is a clearly stated no refund return policy bad business? It is not the first nor last business to have a policy like that. Some people just expect to be treated differently than others. Just because you spend money at an establishment, it does not mean they have to cater to your wishes. Once again, if you don't like the no refund policy shop somewhere else. Simple as that.

  44. I have never been to this business but I can understand the no return policy. While it is smart business in the long run to just give a customer their money back, business' that sell parts weather its for auto, lawn or computers tend to have this policy in place.

    The primary reason is that sometimes people will buy parts to use to diagnose the problem of their defective machine and then return the part if that's not the issue.

    The company selling the part often also provides the repair service. Some people do not want to pay them for the repair or diagnosis but basically want to do it free using the companies parts / tools until they get it right.

    Sometimes the owners of the machine may go through a few parts before they finally figure out what actually needed to be replaced. The business owner then losses out on the labor cost and is stuck with putting opened parts back in their inventory that have been handled / installed by a novice.

    If you went into such a store to buy a part yourself would you want a part that was opened already and handled potentially by someone who had no idea what they were doing with it ? No chances are you would want an unopened part so the business now has to reduce the price of the item and sell it as used.

    Like I said though it is best practice to keep the customer happy and take the part back in hopes you will get repeat business but I can understand why business' like this tend to have a no return policy.

  45. To all of you cry babies out here, while it is tragic to have this happen to anyone, IT IS YOUR OWN, get that??? IT IS YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW ANY INFORMATION YOU NEED ABOUT PARTS OR THEIR BUSINESS and BUSINESS PRACTICE...

    Now lets turn this around to the ass cheek cop lovers, who say cops do no wrong... Is it your fault or the cops fault, that you don't know the laws? That a cop can lie to you to get you to incriminate yourself? Is that any one else fault you don't know they law? Ask as judge next time you fight a traffic ticket or whatever, ask if it is the judges fault or the cops fault why you broke the law...

    You people are just to stupid and unreal...

  46. what is Bent and Broken? havent heard of that

  47. 12:42 PM oh look at me I have an amex platinum card. lol.
    I took care of it online and didn't have to dial a phone.
    What decade are you living in?

  48. 2:28 PM bla bla bla, which is why they go out of business or struggle to stay alive.
    I can order it online and return it for a full refund
    I can buy it else where and return it for a full refund.

    Keep holding tight to your antiquated policies whilst others continue to progress and be consumer friendly and see how that works out for ya.

  49. How sad that 80% of you are too stupid to see the bigger picture and keep focusing on the minutiae

  50. Sounds like Albert.

  51. Here is an idea. Take the part that you wanted to return and list it on ebay. Good chance someone else is looking for the same part somewhere. You might not get all your money back since you were probably over charged but it won't be a total loss. The only time we shop local is if we personally know the owner of the business or are introduced to that person by friend and it is not to get a discount but just to not get ripped off.

  52. 4:02 Dial a phone? I was in the Benz and simply said siri call amex while leaving the business. It is nice having a vehicle with automatic hands free connectivity. You shorebillies sure is smarter than the rest of us.

  53. 7:36 yes, we have evolved past endless prompts and foreign speaking customer service that you can't understand and put you on hold.

    Online, 2 clicks and I am done.

    Yes apparently we are smarter than you archaic phone dialers.

  54. Y'all keep saying he's going to go out of business. They've been in business for years...I'm sure the $20 they lose from the original poster "never going back." Is NOT going to put them under...

  55. If you tried to return it in the afternoon then the owner guy was probably drunk. He keeps a bottle of scotch behind the counter.

    1. I can't blame him, dealing with these flakes every day.

  56. He charges what he has to to survive this anti business world with democrats always adding regulations and taxes like we are rich or something.

  57. 10:59 How about reading the receipt?
    January 12, 2017 at 10:59 AM

    You have to pay first before you get your receipt.
    10:59 & 12:31 you are dumber than a bag of hammers.
    MacMillan Outdoor Power Equipment got me once about 30 years ago. Haven't been back since.
    A few other businesses have also ripped me off once, most of them are out of business now.
    I started a business 35 years ago, I have always played fair and have a good reputation. Now I am ready to retire wealthy.


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