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Sunday, January 15, 2017


Just how much further can the Town of Pittsville Commissioners bring down the Town of Pittsville?

With the recent passing of Council President/Mayor Denver Moore and his Daughters recent arrest/conviction for embezzlement and the Father being questioned for his signatures on those checks, what could be worse?

I know, how about appointing his other Daughter Erica Moore-Lecates, (above)! They just appointed this woman to fill in for her Father's position until the next election.

Now, if ANY of you ever wondered why so many people crack so many jokes about the Eastern Shore, LOOK NO FURTHER! You know what they say, if Billy Bob gets a divorce from Shaniqua, are they still sister and brother?


  1. I hope that is an old pic. Because I had that coat in the 80's/90's.

    1. I think you all are ridiculous I personally know her and she is an all around good person and Christian lady. And busting in her coat how immature ? And stay anonymous smh!!

    2. I don't give a damn if she is "Christian". So what? It means nothing as far as her character.

      The person appointed should have been above reproach, given the history here and what the residents and TAXPAYERS of Littsville have been through. What a slap in the face to everyone here.

  2. Nepotism is alive and well at all levels of government, local and national.

  3. Cnn just got bitched slapped by trump at the live press conferance lmfao joe que up the video and post it lol

  4. Typical redneck good ole boys back ass backwards.

  5. Ah life in the sticks! Fun, ain't it? Deliverance 21st century style.

  6. That there is slower lower royalty.

  7. Isn't she the same one that was cashing the checks her sister was writing from the town?!? She tried to have other tellers at the bank do it but none of them would, from what I hear she was let go by FBW? Citizens of Pittsville need to blow up the phones of town hall today!!

  8. Unbelievable. She is the one that was fired from the local bank. How do we find out how much she is being paid and what benefits the taxpayers are paying for?

  9. Why hasnt she been Arrested ?

  10. You got the right one. 4108358872 is the phone number.

  11. she was escorted out of the bank I was told?? only to wonder why?......

  12. Makes one wonder about the "deal" for the new Pittsville Ford Dealership along route 50. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

    1. That has been in the works for years. Old owner would not build new dealership that's why they sold it

  13. what can average citizens do to help fix this? my guess is that there is a lack of volunteers to take up such issues which is why this is a never ending cycle of corruption.

  14. Billy Bob would never marry a "Shaniqua"!!

  15. Pardon the pun and no offense to the Moore family that lost a loved one. This money issue is sort of dead as now Denver cannot be questioned and held responsible for signing those checks. Hopefully the new Moore on the commission will not be allowed to sign checks or handle finances of the town the lions club or the cemetery.
    Call town hall and voice your opinion 4108358872.

    1. Does.that mean charges will be dropped.against other daughter because he cant testify now

    2. Will charges be dropped.against daughte.Since dad can't testify now just wondering

  16. How can this occur when the position she is filling is an elected position? And, why aren't the current council members filling that role until the election is held. This is concerning

  17. In my opinion Erica cannot be held responsible for the actions of her father and sister. I knew all three kids when they were little. Derrick and Erica were very good kids. I also knew that Carla would be trouble when she grew up.
    So I say unless you want the job. Give her a chance. She cannot be any worse than what they had before.

    1. Some of you may not not know that Denver was also fired from the Wicomico County liquor dispensary for stealing I know this for a fact because my father was the manager and he tried to pin it on my father but it backfired on him leading to his arrest for theft

  18. It's so sad reading the ignorance in these comments. If any of you knew Denver or his family you wouldn't be saying such awful things. Everyone makes mistakes, some more and bigger than others. But these were and are good people and a good family regardless of anything that has happened. They are PEOPLE. And how dare anyone come together and speak so ill of people going through a family death. How disgusting are you people? And do any of you actually know her? How nice it must be to move your thumbs and make fun of the jacket of a girl whose father just DIED. You people are sickening. For all anyone you know, she could do a great job. She is a sweet kind person and has a bigger heart obviously of any of you. BREAKING NEWS Uncompasionate People throw girl whose father just died through the mud. Don't you realize how awful this sounds???

    1. I can understand what you are trying to express; however, this is about business. It is not about how nice someone was, or how good they all were as kids or even about all they have been through lately as a family. Most of the hard issues they have gone through were brought on by themselves. No one forced anyone's hands to steal or make bad life choices. Anyone with even a little common sense can see the appointment of yet another family member in the least looks inappropriate. This town needs fresh eyes in that town hall and a fresh viewpoint to handles the long term issues of this town. It's not about friends. It's about business.

    2. If you want to have people say nice things about you, be a nice person. If you have no morals and steal from the whole town this is exactly what you get.

  19. 5:29, With all due respect, didn't work out too well for her at the Farmers Bank of Willards now, did it. Dumbest move I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Then again, what can you expect from a pack of Liberals. This family has no conscience. Why should WE?

    She chose to put herself into the public eye and as taxpayers we have every right to express our opinion. Frankly, Denver Moore was not my Father, not a family member and quite frankly was flat out a PAMPAS JERK.

    I'm sure YOU will have plenty to say about ME when I'm gone, SO BITE ME.

  20. 5:29 STOP saying they are good people you fool. You ignoramus. Do your research before running that mouth that is clueless. These losers kept themselves one step ahead of the bill collectors. Businesses had to take them to court because they wanted to be showoffs and had champagne taste on a water salary. How dare you lecture anyone Dead of not they grew it now they have to suck it up. Let it be a lesson to her. Don't ever steal and pay your bills. They had no compassion when they owed money. Your "compassion" only proves you of their lower class. You are sickening. You are the worst of the worst. What should make your rank arse sad is the people who won't get their money. You are a sorry excuse for a human being.

  21. LOL. She looks like an Irish Traveller. Maybe that's why thieves in the family.

  22. 6:09 I feel so sorry for you that you miserable enough to say things about me, whom you actually don't even know. And you obviously never knew them the way I did. Regardless of the mistakes they've made. May whatever is troubling your ignorant heart be resolved. Completely sad of you to say such things about me.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. 5:29 PM you are the demented one. I didn't "make fun of her jacket" how could I, since I admitted I also owned one just like it!! My mom bought it for me as a present. I loved that jacket.

    Do you spend your day finding things to be insulted by?
    Get over yourself.
    Unfortunately she chose the public life.
    Deal with it.

  25. I would like to know what training she has in running any office, especially a government office. Pittsville has a bad enough rap at this point because of her sister. I don't know her but I would like to see her resume' posted somewhere. Something tells me that the Good Ole Boys put her in this seat, which was not meant for someone that won't be able to take on the job. This position is an elected one and should be held in the interim by someone trained in governmental matters.

    1. Some experience in administration in a municipal position of any kind, or running a small or medium sized business, without a history of financial malfeasance, would be ideal. It isn't something "training" can prepare someone for. No college degree can take the place of experience and a good reputation.

      We have what, 2000 residents of Pittsville? Surely we have someone who can and will do the job we are paying them for.

      Someone who doesn't have the ink from ill-gotten gains on their hands.

  26. She should be getting caught too because who do you think that her sister who's in jail took the checks too, her sister who works at the bank.

  27. They are keeping some big secret "in the family".
    If they chose her, the secret is safe.
    It is obvious

  28. Holy crap. If nothing else, one of the commissioners should have "filled in" until the next election.

    I don't know Erica personally. But the involvement of her family in embezzling from the town should have at least raised the question of impropriety.

    I intend to find out exactly when the actual election will be, and you can bet we'll be voting. I'll be making sure our neighbors know we need to turn out for it.

    If the by-laws provide that an interim appointment is to be made, and by whom, surely there is some language to guide selection. If not, "town resident in good standing, of known upstanding character, without conflicts of interest or ethics charges" needs to be added.

    The commissioners need to be individually held accountable for what goes on. Who else was considered for the (presumably paid) position? What were the qualifications, and how does she qualify, and why?

    If nobody runs against her, most likely she will remain in the position...and we are in for more of the same.

    So...who will step up and into the breach?

    Unless your name is Hillary or Purnell, you have our votes!

  29. Masons stick together

  30. Is that father/daughter, brother/sister or husband/wife? Not joking and don't know these people, just wondering.

  31. This is too crazy to be true. They must be drinking Town water! She reminds me of a more trashy Tammy Fay.

  32. AGAIN the Town of Pittsville is dealing with it....so you snowflakes from other areas STFU. your opinions are like belly buttons (or buttholes)....everybody has one EXCEPT we don't care for yours!!!!! LOL Our little town will survive just fine now go away and color in your books!

  33. Was this opening advertised as required by law? I am a soon to be Pittsville past resident. This town certainly lives up to it's name.

  34. There is another opening on town commission as ms Jones died too. Someone needs to go to town hall and express their desire to be on the commission.

  35. When I think of Pittsville I think of Tony Webster.

    Enough said!

  36. Every time the Pittsville Volunteer Farmin have a banquet involving alcohol there is a fight. Never fails. Bunch of damn Hillbillies!

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    January 11, 2017 at 6:59 PM

    I know right... ROTFLMAO

  38. Anonymous said...
    Was this opening advertised as required by law? I am a soon to be Pittsville past resident. This town certainly lives up to it's name.

    January 11, 2017 at 10:38 PM

    Please show your proof that this "opening" has to be "advertised as required by law."

    I love how these ignorant "Family Dollar Store Lawyers" act like they know the law. LMAO.

  39. Joe what do you think about this idea?

    This is clearly one example of a town or municipality could and should dissolve it's charter and let Wicomico County take over the day to day operations.

  40. No wonder that Bum Denver Moore was stealing. He owed State and Federal taxes and creditors to the tune of over $100,000.00.

    He also had numerous unpaid traffic violations and a suspended license.

    All that stress killed him.

  41. Anonymous said...
    There is another opening on town commission as ms Jones died too. Someone needs to go to town hall and express their desire to be on the commission.

    January 11, 2017 at 11:11 PM

    It's time to dissolve the town charter and make it a village like Powellville and Parsonsburg. Let the County take it over.

  42. 10:08 Is that you Ms. Piggy?

  43. Anonymous said...
    Is that father/daughter, brother/sister or husband/wife? Not joking and don't know these people, just wondering.

    January 11, 2017 at 9:48 PM


  44. Dissolve the town charter and let Wicomico County absorb it. We are tired of being double taxed.

  45. Joe what do you think about this idea?

    This is clearly one example of a town or municipality could and should dissolve it's charter and let Wicomico County take over the day to day operations.

    Responding to above:
    I completely agree that Wicomico County should take over the Town of Pittsville. I have lived here for over 20 years and have not seen any problems fixed (as we have many)and there needs to be a clean sweep done. I have been to the office on numerous occasions for not-so-difficult things that never were resolved. We need a strong governmental office and this small town needs some big guns.

  46. 6:21, I firmly agree. I can tell you the Town of Pittsville is being watched very carefully.

    Let me explain something to everyone, I think you'll be quite pissed off when you read what I'm about to say.

    I, Joe Albero, was the one who got our Annapolis Officials to piggyback Worcester County's distillery legislation and it PASSED.

    Now, let me explain WHY.

    You know the building I own next to the old Fire Station. I/We had a BUYER who owns a distillery licence who wanted to put a manufacturing facility there. They were going to completely rebuild the structure, employ 25 to 30 people and even committed to bring back the Strawberry Festival to Pittsville at their expense.

    HOWEVER, it was Denver Moore who refused to allow this to happen, claiming I didn't have enough EDU's, (water and sewer) to allow such a facility, which was total BS. This company USES the water and the discharge was extremely limited.

    Considering this is a COMMERCIAL property, Moore and the Council denied it and the deal fell through.

    So 30 residents lost good paying jobs and the taxable income for the Town would have been perhaps the biggest taxpayer there.

    So do I think the County should absorb the Town, absolutely. You people need to wake up and get these Idiots out of Office.

  47. You all are FOOLS!!! She is a hottie!!!

  48. I have known this woman for several years. Pleasant enough but oh my goodness she is stupid. Dumber than dirt. So unequivocably NOT qualified for this position. No knowledge base and certainly not an iota of common sense. The Town deserves whatever happens if no one does something about this. Not even going to discuss the unethical and unfathomable act of putting her in Town Hall given her family's history and proven illegal behavior. Also will not disparage her character - but she is simply not qualified.

  49. Why were the Citizens of Pittsville not asked? Why not hold a Special Election? Why doesn't the next in line take over? This is EXACTLY why Pittsville is a JOKE! Filthy water, horrendous back woods attitudes and nepotism out the butt. Pathetic disgusting family running our town!

  50. I am not sure who has the worse toupee.

  51. I think she is rather good looking. Nice body!

  52. Imagine just 53 years ago before the Bay Bridge Moore could have married his daughter at town hall at tax payers expense.

    With all that's happened in that family you would think she wouldn't go near the town hall let alone manage it! Do they think the transplants are all as stupid as the native home grown vegetables?

    As an ex Realtor I too went up against town hall. Large plot of eyesore land that couldn't be developed because a certain trailer park had all the water allocations. My client was not happy.

  53. Does anyone know when the next town meeting is. If anyone is up for a petition for a special election hit up Magoo on here. Does anyone think it is worth a shot? Do we fall under Wicomico County for anything at all. Looking for some information. Thank you in advance.

  54. January 11, 2017 at 10:08 PM "our little town" is full of corruption, rednecks and obviously a disgusting family with the last name Moore.

  55. Lucille Jones passed away in October, who was appointed to take her seat until the next election?

  56. Most of the council members are a part of the fire dept. They appointed some one they could easily manupliate. The fire dept will run the town to pay for new trucks and new building. Taxes wil go up and the town will be bankrupt before you know it. Town ppl need to go to meetings and pay attention to what is happening in their town. If u thought is was bad before, you ain't seen nothing yet!

  57. When are the town meetings held and what time? The website hasn't had anything added since September

  58. The citizens in Pittsville should elect good honest people. The town's charter would say how they are to fill positions and how elections are to be conducted. Makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes that the commissioners allow this.

  59. The Town is full of CLOWNS. A family member should NEVER step in as interim office-holder. ESPECIALLY since father and both daughters have a record of theft and other dishonest behaviors. I would move, or start a town petition if I were living there. Abunch of fools you are to allow this to happen again!

  60. Same can be said about crisfield or Somerset County as a whole. It not just pittsville.

  61. A new dealership can only be an upgrade for the town,the people need to vote in some pro growth people to really upgrade the town.

  62. I always thought spitville was a nice family town where everyone got along

  63. CLOWNS
    I'm with all who want a petition going. I suggested earlier but think it was overlooked. How can we get message out to town residents?

    It was wonderful when my daughter and I moved here 20+ years,ago and would live to have our little town back.

  65. Call town hall 4108358872
    They are scheduled to meet third Monday each month at 7.
    Denver would change it as he pleased.
    Also no proper ads or public meeting hearings for budget buu proprty etc

  66. Ok. All Pittsville Residents. Please review the most recent post and plan ahead to attend Town Meeting. Thank you all. Remember : Strength will come with unity and attendance at meetings


    According to Town Office, next town meeting to be held on Monday, February 13, at 7:30 pm. I will double-check as they are generally on Tuesdays but change may be due to Valentine's Day Holiday.

  68. Has the ^^^^hole at Smiths Bobcat Service on Old Ocean City ever cleaned the trash out f their yard yet?


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