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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Ebony Magazine Editor: Hate Crimes Can’t Be Committed Against White People, Cops

On Wednesday, Ebony Magazine’s Jamilah Lemieux criticized the use of the phrase “hate crime” in association with the five white Dallas police officers who were killed claiming that using the phrase with a “majority group… gets into very tricky territory.”

Appearing on “CNN Newsroom” with guest host Ana Cabrera, Lemieux said, “I have to say, I would not describe hate crime as the most comfortable word choice, considering these circumstances. There’s so much that we do not know about what took place, what motivated this person. We only have the one account of law enforcement. We haven’t had the opportunity to really look into his history in a meaningful way.”



  1. Umm. Isn't there video?

  2. 2017 time to berry that race card. accountability for all.

  3. For an educated person, she's not so smart.

  4. If someone hates and harms someone due to the color of tjeir skin, their sex, their sexual orientation or teligious beliefs...IT'S A HATE CRIME! Simple!


  5. I think there can be hate crimes against white people... not against cops though. You can change out of your uniform, but you can't change out of your skin. But like anything in life, it's probably more complicated than that in practice. I see her point though, because hate crime laws really are about protecting those most in danger and already on the margins from the whims of the majority. The majority (white) people of our country tend to get the benefit of the doubt automatically because they are in that white majority.

    When it comes to the Chicago kids... well, he was disabled, and he may indeed have been targeted because he was white. I can understand the hate crime argument there, and at the very least, these kids are gonna get put away for a long time and their lives are effectively over. May not be as retributive as some people would care for, but it's a measure of justice. But consider John R.K. Howard, the teenage Idaho high School football player who assaulted and raped his black and mentally disabled teammate with a coat hanger in 2015. No hate crime charges there, even though there were racial motivations in that as well. the kid got off with 3 years probation and community service. I can see how folks in the black community see these two cases side by side and see a disparity in treatment.

    James - SURJ Delmarva

  6. 5:30 - "these kids are gonna get put away for a long time and their lives are effectively over."

    I doubt it

  7. Ebony Magazine eh?
    Oh kay!

  8. Is it a hate crime when a police officer shoots an unarmed black or latino?

    1. No. And no point of mentioning unarmed because even when armed blm terrorist still riot,rape and burn their neighborhoods...

    2. Terrorist? Smh. BLM is just a branch of ALL LIVES MATTER. When the British came, the settlers stood up for liberty the same as any other oppressed people through out history.

    3. LOL. "Smh". You sound pretty foolish, 9:34, considering there is NO "all lives matter" group or movement. It doesn't exist, so how is BLM a branch of a non-existent group? BLM is a verifiable group who is very much involved in AT LEAST the encouragement of domestic terrorism, if not the actual acts. And oppressed, please.

  9. Yea that's How Far our country has let Reverse Racism and
    Discrimination GO on ....since Affirmative Action

    Doing anything to Whites is OK and accepted

    Time to take the Race Card Away !!!! Long Overdue

    White has become a Bad word in America !!

  10. AS for Cops , the Blacks don't think they have to OBEY
    cops, like everyone else does........

    That's why they get Shot more often than anyone else..FACT

    They will Have to learn, that they DO have to Obey cops orders ....weather they Like it or Not.....Fact

    Regardless of the color of the cops .......Period !!!

  11. No NAAWP No White History Month
    NO WET TV No White Race Card
    NO White anything Allowed by Govt

    So, guess it's OK to Discriminate against Whites ....!!

  12. Looks to me like the Whites are the New minority !!

  13. These Days Whites Have No Rights /// they were given away
    when affirmative action got started !!


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