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Sunday, January 15, 2017

School Closings For Tomorrow,Tuesday 1-10-17

Wicomico County Schools: Tue Jan 10th, Schools will be closed Tuesday. Central/12-month 2 hour delay.

Delmar Middle & High School is closed as well.


  1. Seriously?????!!!!

  2. Guess you haven't been on the back roads

  3. The back roads are awful that's why!!!

  4. I can appreciate the why is school closed. However, with foolish drivers in this area that only think about themselves and where they need to be, this a good call. Kids on foot and at bus stops are at risk. Unfortunately, I had to be on the road early Saturday morning. There were morons tailgating then. One my way into work this am I had a tailgater. Guy in a big truck with a little mind only caring about himself!!

  5. Why 3:17? Schools closed because the secondary roads are ice and snow covered. Understand now?

  6. Why!? Why are you an idgit?? The roads aren't safe for buses, cars or walkers! Seriously?

  7. Most of the Eastern Shore districts are closed again tomorrow. As usual, everyone prefers to bash Wicomico County. Buses can't get down side roads and kids have nowhere to wait for the bus. That is the reason.

  8. its a good decision

  9. The sad thing is you just can't win no matter what. What if schools weren't closed and a bus slid on the ice and a couple kids got injured but nothing serious - everybody would be up in arms and bitching and moaning because schools weren't closed and where did the bus driver get his or her drivers license and how nobody on the Eastern shore can drive.... it doesn't matter what decision is made the school board will always be screwed. That is truly a shame.

  10. I grew up here and went went to public schools during the sixty's and seventies. Sure they would close school on the day of a snow, but the following day, even if the roads were ice covered, we would still have school, or he school would open an hour to two hours late. I'm sure people who live up north are laughing at us! What do people in up state Ny or Michigan do? Or in Minnesota where it stays below zero most of the winter? Seems like we are all a bunch of candy asses! Work doesn't stop because of work, so why should school?

  11. Nah 717, just a different time here in the 21st Century. Back then, fewer schools, few students - ZERO social media and snowflakes fell from the sky.

    As you are aware and when we do git it - snow here on the eastern shore is much different (heavier) than say Michigan or other northern states so removal is a bit easier AND they expect snow - where WE (so close to the Atlantic) don't get that much OR didn't get that much in the past. Maybe a few more plows by SHA would help - but the 21st mindset of closing down shop rather than risk the kiddo's is probably wise.

    Don't know about you, but I sure as heck wouldn't want to be in charge of making a decision of having school then something bad taking place or worse - death of a child.

    Better Safe than very sorry

  12. You know, if you're that torn up about school closings, you can always move to Scranton or Buffalo where the reaction to snow is a little less extreme.

  13. Don't have to worry about teaching tomorrow. Another day off with a 3 day weekend coming up. I love this job.


  14. Lot of snow combined with very low temps for several days running made for an icy base. Probably not enough salt to hit all the roads. And salt will run off and get into fields and streams. All in all, a wise decision to cancel another day.

  15. well who's gonna babysit my kids for the day while I smoke dope, drink and party with my boyfriend? total BS!

    1. Just get Baileys Taxi to pick them up and drop them off at the mall like always.


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