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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Press Access to White House ‘Hasn’t Been Determined’

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said President-elect Donald Trump's administration hasn't yet decided whether it will allow the press to continue to work in the White House.

Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, Priebus confirmed reports that Trump's team was considering moving the daily press briefings conducted by the White House press secretary to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, just a short walk away from the White House.

"What I'm talking about, what we're talking about — and the only thing that was even discussed about this — was whether or not you wanna take that [press briefing] room that only holds 50 people […] and whether you wanna go 50 feet to the EOB and have for the first few weeks or the first month or so the press conferences where you can fit three or four times the amount of people. It's about more access," he said.



  1. Smarter move would be to sit them outside in the weather elements....see if they can treat the President with respect them bring them back in one at a time IF THEY REPORT SUPPORTED TRUTHS! If not back outside they go!!

  2. Wish you would hold Trump to the same truth standard.

    1. You have eight years to complain about it. Love everyone Trump making America great again... drain the swamp.

  3. Keep the Press Out ... is a good idea !!
    Esp the CNN (Clinton News Network) & Fake News !!

  4. 349 name 5 things President Elect Trump lied about? Don't repeat CNN quotes or campaign quotes from Clinton. 5 lies we can research.

  5. Keep the Stupid Press from telling Our Enemys everything
    we are friggin going to do all the time...Stupid !!!

    The Press is our biggest Breach of Nat'l Security !!!

  6. 3:49
    Sounds like you are a "Useful Idiot" that believes the media false claims about Trump.
    Remember, Donald Trump was the darling of the media and the establishment until he decided to upset the apple cart and drain the swamp.

  7. Put those Lovelys on Fox (those Foxy Ladies)

    that are on OUTNUMBERED in the White House for Trump !!!

  8. The fake news, propoganda mills we call the main-stream media, are in a tizzy like shrimpers during a hurricane. They don't know whether to shit or wind their watch. 2 years ago, when Trump tossed his hat into the ring, they supported him because they KNEW he couldn't beat Lying Hillary. So, they dragged the other candidates through the MSM mud, hoping Trump would win the primary. Their self-fulfilled prophesy came back to bite them in the ass.
    Now, those Soros/Obama puppets will need to sit in the back of the room and mind like Fox News has had to do for 8 years. Put CNN next to the Marine in the guard shack.
    Karma's a bitch.

  9. Rosie Odonnell wants to be Nanny at the White House !!

  10. Let ET be the one (Entertainment Tonight)
    The Enquirer

  11. It won't be CNN in the White House > Fake News !!!

  12. Let them earn their way up front. Be a rude prick, demanding, interrupting and interjecting tout question over someone else's turn...immediately lose your spot and go directly to the back of the room. Do it again, or report fake news, lose all access for your organization for a week. Next offense, a month. And so on.

  13. They should not camp out in the White House, period. Put them out!

  14. As long as there's room for Breitbart, Assange, Zero Hedge, Daily Caller and the like, yes. If there's any room left in the back, MAYBE let in ABC and those types.

  15. Send them to Mars !!!

  16. You mean FAKE News access to White House ??
    Put them in basement.......

  17. Is there Any Honest Press > Has Not been Determined !!

    Extreme Vetting for them before White House !!


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