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Sunday, January 22, 2017

CAIR Urges Muslims To Join 'Pussy Power Hat' March

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is asking American Muslims to participate in the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday, and to bring pre-printed signs to the demonstration.

One of the available signs advertises the Muslim civil rights organization’s support for “justice & equality for all,” according to a press release sent to The Daily Caller.

Another sign on offer from CAIR reads “Say No to a ‘Muslim Registry.”

A third pre-made CAIR sign Women’s March on Washington for the reads “Women’s Rights are Human Rights.”



  1. Easy to identify them. Round em up and ship em out

  2. Those stupid hats don't go well with a Burka.

  3. I thought if you were pro life you weren't welcome?

  4. It's about solidarity now. Everyone has some skin in the game, something important at risk. Muslims are mothers, sisters, wives and daughters as well. They can stand up for women, women can stand up for immigrants, immigrants can stand up for LGBTQ, they in turn can stand up for #blacklivesmatter. With any luck and a lot of work, this can happen. Y'all want unity after the election, be careful what you wish for...

    James- SURJ Delmarva

    1. @1:27 Most Americans do want unity but there will always be people like you keeping the divide. Muslims will never stand up for woman...look at their culture. BLM is a terrorist group and their goal is to divide. But who has stuck together is the "forgotten man and woman". We are banding together and you are seeing the results of that right now !!

    2. Muslims need to get control of the crazy Muslims in their society.

  5. IT is NOT inclusive.

    As a female, I am offended by the term "pussy power."

  6. sinister symbolgy? The left Sinister allies, ones that treat women as trash objects?

    To be initiated into the Shrine, to become a Shriner, as part of their blood oath at the altar of initiation, the Shriner must bow down, with his hands tied behind his back, and swear an oath in the name of "Allah, the God of our Fathers!" Now, it is important to remember that the Islamic god, Allah, is in no way connected to the true God of the Bible. Allah is a pagan, Arabic deity. Allah is a false god. Allah is not the God of Judaism and Christianity; and Allah's prophet, Mohammed, was a false prophet who has led millions of people astray!
    As if that wasnt bad enough most Shriners have no idea about the symbolism portrayed on the red fez hats they proudly wear. Each red Fez worn by the Shriners has on the front an Islamic sword and crescent moon prominently displayed and encrusted with jewels. The crescent moon is the most common Islamic symbol. In fact, it is found on the top of every Muslim mosque around the world and on the flags of many Islamic nations. The crescent moon represents the god of Islam, Allah, who was the pagan moon deity of Mohammed's tribe, the Quraysh of Arabia. When Mohammed conquered Mecca in Saudi Arabia by force in 630 A.D. he destroyed all of the 360 pagan tribal deities in the Kaaba and set up his tribal deity, the moon god, Allah, as the chief deity of Arabia. Later, when he tried to convince the Jews and Christians of Arabia to worship Allah, they refused, knowing the true identity of Allah, and Mohammed then began his bloody conquest of the Arabian peninsula, slaughtering thousands by the sword, the very same Islamic sword celebrated on the Shriner's red fez!

  7. Anyone who does not like our laws, can take their butts back to where they come from. You left your country cause you didn't like what they were doing so don't come here and try to change our country to be like what you just left. And if you want to be in America take those things "Burkas" off your head put some American clothes on, walk beside or in front of your men and enjoy our American way of life. You don't want to do that .....go HOME to wherever you came from!!
    And if people would stop shopping at the businesses they are here running, they would have to close. Shop local American run business.

    1. Anonymous 2:29 - they ARE American. As American as you or I, maybe even more so. They're fighting for the ideals of our country. Respect that if nothing else.

    2. y r u on here liberal ?

  8. More people at todays rally than at the coronation. What does that tell you??

  9. Hey James? BLM is a hate group plain and simple. Unity with hate? Ok - go for it my friend.

  10. How much rights do muslims do give lesbians?

  11. 2:22
    I laughed so hard I had to stop reading your masterpiece. Are you nucking futs or just been eating too many moon pies.

    You stated it well. Thank you for saving me the time and afford to do so.
    I was raised thinking others came to our great land to become Americans. Nothing was said back then that they wanted to come here to change us and our beliefs. They should take a vacation with our past failed so called leader and afterwards scoop him up and cut out of this land. It's Trump Town now.

  12. 3:05
    American? I think not

  13. CAIR is irrelevant!! Arrest them and make them do hard time. Get every damn one of the Muslim Brotherhood out of the White House and Washington D.C.!!

  14. 2:55
    Seriously? In their little 2-peaked hats? Seems like just an opportunity to go rabble rouse instead of really working (working? what a novel idea!) to solve our true problems. My philosophy is that you do not point out a problem without having concrete, viable solutions to work on/recommend. For example, we are a soft country with soft bodies, soft minds, and soft morals and no convictions. Start there and you will work for your entire life.

  15. 100% correct they are P...ys.

  16. Anybody who thinks CAIR believes in woman's rights are delusional

  17. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 21, 2017 at 9:23 PM

    Since when CHAIR is concerned about Women's Rights? Is that a joke? Have you seen how they treat women and girls in Muslim countries? And Yes, those who believe in this quickly baked "coalition" is delusional. Why not send those ladies to a one week trip to Iran or Iraq, to experience the "treatment" they receive there.

  18. Go have a women's rights march in Iran or Saudi Arabia and see what rights you will have......

  19. Make Gyorgy Soros proud.

  20. Joe here a some of the many Wicomico County Board of Education teachers who refused to let their students watch the Trump Inauguration at Bennett Middle School. Ironically they went to DC to protest the "Pussy Power" March against President Trump. I am an employee and I know for a fact that they did these things.

    They are:

    Karin Miller
    Lorraine Pica
    Joanne Hun
    Rachael Thompson
    and many others. I encourage other people to update the names so that decent parents can know what trash is teaching their children.

    These Haters should be fired. As a tax payer I am offended and Ticked Off and they should be reminded that my taxes go to paying their salaries.

  21. Muslim Keith Ellison for DNC chairman,put women in their place.

  22. The organizers were tied to hamas.

  23. To the person who named the teachers he/she took issue with, please remember that while your tax dollars go to pay them, their tax dollars go to pay you as well. Viewing the inauguration in any class other than a government class is not appropriate. Additionally, taking part in a march is a First Amendment right. You are entitled to your opinion, but calling for these teachers to be fired is reprehensible.


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