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Friday, December 16, 2016

Soros-Backed Group Leads Charge Against Tillerson From the Left

As soon as President-elect Donald Trump made official his nomination of Exxon Mobil CEO Ken Tillerson to be secretary of state, U.S. senators of both parties began to voice strongly worded concerns about the nominee's ties to Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

But Tillerson, 64, will face his most spirited opposition from a decidedly left-of-center group funded in large part by George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire known as "the paymaster" of leftist organizations.

Global Witness, which styles itself as an environmental watchdog group, charged Monday that under Tillerson's watch, Exxon Mobil has been a part of "misleading the public about what it knew of the threat from climate change, for which it's now under investigation by the New York Attorney General."

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  1. If you do some simple research you will find out that the left wing funded "Investigation" of Exxon by the democrat state attorneys has been slammed by a court and countersuit from Exxon.

  2. This guy Soros is destroying America.

  3. It's about time. Soros WILL be put in his place suck it up buttercup


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