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Friday, December 16, 2016

Whoopi Goldberg Compares ‘Celebrating Christmas’ To Getting An ‘Abortion’ – Guess Who’s Ticked About It

Christmas means a lot to my family. We do the typical Christmas things. We celebrate the birth of Christ. We put out nativity scenes. We read the Christmas story from the bible. We pray.

To me, it is a sacred holiday. Because my faith is important to me.

That same faith has led me to believe that abortion is wrong. It has taught me to love life and to treasure it. Christmas is about the coming of a perfect Being into the world, a Savior. A Savior who saved all life regardless of age, gender, race, faith, or political opinion. He died for them. Christmas has taught me that every life regardless of where that life falls on the timeline of conception to birth is worth saving, becuase it was worth dying for.

Maybe you agree. Maybe you do not.

That is not the point. The point is that is that I live in a country that protects my right to both of those opinions. I have been allowed the God-given right to worship as I please. And I am grateful for all the religions that benefit from this.

And for me, that makes these following comments even more heinous.

“You cannot pretend that Christmas doesn’t start with the birth of Christ!” Goldberg said. “Listen, I’m not, wait, wait, wait, don’t do it, don’t do it because I don’t want to disappoint you. I don’t want to disappoint you. I’m not a religious person, OK? I’m not a religious person but I do know that Christmas starts with the word Christ! It’s about the birth of Christ.”

“So you can’t, you can’t erase that! And if you don’t believe in it, if you don’t believe in it, then you got Santa Claus. Santa Claus is not a religious thing.”



  1. She promised to move out of country if Trump won!!!

  2. I think it's time for Whoopie to seek help from a professional. She should call Charlie Sheen or his dad for a reference

  3. Well that just means Whoopie besides being a big racist, does not believe in Jesus Christ. So instead of moving to Canada or somewhere when she dies she will be moving to Hell. I know all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.. But if you are a believer in Christ and accept that he died for your sins, Then you can be saved from Hell and go to heaven like the thief on the cross. Just saying what people are afraid to say in today's time. and to keep with my political incorrectness MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.

  4. This makes it even easier to ignore her and her raised table of fools. Television has devolved so terribly.

  5. See there are evil twisted tards in this world these women are democrats poster children for spewing the putrid evil logic thats destroying this county.

  6. I always hated that skank!shut your pie hole chuckle head!

  7. So glad that this person didn't have children.

  8. Well she please tell us when she's leaving so I can give her the proper send off!!!!

  9. I thought is lived in Canada.

  10. Maybe she is mad that Santa didn't get her eyebrows all her life for Christmas!


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