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Friday, December 16, 2016

MSEA Statement on Gov. Hogan's Private School Voucher Proposal

Annapolis, Maryland — This afternoon, Gov. Hogan proposed doubling funding for the BOOST program, his Trump-like initiative that sends taxpayer money from public schools to private schools.

MSEA President Betty Weller, a middle school science teacher, released the following statement:

"According to independent experts, Maryland’s public schools currently have $2.9 billion less than what they need to help every child succeed. Our kids rely on strong neighborhood public schools to prepare them for a college education and stable career—and we have a moral obligation to fill those equity gaps.

"That’s why Maryland educators are deeply frustrated by Gov. Hogan’s proposal to drain twice as many resources from our public schools to subsidize private schools. The governor’s alliance with President-elect Donald Trump—who has proposed the idea of using $20 billion in taxpayer money for private school vouchers—on privatizing our public schools should be alarming to every Marylander who believes in the importance of public education.

"We urge the General Assembly to eliminate the wasteful BOOST program—which has already taken $5 million from public schools to subsidize private religious schools—and stand squarely on the side of our public schools.”


  1. "independent experts" LOL

  2. I do not believe in vouchers its placing problem kids into good schools.

  3. Private schools work under a quarter of the budget that public schools get, and yet they turn out a better educated, better quality product than the public schools can offer. Dumping more money into the problem is not the answer. More and more parents with means are ditching the public school system because of this. Who wants to deal with the violence, political correctness and socialist indoctrination that is forced on our children?

  4. Finally finally the moment I've been waiting for as I've said before I've been a strong advocate of school vouchers this will put the power of real solid Education back in the Educators and taxpayers hands.Instead of bureaucrats, progressives and communists. It wilk reduce waste and force public schools to get in line and actully educate. Maybe turn some of the loser bad schools buildings into reform schools or mini prisons for the problems. Thank you Governor Hogan!!

  5. If there was real discipline back in schools and competent teachers then the education system would not be failing. This organization and other Unions are the reason for flunky teachers. Just like there should be no tenure in the Professors in the college system.

  6. The union is a bunch of greedy bullies that need to be shut down. If public education refuses to run efficiently and responsibly, then they should be put out of business

  7. Some commenters here may not understand the "vouchers" system. You see, everyone pays taxes, and over 50% of that money goes to the BOE and the PUBLIC schools to run the system.

    Private schools charge $6,000 maybe more per student to parents who are already paying taxes toward the public school system, so they are in effect paying less than double for their childrens' education, as those without school age children also pay taxes.

    The voucher system would basically give a voucher to every student, who could then use it to pay for education at a school of their choice, including private schools.

    I'm sure there's more to it, but it does NOT raise taxes, only relieves the private school parents from paying twice.

  8. The first thing we need to do is to 'DRAIN THE SWAMP' starting with MSEA Betty Weller.

    You say you don't want Private Funded schools because it sends money from Public Schools to Private Schools?

    Well then - why in Sam's he-- did you lobby to have all school teachers not pay any property taxes on their own homes - while trying to raise everyone else's real property taxes to make-up for the deficiency subsidy? Here it is - read it for yourself:

    Property Tax - Public School Teachers - Exemption


    You are a scoundrel - just like the rest of liberal public figures!!!!

  9. Joe - I have to admit 7:13 is so ON POINT!!!

    Have you Googled the link in the above post? Wow - the audacity of the school teachers union - they really are a bunch of scoundrels!

  10. Yawn!! Useless teachers union spilling talking crap again when they should be speaking out against the poor discipline that is making our schools unsafe. Oh yeah you lobbied for these no discipline policies along with all of your other equal social justice crap. Go away Betty and take the MSEA with ya.

  11. I'm one public school teacher who's not at all frustrated with Gov. Hogan's plan. The discipline problems in our public schools are out of control. Parents should have the right to shop for the education that fits their needs. The MSEA does nothing except pressure teachers to support the causes and candidates chosen by the Association. One of the many reasons why I, and many other teachers, do not belong to the "union".

  12. lmao, how many public school employees send their kids t private school?

  13. 7:13, I'm a teacher and I pay property tax like everyone else. And I'm fine with that.

  14. A parent should have some options on where to send their child to school.


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