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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Judge: US Intelligence Likely Leaked DNC Emails, Not Russians

Disgruntled intel workers were angry that Hillary exposed classified information

While Democrats, sore losers and the butthurt corporate media continue to yell ‘THE RUSSIANS DID IT’ or something… a sane voice noted that it is far more likely that it was in fact people within the US intelligence community who leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks, which ultimately wound up affecting the election result, so the left would have America believe.

Appearing on Varney and Co., Judge Andrew Napolitano told Stewart Varney that he has a source inside the intelligence community who is adamant that insiders leaked the damning emails to Wikileaks, and the Vladimir Putin and Russia had nothing to do with it.



  1. I read several things like this, and it seems likely. However, I think "the Russians did it" is the narrative that will prevail. It's weird to me who "sources" first talk to WaPost, then NYT, the NBC and now it is discussed as fact instead of conjecture, including the President implying that Putin probably knew it was going on.

  2. This was an inside job. Anyone in the biz knows this! There are a number of things that point to a leak not the Russians.

  3. If you believe in the global elite and world domination, here's something to chew on. All this talk of cyber warfare might be building up to something. Destroy our internet or computer capabilities and our knowledge is gone instantly. Just like they wouldn't let the slaves learn anything. It makes the masses easily controllable. If you think the library will help go in and look at the non-fiction section. It's pretty weak.
    As a remedy to this you should keep a binder of essential information (first aid, edible plants, trap and snare designs, gun powder recipe, shelter designs, maps) in your bug out bags right next to your water purifiers, MREs and gas masks.

  4. The weak Clinton and Obama administrations allowed China, N Korea, Iran and probably Russia to improve their technology to the point where we are much weaker today. History has proven peace comes through showing strength, not using diplomacy in nations being led by tyrannical dictators.


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