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Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Idiot driver


  1. Seems like an everyday occurrence EVERYWHERE. If anywhere we ALL need common sense and courtesy is on the roads!

  2. agreed...everywhere.....seems ppl are to lazy to even make a proper turn now-a-days

  3. Funny this is posted. Coincidentally, I have been very seriously considering filming my trips to and from work plus what little driving I do otherwise and posting on Youtube the things I see other drivers do. I only drive 15 miles to and from work and nearly every day something happens I wish I could have recorded, and some have been real close. I am a total advocate for having a keep right law that would be enforced BTW, and would have liked to have had a camera a few weeks ago. Driving north through Delmar, I had a car in front of me that would not move to the right even when it was clear in the right lane. He even brake checked me, and I pointed to the right and he got pissed. It went on for 4 miles before he moved over. Oh to have posted that online, it would be fun. Followed the Talbot county sheriff a few months ago, he was doing 90+ from Cambridge to 54 to Delmar. I followed him at speed. That would be a good one to show too.

  4. Common courtesy and simply obeying the rules of the road are sadly a thing of the past.

  5. I'm in agreement with all of the above, but a recurring problem that I seem to encounter often, is the driver in front of me making a turn, 1. onto another roadway or 2. into their driveway. They drag their feet, taking as much room and time as they possibly can all while NOT getting out from in front of you. If you're making a left and there's nothing coming towards you, get over to the left so the guy behind you can get by. The same goes with right turns. Don't sit in the roadway like a dead turtle trying to decide on how to turn right, get the hell over to the right and then do your business (take your time) so that the rest of us are not stopped or impeded by your indecision and lack of concern for us getting rammed in the rear by drivers not aware of the almost dead driver that's stopped in front of us.

  6. and they look at you like you are the problem. how dare you pull up to the stop line in your lane. I wish people would learn how to properly turn and quit acting like they are going to take off the front end of my car.

  7. 9:21 AM:

    If the right lane was clear, and you say that it was, then why didn't you pull over into that lane and pass the car in front of you? Why did you feel you had to stay in the left lane following it? You are complaining about the car in front of you refusing to move to the right lane, but you are doing the same thing. You shouldn't have a problem driving in the right lane because you stated, "I am a total advocate for having a keep right law that would be enforced BTW". If you feel compelled to drive in the left lane, then you could have passed him in the right lane and then pulled back into the left lane. Problem solved. You enjoyed it because you felt a sense of accomplishment when "he got pissed".
    By your own admission, as stupid and reckless as it is, you drove from Cambridge to Delmar driving 90+ mph. Yeah, go ahead and film that. In your own words, "That would be a good one to show too".
    Even if the cop was wrong, you didn't have to drive like you did. You could have called in a complaint without driving like you did. You are just as wrong, but as dumb as it is you have to brag about it.
    You sound like one of those antagonistic and aggressive drivers that makes driving miserable for the good drivers.
    You may want to rethink that filming thing. Any evidence on an in-car camera can be used for or against the filming party.

  8. 9:21 Why didn't you just pass him on the right?
    10:31 Not to say you are guilty of this, but I usually take my time turning when some jerk comes blasting up or is right on my bumper. I almost always drive 5 over the limit except in residential areas where I tend to drive 5 under.
    Why do people drive so fast in parking lots?

  9. That is by the YMCA. I see idiots like that cut me off all the time. Also many idiots take their vehicle half way out in the intersection making it extremely difficult for the driver to make that left turn the same direction of the perpetrator in this video.

  10. December 17, 2016 at 10:31 AM

    I had that happen to me tonight on rt 12, that I posted on another thread.

    If the right lane was clear, and you say that it was, then why didn't you pull over into that lane and pass the car in front of you? Why did you feel you had to stay in the left lane following it? December 17, 2016 at 12:08 PM

    Because HE was following the law. It is ILLEGAL to pass on the right, although everyone does it and it's not enforced, like most other traffic violations except the money making speeding violation.

  11. 7:35 PM: If it is a two lane highway, like Rt. 13 northbound near Delmar, then you can pass a slower vehicle regardless of which lane you are driving in.
    It is illegal to pass another car by passing to the right on the shoulder or by driving off the roadway.


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