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Saturday, December 17, 2016

COMING SOON: Facebook’s New Pop-up Button Will CENSOR Conservative Sites That You Follow

The attack on free speech has ramped up to a whole new level!

The attack on free speech has ramped up to a whole new level. Conservatives have been under fire for the last 8 years ever since Barack Hussein Obama became president. Obama has created an atmosphere of hate that allows the left to continually attack anyone with a dissenting opinion. With this past election and the stakes higher than ever, conservatives were more than determined to make sure we did not lose this time around.

Thankfully, Donald Trump did win, but the victory was short-lived for Trump supporters. The left which was left reeling from such a tremendous loss, could not fathom how “Queen” Clinton could lose. The left has blamed everything from the Russians to Fox News, but the biggest one was “Fake News.”



  1. This is not censorship. You can still read whatever you wish. I think it's great. There have been so many news stories over the past few years that I never questioned, even repeated and found out later were wrong.

  2. Yes Facebook is left leaning. But go to far and you take the chance of loosing 1/2 your business.

  3. Snopes and ABC news will be the fact checkers?? BAAHAA 😂😂

  4. Don't use that Social Media anymore and neiter do my children. The Grandkids
    (all in teen/early 20s) have never used it

    1. 9:26. Teenagers and early 20's not using social media. Not buying it. Somebody's lying. 🤥

  5. Never used Facebook. I never understood why some people feel it necessary to reveal every aspect of their life or their family's lives on a public forum. I prefer privacy.

  6. Snopes and MSM (ABC) is NOT to be trusted. This is a joke on so many levels. We will get real news and happenings in real time on many sites...NEVER trust MSM.

  7. 12:02. Really? What's wrong with Snopes? Always well referenced and transparent I've found.

  8. Snopes is not always truthful. You have to even check their statements. They were obviously pro-Obama over the last several years. But I agree with 11:31, why reveal yourself to the world and allow a liberal like Facebook's founder to continue making billions off tracking your every move on your computer or iphone and selling it.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:02. Really? What's wrong with Snopes? Always well referenced and transparent I've found.

    December 17, 2016 at 3:19 PM

    they are sometimes biased and have been "influenced" in the past.

  10. Snopes is just like any one of us who has enough time to search the internet to validate or disprove myths, rumors, lies etc. They have been accepted and "blessed" by the MSM as fact checkers. I would never rely on a single source or website to validate or disprove anything. Snopes is just ONE tool to search for truth and facts. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


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