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Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Gunshot Wounds In Salisbury Last Night (11-6-16)

Hey Joe.....

People were admitted to the ER last night at PRMC. Gunshot wounds. One was a white guy shot in the stomach and carrying a couple of grand, the other was a black guy shot in his car....took a bullet to the shoulder.


  1. Our Police Chief is calling it a small "Condiment" accident. She wants it referred too as a "Salt & Pepper" spill.

    (one black, one white)

    1. You are what keeps racism very alive.

  2. Time to call in the National guard it's all drugs and gang violence.

    1. It's been all gang and drug violence since about 1985 around here. With the occasional dispute over a female in the mix. And most are fueled by alcohol consumption.

  3. Sounds like the Police Chief needs to grow up. Does the Chief think it funny???

    1. When and where do you propose our chief and our officers be standing in order to stop the shootings BEFORE the shootings occur? Sounds like you are an authority, so why are you mouthing off with fingers on a blog. Get out there and help instead of complaining, fool. 8:12 I place you in same category.

  4. Get a life. This kind of stuff happens everyday in Salisbury people.

  5. Really it happens go to bigger cites even go up north to Wilmington you here a gun shot victim every day

  6. 8:47-You are an ignoramus. Just because something may happen everywhere doesn't mean the resident of Sby have to accept it. Now go and crawl back in your cess pool you spineless worthless weakling. It's people like you that have ruined this country by being a mere slave to the status quo. A follower. You serve no useful purpose to anyone.

  7. Get a life. This kind of stuff happens in every large city and DaBury ain't Mayberry anymore. Welcome to city life.

  8. The truth sucks doesn't it 9:07. How you people hate hearing the truth. You can't stand the truth. Oh how it kills you to hear the truth. How about being honest for once in your lying life. It will not kill you no matter what you were taught by your immoral parents who allowed you to lie and now you can't help yourself. The post states what it knows at this time to be facts. One black one white. That is NOT keeping "racism very alive" you liar. It's telling the truth as it is known at this time. Big difference but of course liars like yourself will never ever admit the truth. Some say pray for you dishonest immoral people but I say no. You need to and will pay for your sins by spending an eternity in hell.

    1. WOW. You're a piece of work. If your a Christian I don't want to know what church you belong to, I can just imagine that hate filled sermons your hearing.

  9. 8:24 AM are you the special kind of moron? Martial law? Call in the guard? Is that you Jake? You must be one of those ignorant born heres.
    Just cant make this stuff up.

  10. 9:06 AM get out and help? Any suggestions idiot?


  12. 9:11 AM city life?? lol. this is NOT a city. you need to get out more, like to a REAL city. OH My Gosh, is this a comedy skit? Because some of these absurd comments are off the rails.

  13. wow 9:16 overreact much? eternity in hell? whoa.

  14. I think the point is,the people of Salisbury never hear anything about 95% of the crime. Everyone knows Salisbury is rough, but the Mayor, and police department want us to believe otherwise. And sone people do, which is scary.

    1. That's what it is you never hear bout it all go to royal farms snow hill rd early in morning your bound to see something crazy

  15. When Chief Webster was here he was invited to a neighborhood watch meeting to speak when asked about gang violence in Salisbury he responded with their was no gang violence. I then asked him why a meeting was just held at the Civic Center on just that, gang violence. He responded with" we have no large problem and few body bags have been used"! Remind you of our current Chief Duncan.?

  16. Another reason why Salisbury should be spending more for law and order, instead of wasting taxpayers dollars in beautifying the downtown.

  17. If this kind of thing is allowed to happen martial law will come and it will be demanded by the people...part of the plan to end your constitutional rights.

  18. Martial law, if declared by the left, will be a move to snatch guns from white people and republicans. Personally, I'd like to see it declared by the right, to take guns from the criminals, deport all illegals, and arrest all who are connected to islamic terrorism.

    1. Ha ha ha.....they can disarm me if they want.....I will give them my bullets first....

  19. Has anyone been to prmc lately, it is so slow they are claiming this new computer system is preventing them from doing their jobs... nothing but excuses

    1. Please, feel free to go to AGH or BeBe.

  20. Another Saturday night in paradise!

    TRUMP 2016!

  21. There are safer places in the U.S., to be sure. Out of the 100 safest small cities in the U.S., about 90% of them are in the Northeast, old cities with an old, strong, middle class presence.

  22. 9:53 #2

    You have no clue and need to think before you type. I own homes in 2 major cities and a waterfront estate in Wicomico county. I avoid Salisbury as much as possible when enjoying my summer home. Salisbury now has big city problems and it is a city by virtue of its charter and population.

  23. Would this have anything to do with the URBAN celebration last night?

  24. Gang violence follows the market for heroin.
    Every small town, large town, small city, and large city in America now has a social / crime problem because of the heroin market which has been cultivated in the United States. Big Pharma is a part of the problem, and they benefit from it. Intelligence Agencies and the military are involved in the heroin market. Local LE are involved in capturing up the victims of the epidemic and corral them into private for profit prison systems. The drug running government is the biggest threat to our security and happiness.

  25. More of the reason property values are down here in the hood, I mean Slumbury.

  26. 9:06 - they have a computer program that predicts crime location.

    Yes, it probably was related to the artistes downtown last evening.

    1. A computer program that predicts crime... lol. You must be thinking of CompStat, and it cannot predict violence, merely track hot spots for various types of crimes. For example, if it tells you that 99% of shooting occur on Saturday at 2330 at X Street and Y street, you can TRY to put officers in that area at that time (if they aren't responding to other calls).

      If you do have an officer at X street and Y street on Saturday night at 2330, how is he/she supposed to prevent people from going into houses of acquaintances and shooting them? By stopping them for no reason and trampling their 4th amendment? Yes, it would stop crime, but it would also violate 4th Amendment rights. So, genius, please tell us your magical solution. Hint: there's no computer program to fix this.

  27. 9:06
    must have pi$$ed off the SPD huh?
    They wouldn't get criticized so much if they didn't keep denying
    the problem. That causes the foul comments.

    County not much better these days. House gets broken into and
    they don't even take prints anymore unless you are of the upper crust.

  28. This is the natural progression of any city. The vested property owners move to the suburbs and the rental property czars move in and flood the area with undesirables who bring with them drugs, crime and violence. Rentals lead to the decline of any neighborhood.

  29. I'm going to Budweiser Baptist this morning, then a good riot, then to trump trauma training at s u, and then back to my job at rec and parks in the morning

    1. Must be ok with supervisor unless hr gets involved.

  30. 11:34 a.m. HOW dare you go against beautifying downtown?!? You will be exiled to another country for that comment. Do you not understand that anything that happens downtown is more important than anything else in this world?


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