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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Wicomico Republican Headquarters Attacked

The spray painting and defacing once again of the Wicomico County Republican office is yet another intentional attack on the freedoms afforded to all Americans in the Constitution. The intolerance of political free speech so clearly demonstrated by these vandals has no place in our democracy. All across the country, we continue to witness these types of political discrimination, and I believe it is time for us to unite as a state and as a nation to condemn these malicious and criminal acts.

Congressman Andy Harris


  1. The people responsible for this should be arrested and criminal charges should ensue. Why doesn't the police offer a reward for information for the capture of these individuals? Thought Mike Lewis in it for the team? They should have a wide scale investigation but because it's their buddies they probably won't do anything at all. The other posting said 10 cameras are trained on this location, so why don't we see pictures posted here in order to get the criminal thugs who did this? Was it a band of school teacher?

  2. The democrats and the liberals have no arguments when presented with actual documented facts. They resort to these kinds of tactics. IF that doesn't work, then they spread lies about all Republicans.

    Donald Trump stands up to these attacks and proves to each citizen that: He can be depended upon to lead
    He is faithful to his word
    He will continue to bring the TRUTH to all people regardless
    of whether they want to hear it.
    He fights this kind of garbage with truth and FACTS something
    Hillary and the rest of the democrats can't stand.

    If this had happened to the democrats by republicans it would have caused a full blown police investigation by every force known to mankind. When it happens to republicans, the response is always slow to deliver the criminal and goes unnoticed by most. That in and of itself should scare the hell out of any decent person.

    Hillary has sold off this nation's most secret of secrets to any foreign government mostly foe who will pay her price and as a result all Americans are walking around with targets on their backs. She has already committed treason and should be sitting in a cell right now instead of roaming wild and free.

    Trump can and will save this country and that scares the hell out of the main stream, old guard government and media outlets. We need his help and leadership or we will all either be killed or for those willing to save their lives instead of country, will be walking around in robes (and they aren't pretty bathrobes either!).

  3. I'm a school teacher and I'm proud to vote for Trump

  4. 1113 you're in the minority. I was told by a group of school teachers a few months back that all Trump supporters were nothing but racists. Serious, I kid you not. One even said they would disown their child if they voted for Trump. Natural assumption they would on the whole be for Clinton regardless of her corruption and crime. Glad to see there are brilliant teachers out there who are a cut above the rest.

  5. Where were Pretl and Pagano when this happened????

  6. Democratic headquarters are being vandalized in many states as well. One in NC even firebombed. Bad apples in every crowd.

    1. That NC fire bombing was a Republican office.

  7. Plenty of camera's downtown I heard they already know the identities.

  8. After seeing this I've decided NOT to stay home on Tuesday. I'll be voting against the democrats down the ticket.

  9. 11:28 --

    They should also check on the whereabouts of Ireton and Josh Hastings!

  10. People , get a grip , I've told you so many times : This country is almost doomed because of one simple thing , religion . Without religion you have no ethics , no morals , no law or rules. The only thing I can tell you is "please be prepared" , if Hillary wins you lose , if Trump wins the liberals will go ape $hit , I'll say it again " be prepared" . Don't take this lightly!
    If you want a country without law or ethics vote for hillary , if you want to save your nation , vote for Trump.

  11. 11:29 I think it's you find the occasional good apple in any crowd of dems.

  12. I am a school teacher as well. GO TRUMP!!!!

  13. 12:06 sorry but I must have missed your memo on you telling us so many times.
    How wrongful of me to have not realized your importance.

  14. Where was the SPD future crime computer??

  15. 11:29 - ummm excuse me, it was a Republican office in NC that was firebombed. Google it!

  16. In my opinion Mr. Trump represents the neocons just as well as Hillary.
    So there will be a bigger police state at home, and more war abroad, regardless of who wins.
    The question is how will the Federal Reserve respond if Mr. Trump doesn't do what they want?
    That is where the danger lies.

    Mr. Trump may not be smart enough to understand that it is the Fed (and their partner Central Banks, ECB, IMF, World Bank, and BOJ) who run the world.

    Let's just hope we don't have to live through the tortures to our economy and way of life, in order for him to understand how the world really works.

    1. You will never convince these TRUMP TROLLS of that. FACT!!!

  17. Who did this? My guess would be young white males who are being paid to do it. Don't ask me why.

  18. 126 yeah that's right he's a neocon, that's why the establishment is against on both sides. Do you even know what a neocon is? All I can do is shake my head at such idiotic answers like this. Get out of the sticks.

  19. 1:02. Yes. Agreed. Both republican and democrat offices were firebombed in NC. Google it yourself.

  20. Their brain capacity is evident in their lack of ability to complete the word homophobics with a can of spray paint. Perhaps they didnt want to misspell it or didn't leave themselves enough room to finish it. With liberals being so open minded to terrorists (who chop gay's heads off and blow up gay Florida nightclubs) you'd think they could be a little less agressive to Republicans that call those terrorists out for those types of actions. Nah, they'd rather hold the hand of those who hold them down.

  21. 11:29 What are these many states where democrat officers are being vandalized. I've heard of one in NC and that was AFTER they announced they were raising money to donate to the GOP office that was firebombed.

    1. What do you think about Wikileaks? That's the 50k emails of pure corruption on the DNC! What do you think on your girls Open boarders idea? The removal of the second amendment? How about the expansion of Obamacare to cover mandatory addiction clinical care for going to the range once a year? How about Saudi Arabia giving 40 percent financial backing of Hillary clintons campaign? How about the 3 percent fica tax increase to pay for Obamacare gap?? Please explain your thoughts!

  22. 1:55 PM - I did google it and cannot find anywhere where a NC Democratic Office was firebombed. I saw where one had "Death to Capitalism" spray painted on it. There was even a quote from one of the workers stating "it's just paint." Just saying...

  23. November 6, 2016 at 11:12 AM

    I agree with you 100%!

  24. Being a registered republican,this peeved me off until I thought about it. I will be voting for Trump and didn't make the same mistake I did with Romney/Ryan. This time I sent funds to Trump instead of RNC. After this election I will get out of the RNC forever for obvious reasons and away from the election board too if Trump doesn't win. So, this is sad but I'll not worry over it.

  25. Obama has caused such intolerance during the past 8 years.

  26. Obama and his policies have not only let this behavior slide, he's promoted it to divide and conquer. See Alinski's Rules For Radicals. And it's Hillary's playbook, too, don't be fooled.

  27. I bet they are compassionate liberals. What a joke. And to those morons trying to defend the democrats here get a grip! Do a little research and you will find the conservatives are attack much more often. But I am sure you are too busy spray painting to do a little research.

  28. No charges in the new FBI investigation. Comey has put a black cloud on FBI forever.

  29. If a Hillary sign or a democratic headquarters were vandalized it would be all over the liberal media. Face the facts. Liberals are not the tolerate people they claim to be. They are little babies that throw a fit if they don't get their way. I hope Trump wins just for the fact I can watch all of them melt down. We will need safe spaces in safe spaces for all those ninnies.

  30. Where's smelly socialist Susan Parker now?! Where's the big article on this or are they too busy preparing their next brown nose report on Jimmy Ireton about how unfair the election was :( boo hoo.

    This is a REPUBLICAN area with Christians who have values and these gay gay gay dems spray painting places and all. It's because of ppl like Ireton and what he espouses.

  31. 917 I'm not surprised. He will say BS Tomorrow then the pretend polls will rocket up for her. Never in my life time have I ever seen so many people exposed for the vile people they really are.... First time we got a front row seat to the corruption of the White House. Up until now is always been conspiracy theories or right wing radicals and we were told it wasn't true don't pay attention to them... thanks to Trump we have ALL see it. Some of us won't admit it but deep down they see it too. vote trump


    1. 10:38. You're not racist are you? 😏

  33. Lets face it
    There will be one winner in this election
    The American public
    At least we will have a chance

  34. One more thing to make the Democrats look like ignorant trash.

  35. This is why I voted trump.

  36. True colors of the Democrats and others who support Hillary Clinton and their ways. Childish, illegal, criminal, blind-thinking, sub-human behaviors. THANK GOD they are not in the White House!


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