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Sunday, October 23, 2016

What If...

With the release of the WikiLeak emails, we've all seen how little the Democratic Party thinks of everyday Middle America. They've called us names, separated us by race, religion, sex, creed, and every other demographic under the sun. Don't get me wrong, I suspect the Republican Establishment is no better.

The DNC and Clinton campaign actually planned and executed violence against citizens should they go to Trump rallies. Their planner, Bob Creamer and his henchmen, admitted openly they've been doing this violent tactic for the last fifty years. Think about it, they plotted violence against us. They plotted to beat us, the voters, up in order to coerce us into accepting their corruption!

The patterns in DC have been hard to to miss, especially in the last twenty-thirty years. They have been, as Donald Trump puts it, abusing us while we pay for their existence with our tax money. They have flagrantly given our hard earned tax dollars away to refugees, hostile enemy states and without our permission or consent for much of this 'free giving.' They have volunteered our money for their pursuits in self-enrichment, while not caring whether or not we can feed our own families or keep a roof over our heads.

Spending money on refugees while our Veterans are live on the street or die waiting for proper healthcare, which Obamacare has never delivered on the multitude of promises given to us. Nancy Pelosi's words, more haunting now than they were in 2010, "You have to pass it to see what's in it..." are just one of a plethora slaps in the head we've all sustained at the hands of DC elites.

One thing we have to always remember is, they survive off our tax money. If we didn't pay taxes, they wouldn't have the revenue stream with which to work with in order to make themselves feel like they're doing something.

Over the last week, Thomas Jefferson's words have come up again and again about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed. Some comments have emanated that sedition is a crime. This is not exactly true, but I think there's a way to make a point without ever lifting a fist or firing a shot.

What would happen if one of these days in the not too distant future if, suddenly, no one went to work? What if we, like the enigmatic character from Atlas Shrugged, John Galt, just went on strike. What would happen if we were suddenly not there? Would they even notice?

It's not like we're being violent but it would be a shutdown of magnitude and the fact is, there would be nothing they could do about it.  No one would be paying taxes, buying anything, going anywhere - just spent the day with our kids, our pets or reading that book we've always wanted to read but never found the time. We, for once, could do something completely for ourselves and/or our family that didn't involve contributing to DC in some way shape or form.

What if we did this for a month -- going back to the Little House on the Prairie Days? Imagine the repercussions, if all of our society got in cahoots and decided it was time for a long, overdue holiday and just stopped feeding the Swamp in DC.

A General Strike might just be exactly what we need to do in order to finally be heard. Aren't you tired of being nothing but a vote to the DC Establishment?


  1. It may but who is willing to do it. We have been beaten to our knees and our children are pro Clinton , the brain washing has control over most young people. I will do it in a heart beat , of course being an old man who would join me?

  2. You'd rather continue to be brought to your knees where suicide is the only alternative because you just can't afford to pay to live anymore? Just amazing. I guess this 240 year old experiment has become a bust after all.

  3. Imagine if we had just stayed subjects of King George. The Leaves didn't share the complacency of Americans last June! Funny how the UK is freer now than America. Long live the Queen.

  4. Rember YOU always have a choice.

  5. Not all kids are pro-Clinton. She cheated Bernie out of the nomination. You underestimate the power of people who have been cheated! 820.

  6. I said this to my wife just last night! Not about work but what if we stopped paying our bills. She said, "You'd be arrested". I said, "By who".
    I have to go to work and so does my wife, but I don't need movies, I don't need dinners out, I don't need new clothes. That alone would start choking them.

  7. We the people have the power , but are afraid to use is , convince me that I'm wrong. AS one would say ." I'll fire the first shot " , but who will follow?
    This is not a separation of church and state , this is a separation of families . Too late people , it's over . Hillary doesn't have a clue about the military , your sons a daughters will vote her in . The reason she will win is because of your sons and daughters up-bringing and what you taught them .
    Most of you talk a bunch of crap but are afraid of your shadow , if you want your country back , you must take it , by any means possible . Do you understand that ? That means people will die , you want more inspiration?
    Survival of the fit ! Scared now! I'm not !

  8. 903 I don't think as many young people will vote for Clinton as you seem to believe. They know intrinsically that there is injustice lurking within her and that had anyone else committed the crimes she's committed, they would be in jail. People no matter what their upbringing, do have an internal sense of justice and fairness. You're over-estimating the Left's ability to influence because if you look at it, the Left actually causes people to envy the special people. In promoting such a envy, they inevitably set themselves up for doom when they prove they are among the chosen and special ones they teach other to hate.

  9. Many would rather sit around and complain about the way things are instead of having the balls to change how things are. They don't carry out big gestures so they always get the short end of the straws every times. It's their own fault. People who don't take big risks never achieve big wins! Don't hear successful people sitting around bitching about what could'a, would'a or should'a!

  10. LOL 1211 you just described that song, Ticky Tacky. People love the rote routines. They're a slave to the drone and have no right to bemoan.

  11. I think we should establish April 15th as the day to do this. I imagine many small business owners would even support it. I know I will.

    1. Why do it after change is done?! The fact is it needs to happen sooner than later! It's time DC realized we mean business.

  12. The Presidential Oath taken in 2005 and 2009 evidently meant nothing.


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