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Sunday, October 23, 2016


This is NOT about Benghazi. Yes. Hil-LIARy lied and yes people died. The military as you well know by know was ready to go and for reasons of attire indecision by Hil-LIARy, they didn’t go to the aid of Ambassador Stevens and company.

And then of course came the lie about Nakoula Basseley Nakoula’s video, “Innocence of Muslims” causing the attack on Benghazi. Another Hil-LIARy lie.

This alone should disqualify her for the presidency…among people with morals and integrity that is.

This commentary however, is about her greatest lie; The moralization of DURING BIRTH ABORTION. What dark-hearted cruel and evil must possess someone who condones this practice.

You’re heard it called PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION as though somehow that makes it better. The liberal tactic is to take control of the language and make evil sound good. Wrong sound right. Partial birth indicates the baby wasn’t born yet. But it happens DURING BIRTH. 

Not so easy to accept now, is it?  So let’s take back the language and call it DURING BIRTH ABORTION. Or is there a better term. Let's examine that question after we discuss how the procedure works.

WARNING for the faint of heart!!! There is graphic language ahead!!!

Here's the procedure…The abortionist pulls a living baby out of the mother’s womb and into the birth canal feet first. The head is deliberately lodged in place and held there by the abortionist just inside the opening to the mother’s womb. 

The abortionist then punctures the base of the baby’s skill with either a long surgical scissors or a pointed hollow tube.

Next, the abortionist pushes a catheter through the tube and into the baby's brain. 

The abortionist then uses a powerful vacuum to suck the baby’s brain out causing the skull to collapse. Then the abortionist removes the now dead baby from the mother’s body.

Still wanna call it partial birth abortion? Call it what it is. DURING BIRTH MURDER.

These murders are not rare. They are committed 3,000 to 5,000 times a year. The vast majority are committed in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on healthy babies and mothers.

Would you really want someone who is in favor of this murderous act to have the nuclear launch codes??? Or making decisions on a daily basis that affect your family??? Or making Supreme Court Justice appointments that will take away your rights??? Let me know what you think. Comment below.

And consider this…. A long habit of NOT thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right.

Yours in the Constitution,
Thomas Paine


  1. The pro choice people have been murdering babies for years. They just try to make it sound like it isn't so bad. Most abortions are the choice of the mother and done simply as birth control. However you look at it, it is still murdering innocent babies when you take a live birth baby and suck its brain out to kill it.

  2. I don't think a lot of people realize just exactly what an abortion does. They are led to believe it is a clean, harmless procedure and that it is no big deal. The truth however is far from that.

    I hold myself personally responsible for at least two abortions. In my younger days I was seeing a woman and got her pregnant at least twice, which she then had abortions to terminate the pregnancies. I didn't think much of it at the time, it was just something people did to get rid of a baby no one wanted.

    I was in my mid-twenties at the time. After the last abortion she convinced me to have a vasectomy done, which I did. Now that I am older and hopefully wiser, I am haunted by our decisions, especially after finding out exactly what they do when they perform an abortion.

    We will probably answer for those decisions one day, and I am sharing my story to maybe persuade someone else to think twice about it and find out exactly what happens in an abortion.

  3. I had a miscarriage. I'm still at a loss 13 years later. Couldn't fathom having an abortion!

  4. Get rid of Planned Parenthood. all Planned Parenthoods are is abortion clinics. They kill thousands of babies a year. They even sell baby parts from aborted babies. Just think about yourself or your own kids would not be here if you were aborted. Murder plain and simple in partial birth abortions. Full term babies ripped from mothers womb and brain sucked out of baby. Babies surviving this just discarded in a trash can or dumpster. Very sick and heartbreaking.


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